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Sunday, December 29, 2019

It is a matter of Identity.

When One dwells in Unity Consciousness, Oneness Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, where is the "other"? If there is an "other" it exists because I, as the creator of my own reality, have made it so. I have a choice. 

One realizes, (makes real) that which is identified with, therefore, within choice there is Duality which manifests out of the ONE.

When it was said, Love thy neighbor as thyself, doesn't that guide towards awakening into Unity Consciousness? If I love "you", am I actually loving my Self? If I harm "you", am I actually harming my Self?

The level of unity awareness one expresses/dwells within is manifest according to that awareness. 

Blessings to us all!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Working On Ourselves

When people pay so much attention to what others are doing, or not doing, they aren't able to realize what they themselves are doing.

To change the world, paying attention to how I am being, and how I am acting, empowers me to change how I perceive and act in the world I experience.

Paying most of my attention upon how others are being and acting, does little to make my life experiencing better, rather, it lowers my vibration and disburses my creative power so little to no change can take place.

As an example for what I wrote above, you can't sit and stand at the same time, you got to choose which one you want to do. (pay attention to your own journey in life, or pay attention to another's journey in life.)

Working on our own faults is far more effective than trying to fix the faults we perceive in others. When we've cleaned the lense of our own perception, we can clearly see and be true to our own Divinity.

Blessings to us all.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Blessings To Us All!

One of the things about meditation that I've learned is to let whatever happens be okay. That is to say, I don't intentionally or unintentionally judge what is happening. If I was judging, I was identifying with a certain perspective which determined whether what was happening or not happening was either good or bad. When I let everything be okay, I become the observer, and when I find myself engaging with the inner monologue, I return to "All is ONE, ONE is all" as a sort of centering mantra. When I feel some sort of negative emotion, I say to myself internally, "Blessings to us all." I've found this to be very effective in letting go of errant feelings. So, Blessings to us all!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Ever Present in Each Moment - Joy

In my experience, I've noticed, the cause of despair or the like, is generally because I'm not focusing on the Here Now, moment by moment unfolding, but rather on some imaginary future, or an imaginary lack of future. The Joy of Life is to be found in Each Moment Lived. NOW is the moment. If you are in the desert of despair, it may require looking and seeking the joy that is ever present, but because of the despair, not apparent. Relax, return to the Here Now, breath deeply and relax into this moment by moment unfolding of the joy in your life, right here, right now. Ever present while we are ever in Presence during the unfolding of our life expressing. Blessings to us all!

Thursday, December 5, 2019


Each of us has our own path in life. We mostly know what our life is like, and how we deal with our own life experiencing. As Cody said, pay attention to how you are being, and be the best version of yourself that you can be. Be honest, kind, courteous, considerate and be mindful of doing the best job you can. Doing all that is a lot to take care of, and so you might find you have little time to focus on what someone else is or isn't doing. When you remain centered within your own presence, you remain peaceful and therefore, life is good. It matters less what is going on outside of you, than what is going on inside of you. Find joy in each moment lived, and don't make it dependant upon how anyone else acts or treats you. Each day, each moment of joy you dwell within, is the beautiful necklace of your life, each moment is a pearl of great value in that necklace. When you find yourself getting frustrated, or angry, stop, breath deeply and center yourself. Return to your center where joy resides. Be well.

Saturday, November 16, 2019


Forgiveness, as I see it, is when I realize I've erroneously seen flaws in a being which is flawless. Since I create my own reality, by seeing flaws, I bring them forth into manifestation. When I finally realize what I've done, I don't do that anymore, I see each manifestation in the light of their own Divinity and perfection. So, forgiveness is having seen my own error, and corrected it, so the error no longer manifests in my perception of the reality I experience. I lift the burden I've placed upon another by correcting my perception, to clearly see each being as a perfect expression of the Divine.

As long as we look for flaws we are thereby bringing them forth in manifestation. As long as we look for Divinity, we are thereby bringing forth Divinity into manifestation, or actually dissolving our misconceptions, because what Source has created is and has always been Divine.

Forgiveness may be considered an act of cleaning the lense of our own perception.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Eternal Now, Eternally Changing, Yet Always Now.

One can assume the perspective that everything in life expression is some sort of guidance towards or away from the Presence we are experiencing and acting within the moment by moment unfolding. Presence is truly our only expression, yet we taint it with thoughts and or emotions which distort the clarity in being which is our Truly Divine expression in being. Cleaning the lense of our consciousness, allows us to see clearly, which is important in that it facilitates making decisions based upon love, compassion, caring, and similar expressions in being. According to Abraham/Hicks emotions are guidance indicators like a compass, which if considered as guidance, can help us find our way back onto the path of our Divine expression. Lower vibrational expressions like anger and hatred, jealousy and the like, are indicators we are moving away from the TRUTH of our being. Loving, Joyous, caring emotions are indicators we are at least moving towards the true expression of our Divine Beingness. Growth, Wellness, Joy, Expansion, are all found when we are fully present in the here now, moment by moment unfolding. Now is the time, there is only the ever changing now, unfolding eternally. Blessings to us all.

The Difference?

When all is valued as equal, one might ask, what is the difference between our Divine Self, and our "normal" human self?

The only difference, is when we are embodying our Divine expression in human form, we are expressing in our full potential state in being. When we are expressing in our "normal" human state in being, we aren't expressing our full potential in being.

It doesn't have to take years of meditation, self sacrifice, isolation in a cave, etc., to come into the expression of our full potential. What it does take, is being fully present in each moment as it unfolds, and expressing divinely at whatever stage of development we find ourselves in as the moment by moment unfolds within us, and around us.

You are already a Divine Being, it isn't something you have to earn or work towards, rather the work is to uncover and realize what you truly are.

Blessings to us all!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Greta Thunberg's Efforts Regarding Climate Change

Whether the climate change push is a real one or not, depends on the accuracy and true value of the information these climate change thoughts are based upon. There is so much misinformation on all topics of value, weeding through it all, to determine what is actually factual and what isn't is a daunting endeavor. I commend Greta for her taking a stand, and sticking to it. She doesn't suffer from apathy, as much of the Earth's population does. If she is able to snap humanity out of it's apathy, then she has truly done a great service to our existence upon this ball traveling through space. Be kind to each other, help each other, unite with each other to overcome the obstacles life challenges you with. While as an individual, what we can do is very limited, (from a physical point of reference,) but united as a race with the common intent to thrive and grow, physically, spiritually and mentally, we can not fail. Unity is our power and love and compassion are our compass. Be well. Be the change you want to see in the world. Blessings to us all.

