(A comment and/or question was posed on a Facebook post where the poster expressed ideas about the transitioning from one density to another, and expressed some thought about how he perceived this shift to occur. What follows below are my comment in reply to his post:)
It is possible for a walk in situation to occur because the spirit or soul exists within or without a physical vehicle, but I don't think this applies to the transition into a higher density because, just like this moment and this moment are different, yet somewhat similar due to the continuity from one to the next, it is imperceptible to tell where one moment ends and another begins.
When we transition from an infant to an adult, that process unfolds in such a way as to be natural and seamless. In the same way, transitioning into a higher density is seamless as well. As we move into higher densities, the perception of "solid" objects gradually evolves to where one begins to experience a broader spectrum of energy vibrational states, which show us that what once was perceived to be solid, was never solid at all. With the greater clarity and awareness which comes through evolving into a higher vibration where more is apparent and therefore perceived as "real" we naturally accept what is, is now our normal state of expression in being. Because the transition into higher densities is a natural process, there are no absolute and discernible moments where one could say, "okay, now we are in 4th density, okay now we are in 5th density, etc."
There has to be a shift in perspective and perception that a 3rd person perspective would enable, to look at an evolving being's life unfolding, and seeing it from a much wider perspective, sort of like a linear graph, this person could determine where the preponderance of expression in being has shifted from one density over 50% from the lower density. But that whole process is evolutionary, and doesn't typically occur in an instant.
What is important to a baby during its evolutionary process, is much different than what is important to a young child. And, what is important to a young child is different than what is important to an older person. When I say "important" I mean what is essential for their life expression to evolve and grow. To a baby, what is important is the presence of others to take care of it, to feed it, provide comfort, love and caring, food and shelter, etc. As the child grows, it's needs shift according to how it is able to take on some of those tasks and responsibilities for it's evolution and growth. So, in the early stages of 3rd density, it was very important to identify as a separate being, to facilitate independence and distinguish between what is perceived as helpful or harmful to the being. As we grow into higher densities, the ego sense takes a back seat to the greater awareness of our unity, even though there is apparent divisions and differences. Therefore, while one evolves, and grows in awareness, they do not cease to express an individual identity all of a sudden, but rather the need for such an individual identity (ego) becomes less necessary and more irrelevant to the being expressing in being.
At some point in expression in being, the perception and need for a singular linear expression in being (a single time line,) fades away, so that all time lines and all spaces are equally available and ultimately can be experienced simultaneously in whatever form is appropriate for that time line and space coupling experience.
I hope this makes sense and is useful towards greater clarity about what is unfolding here and now.
Blessings to us all.
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