A functioning lightbulb, with proper power applied to it, when turned on, radiates light. That is all it can do, because that’s how it was designed and therefore the nature of the bulb, it can only radiate light. It cannot radiate darkness.
As an evolving, conscious being (with intentions to grow and thrive in life expression,) one may use the lightbulb as an analogy for the nature of this being. When attuned to our true and natural state in being, we radiate the divine light of the Creator/Source of our being. But how brightly we shine depends upon how attuned we are to the flow of Creator/Source energy which is analogous with the electrical power for the bulb. The Source energy flows without restriction or limitations. It is ever present and ever flowing.
You might be wondering if this limitless power is eternally flowing, then why aren’t we all blasting this divine energy every moment of our life expressing.
The divine energy is a conscious, alert and aware energy; therefore the amount of flow we each experience is tailored to our own state in being, and regulated according to our expressions in being. By regulated according to our expressions in being, I mean to say, how we behave and our attitude in life expressing regulates the flow of energy we avail ourselves to. So, while we are perfectly expressing our divine nature, without limitations or restrictions, we fully flow the Creative/Source energy.
What does that look like, how does that feel?
One so attuned to Creative/Source energy is so empowered and energized and at such a high frequency of energy flow, that for a mortal physical being to be in the presence of this intensity and frequency of energy would totally annihilate him/her as an individual expression in being. This is like being in the presence of God the Almighty and from a power and frequency standpoint, the apex of being in expression.
At the other end of the spectrum where there is no energy flow, one so attuned would simply cease to exist.
Now, so you understand, those two examples are the extremes upon the spectrum of energy and frequency flow expressions.
Therefore, if it exists at all, it must have energy and frequency components to its being which enable its existence within being. Since you are reading this, I believe we can agree you exist and therefore are somewhere upon the scale of energy and frequency flow spectrum in being.
Another scale that may make more sense to you is the emotional scale. (If you search back through my blogs using “emotional scale” as your search criteria, you will find a blog where I expound upon that subject more fully.) Briefly, at the top of the emotional scale is pure bliss, and at the bottom of the emotional scale is total despair. Of course there are expressions in being which range between these two extremes.
As an evolving being upon the evolutionary scale, we express well-being in greater and lesser degrees. That is to say, when we are angry or sad, we are limiting the flow of our well-being, which is our natural state in being. When we are joyous, loving, happy, and fulfilled, we are fully immersed within our own well-being state in being. Some may tell you that when you are hateful and angry, you are separated from the Creative/Source energy of your being, but the truth is, when one is hateful and/or angry, they have restricted the energy flow of their well-being to the extent that an observer may say such a person is evil. In a clinical sense, such a person is very “sick” and requires help to move back up the emotional scale were well-being is once again realized and therefore some degree of joy, love, happiness and fulfilment can once again be experienced by that person. To “heal” such a person, he/she must ascend back up the emotional scale slowly and incrementally to regain some sense of well-being once again. If you are in the company of such a person, shining even a modest expression of well-being may incite more rage because, the chasm in expression of where they are emotionally expressing in being is too great for them to manage, therefore very painful for them to endure. This is similar (in a much lesser degree,) to a mortal being in the presence of God Almighty, the disparity between God and the mortal being is so great, the mortal couldn’t endure it.
This is where compassion comes in to play. As a consciously evolving being, immersed within the ideal state in well-being, it behooves us to treat others from a loving, caring, compassionate space rather than responding by lashing out at him/her in anger and fear which might normally be the response of someone who is still deluded or not fully consciously present in the here now moment by moment unfolding. A person who is more fully present in the here now moment by moment unfolding may act from a space of loving compassion, rather than reacting to the external situation or stimulus which is meant to provoke a reaction. A conscious being typically doesn’t lower their energy and frequency flow to meet that of a being expressing at a lower energy/frequency state in being. Instead, the conscious being maintains his/her centeredness within his/her own state in being, and radiates kindness and consideration for the other person’s state in being. When you realize the other person is suffering, doesn’t that engender compassion within you? Rather than thinking of a person as evil, might it be better to think of him/her in the true light of their being, as one who has lost his/her way and thereby suffers the consequences of being so lost. One can offer assistance to another; one can never impose his/her will upon another because in so doing, one becomes responsible for that imposition, and therefore karmically tied to that person. Always allow for freedom of choice.
As a loving being, it behooves you to stay true to your own loving beingness, and in so doing express lovingly in all that you think, do and say. This is the same as saying, a bulb can only radiate light; it cannot radiate darkness. As a loving being immersed within well-being it is your nature to express lovingly, and as a conscious being ever present in the here now moment by moment unfolding, to consciously treat others with the same loving compassionate consideration you like to experience in your own life. Inwardly, we are all connected, we are all truly ONE, and so rather than outwardly confronting an “evil” person by being overtly loving and kind to them, would not be in either person’s best interest. It is better to allow him/her his/her own space externally, while internally knocking on the door of the inner self which may be amiable towards receiving a helping hand and therefore assist such a person to regain their well-being from within rather than trying to force it from without.
If you consider yourself a kind, loving and compassionate person, let your thought, words and deeds be your expression in each moment as it unfolds. We can always grow in our kindness, in our loving caring, and in our compassion for others, so continue to grow and continue to express your divinity more fully which also mean, allowing others the same freedom of expression in being you enjoy.
Blessings to us all!