Monday, October 28, 2019

I Don't See Them As Random Occurrences

The clue to me that something is fishy about the fires in California, is they have a "fire season" just like they have a "flu season." Sure there may be circumstances which engender fires and illnesses, but if it is a naturally occurring event, they are typically not on a schedule, they may more likely happen randomly throughout the year. Regardless of what the causes are, these disasters, not only in California, but all over the world, are indications of forces which have no regard for the well-being of the people, places and things adversely affected by such events. The typical programed response might be, kill those bastards, but that is the mentality "they" promote to get us to fight with each other, and since they reside in their ivory towers, they have no fear of danger to themselves and/or their circle of friends and families. The enlightened approach, as I see it, is to dive deep within our own being, to that place where we are one, and from there, radiate love and compassion to all the dark, misguided souls who instigate and facilitate such crimes against nature and humanity. When conscience awakens within such beings, they may regret what they've caused, and truly repent, mend their ways, and work to expand the well-being of all. Love, compassion, caring and sharing are character traits, along with clarity and wisdom, we each would do well to cultivate within our own life expressing. Blessings to us all.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

It is a matter of identity.

Do you identify yourself as a separate being or do you identify yourself as being one with all that is? When you comprehend our oneness, it is obvious that how we treat others is how we are treating our greater Self. To be of service to others, is to realize there is no "other." and in this realization, we express our divinity, our divine love, compassion, and caring and radiate it from the center of our being, Source flows through our thoughts, words and deeds. So, are you being helpful, promoting and expressing well-being? Light the spark of love light within your being, fan it with every thought, words and deed, then radiate this as the Sun radiates to all unconditionally. When we find fault with others, it is seeing the fault within our own perceptions, it is expressing the smudge on the lense of our perception which does not allow us to perceive truly and clearly. When we want to change others, remember there are no "others." Changing our own expression in being automatically changes how we perceive "others." The ascension process is sort of like taking a gentle shower, washing off the misconceptions, the distortions, fears, guilt, etc. which once washed down the drain, leaves only our pure, beautiful, magnificence as Source created us. In the moments after such a shower, we can truly say with awareness, "I and my Father are ONE." Be the light, be the love, be the ascension you want to see in the world, and it will be so. Blessings to us all.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The World is Full of Controllers

This world is full of people who think it is necessary for someone else to change in order for them to be happy and fulfilled, and there are may places where such behavior is not only taught, but encouraged.

I've said it before, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

The matter I'd like to point out here is that even though he is overtly controlling and demanding, you too are wanting to control him in that you want him to stop being controlling of you. He wants you to be different than you are, and you want him to be different than he is. It looks like a reflection of our own energy when we consider it objectively.

There is a way to find the peace and love (by the way, love isn't dependency, it is a state in being where you care deeply for yourself and radiate that to others via the way you interact with them,)

What can we control most effectively? It may not be very easy when you first attempt to do it, but gaining self control is where your power resides, where your well-being expresses most fully, when that self control is expressed in a kind and loving way. Sitting in a quiet place, where you won't be distracted or disturbed for a period of time, closing your eyes, and focusing your attention upon your breathing, in and out, calmly and without forcing, settles you and brings you closer to your true essence in being, where your divinity is present. It expresses when we are fully present in the moment by moment unfolding, as we consciously, with loving intention and attention walk the path of our life.

When we make someone do something they don't want to do, which doesn't engender well-being, that sends a message via our vibrational state, to the creative forces in the universe, that creates an imbalance in our state in being. In order for balance to be restored, what we've done to someone else must come back to us as the receiver of what we dished out. That is basically how Karma works. That is why I suggest treating others with love, kindness, compassion and caring, because as you express that way of life, it is telling the universe, "more of this, please." You can't pretend to be loving, caring and compassionate, you really have to fully embody those character traits in order to actually vibrate in that frequency of energy vibration.

During meditation, you can set the intention to find clarity, and guidance which will help you navigate your life in such a way that you are able to regain your balance, your pure and beautiful expression in being. Such guidance may come to you in your daily life, in unexpected ways, so be on the look out for what life is showing you and telling you.

I apologize for this being so long, but I hope what I've written is helpful.

By the way, let love be the light which radiates from the center of your being, allow it to radiate fully and freely, without conditions or expectations. You ARE a beautiful being of loving light, and you deserve all the beauty and wonderful things and people life has to offer to you.

Contrary to what Fyuri wrote, don't stop loving. Be the light which awakens the same in everyone around you. Consider our Sun, it radiates it's light unconditionally to the good, the bad and everyone and everything in between. Let that be the example for how you allow your love to grow and flow.

Blessings to us all!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Celebrate the Small Stuff...

Breath, without it there are no successes, therefore celebrate even the things normally taken for granted. If you have a hard time breathing, you understand how precious it is, and how significant it is to take a breath successfully.

While consciously breathing, consider the love at the heart of your being. When you can breath in joy, and exhale any pain, suffering or unwanted attachments, you are succeeding at lifting your vibration into a more harmonious life supporting space.

Celebrate life because it is a gift, the Present is where it all happens, so open up your present and thrive in bliss.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Responding From a Loving Space

A functioning lightbulb, with proper power applied to it, when turned on, radiates light. That is all it can do, because that’s how it was designed and therefore the nature of the bulb, it can only radiate light. It cannot radiate darkness.

As an evolving, conscious being (with intentions to grow and thrive in life expression,) one may use the lightbulb as an analogy for the nature of this being. When attuned to our true and natural state in being, we radiate the divine light of the Creator/Source of our being. But how brightly we shine depends upon how attuned we are to the flow of Creator/Source energy which is analogous with the electrical power for the bulb. The Source energy flows without restriction or limitations. It is ever present and ever flowing.

You might be wondering if this limitless power is eternally flowing, then why aren’t we all blasting this divine energy every moment of our life expressing.

The divine energy is a conscious, alert and aware energy; therefore the amount of flow we each experience is tailored to our own state in being, and regulated according to our expressions in being. By regulated according to our expressions in being, I mean to say, how we behave and our attitude in life expressing regulates the flow of energy we avail ourselves to. So, while we are perfectly expressing our divine nature, without limitations or restrictions, we fully flow the Creative/Source energy.

What does that look like, how does that feel?

One so attuned to Creative/Source energy is so empowered and energized and at such a high frequency of energy flow, that for a mortal physical being to be in the presence of this intensity and frequency of energy would totally annihilate him/her as an individual expression in being. This is like being in the presence of God the Almighty and from a power and frequency standpoint, the apex of being in expression.

At the other end of the spectrum where there is no energy flow, one so attuned would simply cease to exist.

Now, so you understand, those two examples are the extremes upon the spectrum of energy and frequency flow expressions.

Therefore, if it exists at all, it must have energy and frequency components to its being which enable its existence within being. Since you are reading this, I believe we can agree you exist and therefore are somewhere upon the scale of energy and frequency flow spectrum in being.

Another scale that may make more sense to you is the emotional scale. (If you search back through my blogs using “emotional scale” as your search criteria, you will find a blog where I expound upon that subject more fully.) Briefly, at the top of the emotional scale is pure bliss, and at the bottom of the emotional scale is total despair. Of course there are expressions in being which range between these two extremes.

As an evolving being upon the evolutionary scale, we express well-being in greater and lesser degrees. That is to say, when we are angry or sad, we are limiting the flow of our well-being, which is our natural state in being. When we are joyous, loving, happy, and fulfilled, we are fully immersed within our own well-being state in being. Some may tell you that when you are hateful and angry, you are separated from the Creative/Source energy of your being, but the truth is, when one is hateful and/or angry, they have restricted the energy flow of their well-being to the extent that an observer may say such a person is evil. In a clinical sense, such a person is very “sick” and requires help to move back up the emotional scale were well-being is once again realized and therefore some degree of joy, love, happiness and fulfilment can once again be experienced by that person. To “heal” such a person, he/she must ascend back up the emotional scale slowly and incrementally to regain some sense of well-being once again. If you are in the company of such a person, shining even a modest expression of well-being may incite more rage because, the chasm in expression of where they are emotionally expressing in being is too great for them to manage, therefore very painful for them to endure. This is similar (in a much lesser degree,) to a mortal being in the presence of God Almighty, the disparity between God and the mortal being is so great, the mortal couldn’t endure it.

This is where compassion comes in to play. As a consciously evolving being, immersed within the ideal state in well-being, it behooves us to treat others from a loving, caring, compassionate space rather than responding by lashing out at him/her in anger and fear which might normally be the response of someone who is still deluded or not fully consciously present in the here now moment by moment unfolding. A person who is more fully present in the here now moment by moment unfolding may act from a space of loving compassion, rather than reacting to the external situation or stimulus which is meant to provoke a reaction. A conscious being typically doesn’t lower their energy and frequency flow to meet that of a being expressing at a lower energy/frequency state in being. Instead, the conscious being maintains his/her centeredness within his/her own state in being, and radiates kindness and consideration for the other person’s state in being. When you realize the other person is suffering, doesn’t that engender compassion within you? Rather than thinking of a person as evil, might it be better to think of him/her in the true light of their being, as one who has lost his/her way and thereby suffers the consequences of being so lost. One can offer assistance to another; one can never impose his/her will upon another because in so doing, one becomes responsible for that imposition, and therefore karmically tied to that person. Always allow for freedom of choice.

As a loving being, it behooves you to stay true to your own loving beingness, and in so doing express lovingly in all that you think, do and say. This is the same as saying, a bulb can only radiate light; it cannot radiate darkness. As a loving being immersed within well-being it is your nature to express lovingly, and as a conscious being ever present in the here now moment by moment unfolding, to consciously treat others with the same loving compassionate consideration you like to experience in your own life. Inwardly, we are all connected, we are all truly ONE, and so rather than outwardly confronting an “evil” person by being overtly loving and kind to them, would not be in either person’s best interest. It is better to allow him/her his/her own space externally, while internally knocking on the door of the inner self which may be amiable towards receiving a helping hand and therefore assist such a person to regain their well-being from within rather than trying to force it from without.

If you consider yourself a kind, loving and compassionate person, let your thought, words and deeds be your expression in each moment as it unfolds. We can always grow in our kindness, in our loving caring, and in our compassion for others, so continue to grow and continue to express your divinity more fully which also mean, allowing others the same freedom of expression in being you enjoy.

Blessings to us all!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

The Power of Truth, Integrity and Authenticity

There is a vibration which is expressing from Source through you, your body, mind and spirit. This vibration is the purest essence of being, and is expressing as you through you. When we are attuned to our own divine essence in being, we are expressing TRUTH, INTEGRITY and AUTHENTICITY naturally, without effort or forethought.

What is the effect of attuning to and being in harmony with this Source connection in being?

The infinite power in being IS and originates and radiates out to and in all manifestation. When we are in TRUTH, we avail ourselves of this power because in being so attuned and in harmony with this vibrational state, there is no natural resistance to the powerful flow of resultant energy flow.

It may be then understood, when one is so attuned, whatever words come out of your mouth are also expressions of the TRUTH, the Source of/in your here now moment by moment expression in being. What you say is powerful because its power originates from Source, and so long as one is without resistance to the flow of Source energy, the results can be nothing but the TRUTH.

So, the first step is to come into harmony in being with the true Source of your being. This can be accomplished by setting in quiet contemplative meditation where your intention is to align with and be directly in the flow of Divine Source Energy Vibrations. This is a very uplifting experience, but one which may take a lot of practice and diligent repetition to become fully immersed within the flow of Divine Energy. So, I suggest making such meditation practice a daily routine.

Secondly, during our moment by moment unfolding in our daily lives, we maintain our alignment with the Source Energy, the TRUTH which IS our being, and in so doing, speak honestly and truthfully as we communicate with those in our life expression. Behind the verbal expressions is the loving, supportive expression which engenders the same in those who you communicate with. Your TRUTH may be instrumental in awakening the realization of another’s Source essence in being, and of course this is experienced as joy as it unfolds. If there is any resistance to this powerful energy flow, one may experience such resistance as a diminished energy flow, one may find they aren’t motivated, or lack the energy to do the things they need to do, let along make progress upon the path of awakening to their own divinity. Not only is there a restricted flow of Source Energy, but also a tendency to express untruthfully. In the state of resistance to one’s own divinity, pain and suffering build up and clog the flow of divine source energy flow which contributes to perceptions and expression in falsehoods.

If you are a person who has found it easy to lie to others, you are likely limiting the flow of source energy available to you. This energy facilitates your expression in being and if one is out of alignment with the Divine flow of energy, aberrant expressions are likely to show up within your moment by moment unfolding in being. Let your life show you where you are out of alignment, and make course corrections to bring you back on track, returning to the center of the path in life expression.

As an analogy, TRUTH is like a rock. It is permanent, firm, immovable and unalterable. Falsities are even less substantial than a mist or cloud in the sky. They have little to no support and easily fade away. They do not support the one who expresses falsely, and their path in life is tenuous at best. And those who fall prey to their deception are likewise not supported because there is no substance to what they’ve believed to be true. The thing is if you believe a lie, you are temporarily sustained by the belief in the lie, but once you realize it is a lie, the support vanishes because the support you experienced was an illusion, there was never any real support there because there was never Truth there to provide support.

One way those who are immersed in being deceptive function is they twist the truth so there is some truth in what they say, which give what they say some substance and support, so it is easier to believe their lies. Even so, when one realizes they’ve been lied to, whatever little truth was contained in what they’ve believed isn’t sufficient to keep them afloat, so they may sink in despair at the loss of what they once may have held so dearly and in high regard.

There is little or no value in being untruthful. Is it really better to lie to someone to spare their hurt feelings, or is it better to be truthful, where TRUTH is truly supportive of well-being. In the long run, being honest is always better than being dishonest. Sometimes it is not easy to be truthful because others have been so accepting of lies, (where there is no support to their well-being) that it seems like the right thing to do, to lie to another person. In the short term, it may result in no harm to the one lied to, but eventually, when the truth is revealed, that lie make come back to haunt the liar, particularly if the liar was doing it to intentionally deceive another.

When we are true to our own Source Being, we express well-being, harmony, abundance, love and peace within our own life expressing. May we all abide within the strong supportive arms which hold us lovingly in Divine embrace.

Blessings to us all!

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Love Thy Neighbor...

The way I approach the "Love thy neighbor as thyself," idea is this:

We are all creations of the Source, (God if you want to use that word,) and within each of us is the divine spark of the Source within each of us, so when we identify with this spark of divinity, in our own self, we can more easily see it in others as well. So, in a manner of speaking, to love your neighbor (who is a spark of divinity created by God,) is actually to love yourself because that very same spark of divinity dwells within each of us. That doesn't mean you have to love what your neighbor does, or doesn't do, but rather look deeper behind their actions, and find that spark within, which is the same as the spark within you, and love them. When we do this, we fan the spark into a flame within our own being, and thereby also provide the opportunity to our neighbor, to realize their own spark of divinity, which in the light of your own loving expression, enables them to fan their own spark into a flame of divine love. At the end, (if there really IS an end,) Source is all that has ever really existed, and will always exist. All the trivialities of life come and go, but God is always within us, even in our own darkest hour. Think of your inner light as a bulb, it radiates out to the world. It doesn't need praise or worship, it just radiate it's light because that is what a bulb does. Follow this example, just radiate your light, and you will not only bring light to your own path, but to the path of others around you.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The World You See Is a Reflection

I've heard the earth is moving through an intense energy field in our galaxy, which brings out and or up to the surface, issues we have to clear out and resolve in order to function within the more pristine energy fields we are moving into. That is to say, in reference to vibrational expressions, the lower vibrational expressions will not be within the range of expressions as we move up this evolutionary ladder. So, if you are triggered by what you see in the world around you, consider what it actually is within your own being, which causes the triggering. The external world is our mirror, and therefore shows us stuff we have to heal within our own being and expression in being. When we work on our own "sh_t" we will find we have very little time to criticise and condemn others because, we have our own mess to clean up. Once we clean up our own being, the external world will show us that purer state in being, remember the external world is our mirror of our greater SELF in being.

So, heal your self, heal your attitudes, heal your body, mind and spirit. The results will show you how beautiful this world is, and how beautiful YOU are.

Blessings to us all.

Friday, August 9, 2019

The Effects of Social Engineering in Today's Society..

These electronic hypnotizing devices (cellphones,) are a means to take people out of there Here Now moment by moment unfolding. That means, they aren't connecting to their own divinity which can only be consciously linked up with in the moment by moment unfolding, or in Presence. So, if you are a person who pays more attention to the screen on your device than you do to people you are with, and you meditate for 10 - 20 minutes a day, it is pretty much a waste of your time to meditate because once you leave the meditative state, "presence" you fall back in to the unconscious programmed behavior patterns.  Although, consistently meditating every day, even if for only 10 - 20 minutes, can help break you out of the unconscious existence patterns.

When you are with people in a social environment, do yourself and others a favor, turn off your devices and really be present with each other.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

What is Meditation?

Something to consider:

What is meditation?

It is the practice of presence.

Why should I meditate everyday?

Being fully present in each moment as it unfolds, holds the key to making conscious choices to best arrive at thoughts, words and deeds which contribute towards well-being.

In order to develop continual presence, start by sitting in meditation, then eventually, let each moment be a practice of presence/meditation.

Set your intention, and make it so.

Grace and blessings to us all.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Wow! Yeah that's Right!

Something occurred to me regarding the size of the cosmos.

If every person on Earth right now had their own galaxy, with all it's stars and planets, that would amount to, by comparison, the size of one grain of sand in a desert full of grains of sand.

Does that mean we are insignificant? No, not at all. The fact that we can even consider a concept like this is HUGE.

And when we go a step or two further, we can realize that we are one with all of that. Now, that is definitely a WOW! realization.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Regarding Music and How it Affects Us

When we take things as a whole, the value of balance is paramount above all other considerations, that is to say seeing the value of both the positive and the negative as integral to the manifestation process.  This of course applies to music and all aspects of our lives.

The intention behind any activity, thought or emotion is key in directing the energy made manifest through the music, as well as other things we say, do and think. Heart based vibrations embrace growth, expansion and wholeness, promoting harmony and peace.

You can easily tell, when listening to a variety of music, the effects continued listening to a particular genre of music has on your attitude and mood. What happens when you listen to music which is very loud, with heavy pounding beats, and vocals which scream the lyrics at you? What happens when you listen to the gentle trickling sounds of a babbling brook, when you hear birds singing in the background? What happens when you listen to a lullabye being sung to a child or loved one? These are experiments you can easily do and then be cognizant of what the effects on your mood and physiology are.

If you think something is bad for you, be cognizant of whether it really is or not, then if you determine it is in fact bad for you, it behooves you not to do that any more. Conversely, if you think something is good for you, be cognizant of whether it really is or not as well.

At the end of the day, it is your life, and your choices direct the unfolding of your experiencing and journey in life. It is my hope, you will always make wise choices, and learn from those choices which stray away from wisdom.

Grace and Blessings to us all!

We Are All Children Of The Divine

When interacting with others, whether they are your children, someone else's children or complete strangers, look past the outward appearance and actions, and see the perfection, and beauty of their divinity within. If you are always looking at their divinity, you will transcend the lesser character traits they physically and emotionally express. We are all children of the Divine, therefore, at our heart we are Divine. As we awaken to this fact, we will begin to create heaven on Earth, one thought, one action, and one emotion at a time.

Make sure you sincerely express your appreciation for everyone and everything in your life, because doing so, lifts you up and plants the seeds for more life experiences to appreciate. An easy form of appreciation is to tell those who do things for you, "Thank you!"

Thank you for reading this.  I appreciate your doing so.  If it is helpful, share freely.

Grace and Blessings to us all.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bless This Food to My Use, and Bless me to Thy Use.

When working with any food preparation, the attitude you are holding while working with the food can be imbued into the food. I mention this because you are using your hands a lot to handle the food.  It is a good idea to have loving, kind thoughts while working the food with your hands, as well as feelings of appreciation and gratitude for the food you are preparing.

All of what I just wrote may sound strange, but I'm sure you've heard the saying, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." And, you can prove this to your own satisfaction by consciously imbuing the food you are preparing with thoughts and emotional energy which you can recognize by how those who eat it behave after having eaten it.

I know from personal experience that the attitude and feelings you put into your food, DO have an effect on those who partake of it, and of course that include you too.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Hold On To Your Power and Sovereignty

I got this idea from the ECETI video I just watched. I think it is a key idea to facilitate getting our own power back and establishing our own individual sovereignty as a conscious intelligent being in manifestation.

Regarding elections: When you cast your vote for someone on a ballot, by doing so, you are giving your power away to that person. Once he/she is elected, you no longer have a say in each decision, which effects your well-being and welfare any more.

Those in political offices are our employees, we don't work for them, they are suppose to work for us. If you own a business and your employee(s) isn't/aren't serving your business, you have the power to fire them, and then hire someone who WILL serve your business appropriately. And, you don't have to wait 4 years to fire them, and replace them.

When we take back our power, and stop giving it away so easily and freely, we will begin to see a society which is more in line with cosmic law and in harmony with how Source works.

Grace and Blessings to us all!

Link to the ECETI video I mentioned above.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

You Are Incorruptible...

When one is centered within their Divine Radiance, attuned to Source, there is only one's own wavering which enables "dark forces" to have any influence within your life expressing.

Stay centered, and radiate your Divine Light Beingness which is incorruptible. ("They" are only faint wisps of the shadow your radiance cast. Only when you believe "they" can harm you, will "they" be able to harm you. So you see, you are harming yourself by the beliefs you entertain.)

Grace and Blessings to us all!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

From Opposites to Polarities

Instead of thinking in terms of opposites, think in terms of polarity of the same thing. Good is the polarity of Bad, Right is the polarity of Wrong, etc. This enables you to flip the coin over and realize the other side is still the same coin.

Changing from viewing the "opposites" to the "polarities" shifts you from a dualistic state of reference to a Oneness state of reference.

So, the saying, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." is an opposites point of view because it engenders duality, i.e.; "you" and "others."

In Oneness awareness, "you" and "others" are aspects of the same being expressing individuality on a grand scale.

Blessing and Grace to us all.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Creative Principles

The proper use of any basic principle of creation, is clearly established and used once one transcends the mind caught up in duality thinking. Wisdom is realized as one embraces oneness as the primal impetus for further manifestations in the realms of polarity expressions.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Diversity is Essential...

Just a reminder:

Diversity is the engine which facilitates growth and expansion, without it, no one or no thing has the option to change.

A dying race is one where diversity isn't allowed to exist, a race where differences aren't appreciated and celebrated.

Let us not fall into the trap of sameness

Blessings to us all.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Unity in the Community

Unity in the Community faces other forces which want to create divisions and break down community all together. United we are invincible, and they know that, so causing separations and divisions between us serves their nefarious agendas. The first step to unity in the community, is to be present in the moment by moment unfolding, and find unity and harmony within your own energy vibration field/body/mind/spirit. This then radiates out to the community and provide the impetus for other's vibrations to be lifted as well. So, all the work we have to do, is within our own sphere of being and control, everything else falls in to place naturally once we have practiced our own unity and harmony within our own being. Blessings to us all. :)

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Prayer: "an earnest request or wish"

How often have you recited the Lord's Prayer without considering the actual meaning of what you are reciting as a prayer?  I'm going to guess, a majority of people just recite it like a parrot, similar to how people recite the "Pledge of Allegiance" without considering what it actually means.  You may not agree with what is written below, and that is fine,.  I encourage you to consider how YOU would define the actual meaning for yourself.


Our Father, (This signifies a patriarchal relationship system. If it wasn’t such a system reference, it might have been stated “Our Parents” which would include both the Mother and Father figures in a human family tree. You may notice, there is seldom a reference in the Bible to the Mother figure, and that may be because of the patriarchal system of control. In human terms, the Father is only half the equation in the creation of a child, the Mother is also necessary, unless some advanced technology was used in the creation process where humanity was the result of a “test tube baby” science experiment.)

who art in heaven, (Heaven is defined as: the expanse of space that seems to be over the earth like a dome, which may indicate the “Father” resides out in space, possibly on another planet or spaceship.)

Hallowed be thy Name, (a synonym for hallowed: holy exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness. Why is just the name to be exalted? Is the name more important than the being who has that name?)

Thy kingdom come, (this refers back to the patriarchal system of control. Definition of Kingdom: a politically organized community or major territorial unit having a monarchical form of government headed by a king or queen.)

Thy will be done, (This implies servitude to the patriarch, giving away free will and choice in favor of being of service to the patriarch.)

On earth as it is in heaven. (This indicates the extent of control being applied to earthlings as it is applied to those who reside on other planets or spaceships in our “heavens” or sky.)

Give us this day our daily bread. (This is part of the servitude attitude where the servants depend on the patriarch to provide their sustenance.)

And forgive us our trespasses, (Again the patriarchal system where the one lords over and therefore has the power to “forgive” trespasses. This may also relate to being a servant who abides by the rule of the patriarch.)

As we forgive those who trespass against us. (this may be referring to the practice of “do to others as you would have them do to you.”

And lead us not into temptation, (if the patriarch was truly “holy,” or “hallowed” He would not lead his children into temptation, except for the lessons of choice that may be contained therein, but since “thy will be done” above doesn’t indicate a freedom of choice, so those under the rule would follow the leader like sheep, even off a cliff.)

But deliver us from evil. (this is representative of duality, i.e., good and its opposite, evil. It implies we can’t extricate ourselves from evil, or living against the rule, by our own actions and choices, another indication of being a servant to the patriarch.)

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. (This reiterates the patriarchal system as being absolute, and expresses ownership and control over that which is owned. In other words, we are owned, not actually deemed to be actual children of the Father, only those who are in service to the Father’s power and glory.)

Amen. (Definition: so be it, or as Pickard of Star Trek would say, “Make it so.”)

A possible restating of this prayer:

Our Creator who lives in space, revered be your name. May your ruler ship be established on Earth as it is in space, with humanity in subservience to your will. Provide us with sustenance, and forgive us our wrong doings as we forgive those who’ve done us wrong. Don’t lead us into temptation and protect us against what is against your will. So be it.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Markings, Images (Tattoos) on the Body

As I understand it, some geometric images are conducive towards flowing energy, some mandalas are very effective at this, so the design and placement of such images may contribute to one's energy field based upon the geometry represented on the body. Regardless of what the image is, it can have either a positive energy effect, or a negative energy effect based upon your own state in being, and the state in being of those who view it. What I mean is, the same image can evoke good energy when viewed by one person and the opposite energy when viewed by someone else. Personally, I choose not to mark up my body temple because at this point in my awareness, I don't know where the river of my life will flow into the future. I have a general idea, but the bends and turns in the river of my life are changeable without restrictions being place upon it due to markings on my body.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Something to Consider

Consider this:

Whatever anyone else says or thinks is only as pertinent and/or important to your life expressing as you make it. That being said, even the stuff I offer fits into this category.

When we awaken to our True expression in being, and consciously create, each of us steers our own ship upon the seas of life expression in being according to our own wishes and desires.

Sunday, June 23, 2019


The words we speak are not the things we speak of. What do I mean by that?
In English banana is a fruit
In Spanish plátano is the word use to describe this same fruit.
In French banane is the word use to describe this same fruit.

So you see, different words are used in different languages to indicate the exact same thing.

The point I'm getting at is the words we use are a means of communicating, if we agree that the word banana represents a specific fruit, then we can use this word and others who've assigned the same meaning to that word will understand what we are talking about.

Overall, all languages are similar in this way. The words or sound vibrations made when speaking those words, do not truly vibrationally express that which is referred to.

Word vibrations which DO vibrationally express that which they refer to are sometimes used as mantras because they induce the vibration of that which they represent.

AUM is one such mantra. When we vocalize this word, the vibrations generated are the same as that which is expressed in vibrational being.

True magic uses true language, that is to say, vibrational sounds which by vocalizing them bring that vibration into expression and can for instance manifest what that vibration expresses.

So, if you knew the accurate sounds to make which equal a banana, and you vocalized them properly, you could manifest a banana by vocalizing that vibrational sequence.

The words in our common languages are not so vibrationally attuned to that which they express, and that is partly why when you say "banana" one does not appear before you.

With our common languages, the emotion and intentions underlying what is written or spoken are truer to the essence of what we wish to express, and one who is so attuned, can pick up on the intended emotions and intentions of the words used. This is why, when reading something like this, for example, it is easy to miss the underlying intentions and emotions of what is expressed, because written words do not carry those elements forward in communications as readily as the spoken word, or being present with the one speaking does.

When I have ended some of my prior posts, I've closed with
"Blessings to us all." The intended meaning for that closing is this:
Contributing to the growth and prosperity of goodness and well-being to us all.

Let it be so.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Our Life Expressing Is Our Own Story

Each of us is a 3D world story teller. We each have our own life experiencing, which in this analogy, is our story. We exist in a 3D world where other story tellers are also telling their own stories, which complicates the overall story of the race consciousness, and the planet consciousness, which from those broader perspectives, have their own stories as well.

There are elements of our individual and collective stories which we've accepted into our story telling, which means because of this agreement, we each have some very similar experiences, therefore stories within our life expressing. The agreements where our stories overlap are typically unstated, they are sort of like the paper a story can be printed upon. That paper is the foundation upon which the story may be expressed and experienced.

Just because we have some commonality between our individual stories, doesn't mean we have to accept into our own life experiencing, stuff that others are creating in their own life expressing story. This is to say, if we see a part of someone else's story unfolding, and we don't want that in our life expressing story, we can consciously say, "No, I don't want that, this is what I want instead..." and then fill in the blank(s).

The reason I bring this up is because, for whatever reason, there are "stories" out there which are pretty much doom and gloom. Whether these stories are intentionally expressing or not is irrelevant to our story unless we accept those story lines into our own life expressing story.

So, write your own story, take the good parts of other people's stories, and add them to your own, (if you want,) and leave the other stuff for those who want it in their story life expressing.

In my story, life expressing, I'm writing it so as to engender greater, love, compassion, caring, sharing, happiness, appreciation, gratitude and abundance for myself and those who choose to share in this story we call life on planet Earth.

I hope whatever story you are writing by living your life, it is as you desire it to be. It is your life, make of it what you will. :)

Blessings to us all.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Boy Scout Motto: Be prepared

I think being self sufficient is very important. I understand the idea of everyone leaving the cities, moving into less populated areas, but frankly, I don't think that is a viable solution. There are too many big cities with high population concentrations for everyone to just disburse and spread across the lands. For those who live within heavily populated areas, it is a good idea to develop good relations with your neighbors and communities, which can aid in defending against the stuff you mentioned in your presentation. Rather than moving out of the cities, into the unknown and ill prepared for circumstances, I'd suggest working with what you've got, making the best of the location and environments you find yourself in. A support group, (like your family and friends,) is essential during dire times. If you can do anything at all, start with developing a self sufficient community within the city environments. It IS possible. There ARE people who will want to band together for their families welfare, which is helpful for everyone else who unites in like minded communities. Lawlessness doesn't have to be the only way things unfold. That is only one of many of possibilities. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Be kind, loving, considerate, compassionate, helpful and supportive of those in your family and community. There may be tough times ahead, but how tough they are for you may largely be determined by the choices you make now.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Short Term Goals and Long Term Goals

Short term goals and aspirations are useful because you can feel the beneficial effects of accomplishing something you've undertaken. This help to fuel your motivation towards accomplishing more short term as well as long term goals.

Regarding long goals and aspirations, always have long term goals which are currently out of reach, but are achievable given enough time and effort. This way you will always have something to strive for.

And, when you complete any significant goal (short or long term goal) make sure to celebrate because this is like the icing on the cake, it make it that much sweeter, and something to look forward to when you have your next success.

Monday, June 3, 2019


I have noticed, once a person starts to be critical of his/her partner, that is the first step towards the relationship falling apart. When we focus upon the faults of others instead of focusing on all the good in others, we can easily become jaded by all the faults we see. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This is the strong foundation for all relationships. And when all parties abide by this attitude, the relationship(s) thrive.

If you are looking to develop a long term loving and meaningful relationship, take a self inventory to list all of your pros and cons, what you have to contribute to a relationship, and what you need to work on, on yourself, to be the best partner/mate you can be. This means taking responsibility for your own behavior, and being aware of your strengths and weaknesses. If you are looking for an ideal partner/mate, then first make yourself an ideal partner/mate. By doing so, you are more likely to attract someone who appreciates you and is willing to spend the rest of their life with you.

Be kind, be loving, be generous, be thoughtful, be considerate, be helpful and have compassion for the plights of others. That is a good place to start from. :)

Also, effective communication is essential in any relationship. In other words, don't expect your partner/mate to be able to read your mind and know what you are thinking. For important matters, I'd suggest always being open about them and talking about those things so a mutual agreement can be established.

Boundaries are probably one of the last things on a person's list, unless they are so important to them, they elevate to the top of the list. I'd suggest the ladder is because a person has had their boundaries violated so much that is a sensitive topic and therefore needs healing.

In a marriage type relationship, it is less about the individual and more about the couple. This is a very different way of thinking and being than the way one thinks and acts as a solo individual. Trespassing boundaries often occurs when one still thinks and acts from a solo perspective rather than a couple's perspective. In order to establish harmony, a person's perspective must take into consideration the other half of the couple's perspective. And this is where, treating others the way you want to be treated shows it's value.

Developing and maintaining a long lasting fulfilling relationship takes continued attention. This isn't something to be put on the back burner, so to speak, or to put on autopilot. If you want any relationship to thrive, appropriate attention needs to bare upon the relationship.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Changing Focus

How often do you hear, or see or read about what is wrong with the world today? I bet most of the time.

"Energy flows where attention goes."

If the above statement is correct, what do you suppose you are spending your energy on if your focus is mostly on what is wrong? Then what do you get? More stuff that is wrong, (at least that is what you will mostly see even though stuff to appreciate is also present.)

When looking out at the world, or in the mirror at ourselves, we always have a choice whether we realize it or not. We have a choice to look for things to appreciate, or we can look at the very same things and find things to be critical about it. The choices you make, then color your life experiencing.

Which do you think will bring more joy into your life, choosing to find things to appreciate, or choosing to find things to criticize?

It is a simple thing. Make conscious choices and see what happens.

Blessings to us all.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Feeding the mind and soul

People know the benefits of eating clean, healthy foods. They can easily experience the effects of eating too much, or too little, or tainted foods and drinks, and thereby learn what is best for their body to be well and healthy. The thing not taught or expressed often in the general public, is feeding the mind and soul with life supporting. energy enhancing thoughts and deeds. People mentally and emotionally consume stuff without a thought of how it effects their mind and soul. So, surround yourself with life supporting and healthy minded people. Think before you speak, and act, "Is this going to server my body, mind and spirit?" If it isn't clear to you that it will serve your body, mind and spirit, maybe it is not right for you, and maybe it is time to change focus towards that which is in service to your well-being. Depression is often related to not being centered and focused in the Here, Now, moment by moment unfolding. It thrives on "woe is me" and stuff that isn't actually in the here now as it is unfolding. Meditation, focusing on your breathing, the sensation of your feet on the floor right now, etc. This brings you more into the here now moment by moment unfolding, being present consciously and choosing good feeling thoughts and actions that promote your highest good. Blessings to us all. :)

Family Values

I see the need for good family values, a happy and well adjusted family who all work together and enjoy each other's company, needs to be brought out into the open more and more. YouTube family activity videos are an excellent example of this. No acting, just people being themselves in their family environments. Not all families are dysfunctional, so letting the public see this is encouraging to those who believe broken and dysfunctional families are the norm. The main reason the family structure is so attacked is because, the family is the foundation of all human relationships. So, if the family institution is corrupted, the whole society becomes corrupted and weakened because it's foundation is weak and unstable. My focus and suggestion to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see is to be loving to one another, treat others the way you want to be treated, spend more time being grateful and appreciative, expressing love and caring. And ultimately, focus on the love and joy in life you want for yourself and others. Energy follows attention, so what you pay most attention to, gets the most energy. And with the most energy, it is destined to grow. The light from Heaven dwells in the hearts of everyone. Fan your divine flame, let it shine brightly into the dark places so that those with outreaching hands can see you and be lifted up by your presence. Blessings to us all!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

I Am What I Am...

It is my understanding, what someone else says about me, or someone else, is a truer reflection of their perspective, than it is a truth about who or what I am, or someone else is.

Someone quoted this, (I may be paraphrasing) "What you think of me is none of my business."

What that means to me, is my self worth and integrity are not dependent upon what others think of me. As a sovereign being, I am what I am, and that's it. Also, what I am and do now does not insure this is what I will be and do at some point in the past or future. The constant is the flow, everything else is subject to change.  

Blessings to us all.

Monday, May 20, 2019


We look out at the world around us and see the effects of the Darkness, no I'm not talking about the night or being inside a deep cave, I'm talking about the evil in the world.

While that is awful and fearsome, where did it come from? It always comes from within.

The Darkness each of us must face and conquer, is the darkness within our own being. The quest is to let the light of love shine within our own being to such an extent, that Darkness can no longer remain.

This is how we turn Hell on Earth to Heaven on Earth, one illuminated being at a time. Is it your time?

Blessings to us all!

Friday, May 3, 2019

Being Service to Others

One thing about service to others, that might not get much attention, is that asking for help provides opportunities for others to be of service. So, don't be afraid to ask for help or guidance because in doing so you are not only being of service to yourself, but of service to others as well.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Our Greatest Teachers...

It occurred to me today we might be approaching things a bit wrong. That is to say, instead of seeing the dark forces as our enemies to be defeated, we could see them as obstacles placed in our way, to strengthen our resolve and ingenuity to over come any obstacles placed upon our path.

Without the trials and tribulations they provide for us, we'd never learn how strong we can become, we'd never learn how working together, as one, can allow us to overcome any and all obstacles placed upon our path.

Therefore, rather than damning the dark forces, we can thank them for being our greatest teacher, inspiring us to reach higher, think brighter, be stronger in the powers of love, harmony and unity.

Blessings to us all!

Monday, April 8, 2019

You Can't Handle the Truth!

When they say, "You can't handle the truth!" What they are really admitting is they have been lying to us, and they have been doing it on purpose. What they really mean is "they" can't handle us knowing the truth. When we know the truth, "they" can no longer control us.

So, how do you like being lied to?

If you've always been lied to, that feels normal, and when someone tells you the truth, that doesn't feel normal. Knowing the truth may at first be unsettling, but ultimately it is the key to your power and freedom.

Do you REALLY want to know the truth?

Be here now, breath, sit quietly and listen within. The still small voice within resides within you, behind the everyday mental chatter of your mind. The still small voice within is like the sky which the clouds float through. (clouds = everyday thoughts) Let the clouds just float through the sky of your mind, don't get caught up in them, just observe them.


Thursday, April 4, 2019

Our Own Reality Bubble

When one realizes he/she creates his/her own reality, and takes full responsibility for whatever that reality is, each of us can express our life on our own timeline, which is to say, there are manifestations which exist, but not in our own experience because we haven't brought them into our own life experiencing reality. In this way, each of us has our own reality bubble and because of our conscious efforts and attention, we may choose to share parts of other's reality bubble expressions in our own. That being said, we don't have to, we can say, "That might be true for you, but it isn't true for me, you can have it in your reality, but I'm not inviting it into mine.

As the creator of our own life experiencing, we are responsible, we choose

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Hero or Villain?

Hero = Service to others with high regard for their well-being.

Villain = Service to self with no regard for the well-being of others.

As moment by moment we live our lives, what does the scale of our actions, thought and words reveal us to be? How much of the time are we being heroes, and how much of the time are we being villains? Yes we always have the choice to be one or the other, but as each moment unfolds, we can't be both.

Choose your moments wisely.

Blessings to us all.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Do you believe in Karma?

Wikipedia definition:  Karma means action, work or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual. Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and future suffering.

Karma has a balancing effect, and the purpose of this balancing effect is to show us through real life experiencing, what we do to others is revisited upon ourselves so that we may learn from our experiences what it is like to be the perpetrator and the victim of actions we take and are taken upon us.

An example of Karma might be something like this;

a person gets angry with someone, and says or does something to another person, which causes him/her to feel saddened, resentful or some other emotional and physical experience. This example sets up an imbalance because the first person hasn’t been considerate of the second person’s feelings, etc., so the karmic effect caused by this interaction later opens up an opportunity for the first person to be the “victim” in a similar life experience where what he/she did or said to someone else is visited upon him/her. And, the repeated occurrence of such experiences indicates balance hasn’t been achieved yet.

How then is balance achieved? Balance is once again achieved when the “victim” realizes that the way he/she is treated is the effect of how he/she has treated others. So, once this realization occurs, and he/she begins to treat others differently, the repeated occurrence of this type of experience is no longer necessary and therefore no longer manifests in this person’s life experiencing, so long as he/she doesn’t revert to old habits in the way of being and interacting with others.

Another way of thinking of Karma is to consider this idea; “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This is another way of expressing the same idea because what you do to others comes back to you to reflect back to you what you put out into creation. So, really in the long run, what we are doing to others, we are actually doing to ourselves. The judgments we cast upon others facilitates such judgments to be cast upon us.

And, this is yet another expression in and of ONENESS.

There are terrible things which happen where there are those who instigate the experiences, and those who have these things done to them. Both parties may have karmic entanglements from prior lives where they originated or continued to act in such a way that an imbalance was created and eventually must be balanced.

Look at the affairs of things in this world, what you are seeing and experiencing, from moment to moment in your life unfolding, are the causes and effects of Karma expressing in life. A person may have been murdered in a most gruesome way, considering karma in action, might it be possible that this “victim” once was the perpetrator of such act(s) upon others? Might the perpetrator in this murder been the victim of such an event at the hands of the one who now is the victim in this event? This idea indicates that karma doesn’t end once you leave a body. If there is an imbalance in your soul, that imbalance is carried over into your next incarnation and eventually has to be addressed in such a way that balance is once again restored.

Karma can be a never ending circle of causes and effects, which manifest upon the ever turning wheel of time and space. How does one break the cycle? Karma requires the concepts of cause and effect and an awareness of duality or polarities. When one realizes there is no one else to have a cause or effect upon, that the “someone else” is really you, you can break the cycle by embodying this realization. And, with this realization embodied in the moment by moment of life unfolding, one can consciously express life in such a way that a karmic balance is always maintained, and thereby one experiences the true and eternal bliss of life while still embodied with the world of time and space.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Who are you really hurting?

Something to consider:

When you are angry or upset with someone or something, who is really affected the most by that anger or upset?

You are.

You are the one who is experiencing those emotions. So, maybe you could ask yourself, "do I really want to continue having this experience? Can I be fully present in this moment by moment unfolding, let go of the anger and/or upset, and return to a place of joy and well-being?

You might think by being angry you are hurting someone else, but the truth is, you are hurting yourself much more than anyone else.

Forgive them, forgive yourself and be grateful for the opportunity to do so.

Blessings to us all.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Someone wrote, "Death begets life." This was my reply

Death doesn't beget life, life begets life. Death may make way for new life to appear, but there doesn't have to be death so new life may arise.

Yes, death is a natural part of this manifestation, but wars are not a natural part of this manifestation. That is to say, wars are the results of humans with differing perspectives on the value of life and the way to live it. It is one thing to die from natural causes, and another to die by unnatural means.

As long as people hold the perspective that killing others to get your way, and/or what you want, and is the right way to live life, then that is how long wars will continue to manifest in this realm.

It is a choice, at least for me it is a choice, and I choose peace. I choose life, I choose harmony and abundance for all. No one has to die in a war. There are always peaceful resolutions to problems which arise. We just need to seek them out.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Sharing a comment I posted on a YouTube video comment section.

While I don't condone copyright infringements or other such appropriation of information sharing, it seems to me the bigger issue is shifting focus towards working together, caring and sharing as though we are one big human family. Any sort of divisiveness just breeds more of the same. Energy flows where attention goes. That means, where you place your attention, is where you are spending your energy. So, do we want to spend our energy on bringing humanity into the golden age where peace, love, harmony, abundance, caring and sharing are ubiquitous, or someplace else where only the self is prospered at the expense of everyone else? The path we are on may be crowed, but the journey we are on is a solitary one, one in which each and everyone of us has to take the steps, do the work and live the life which manifests heaven on earth. No one else can do it for us, no amount of technology is the pill to fix everything. Our own state in being is the solution to every problem we've faced as individuals and as a collective race of human beings. It is nice to share information that you come upon, but isn't it better to share freely, and let the rewards come as they will, once we embrace our brotherhood and sisterhood as human beings of Planet Earth.
Court battles always end up hurting everyone involved, even if one side gets a "win" decision. Such things scar the heart, and only forgiveness, love and caring can heal such wounds.
Blessings to us all.

The Latest Threat...

It occurred to me this morning as I was meditating the 5G & 6G stuff is another form of "us against them" inspired technology which has replaced the nuclear threat with this newer form of threat. This is meant to engender fear and thereby control.

When is humanity going to give up on the "us against them" perspective and then realize to struggle against anything, is to struggle against your own state of well-being.

Peace and well-being are not the results of war, death and destruction are.

Blessings to us all.

Friday, March 1, 2019

What is Ascension?

What is ascension?

Ascension is the process of moving up the vibrational spectrum from a lower vibrational state to a higher vibrational state. This is typically a gradual process where one incrementally progresses through these vibrational states in being, gradually making sustained progress through the vibrational spectrum.

A couple of words you may hear, or have heard with regard to ascension are; density and dimensions.

The vibrational spectrum may be expressed in terms of density where the lower vibrational states in the spectrum are more “dense” and the higher vibrational states are more etheric or ephemeral. It is worth realizing the full spectrum of vibrational states is ever present and all increments within this spectrum express and exist simultaneously. But as a focused identity within this vibrational spectrum, one typically does not experience the full spectrum of vibrational states simultaneously in the moment by moment unfolding of life experiencing. Rather, as a focused identity within the expansive life being, one typically experiences a single vibrational state upon the scale during the moment by moment unfolding of life experiencing.

As a human being in the 3 dimensional expression in being, we may recognize the various vibrational states or densities, through the spectrum of emotional experiencing.

In order to understand how we may use our life experiencing to evaluate our current state in being, we must have an anchor of sorts as a reference point. The anchor point is unchanging and therefore enables us to establish a reference upon a scale which then can be expanded and depicted, for example as an emotional scale. The higher one’s vibrational state, the more in alignment we are with the Source of our being, the source of all vibrational states in being. The lower one’s vibrational state, the less attuned one is which is experienced as lower emotional experiences such as despair. The lowest experiential expressions are the densest states in vibration, while the highest experiential states are ephemeral vibrational states.

We are currently experiencing a 3 dimensional environment, that is to say, there is length, width and height manifest in this experiencing. We experience our environment and body as solid, or dense, so overall; this realm of expression is considered a third density expression in being.

As a human expression in being, we not only experience the three dimensional world in being, but we also have access to and can and do experience that which is ephemeral as well. This is possible because our human identity is a fragment of our whole being, our true identity as Source itself. Because we are much more than our physical human identity, this enables us to experience life within the emotional scale. Because complete identity with Source is the ultimate state in life expressing in being, is ultimate bliss, our spiritual and evolutionary path is leading us back “home” so to speak. Our emotional experiences along the way reveal to us our alignment or attunement to our ultimate state in being. So, this is why it is good to endeavor to persistently be in alignment with our ultimate state in being, which engenders blissful experiences as our life is unfolding.

As an individual expression in being, our quest therefore is to move up the emotional scale steadily and in so doing, we may experience more ephemeral expression in being, we may avail ourselves to more clarity, delight, harmony, joy, abundance and preferable experiences in this life experiencing.

Where complications come in is when we oscillate from lower vibrational states to higher vibrational states as we progress upon our life paths. We can and do go from elation and joy to sorrow and despair. Just because we’ve experienced bliss, doesn’t ensure we will continue to experience bliss, or just because we experience despair, doesn’t mean we will continue to experience despair. So, what is it that determines what our moment by moment unfolding experiencing is? Choice. If we consciously choose the better feeling experiences, we are consciously moving into alignment with the Source of our being. And the more practiced we become in making favorable choices towards this alignment, the easier it is to maintain a higher vibrational state where the lower vibrational states don’t enter into your moment by moment unfolding experience very often if at all.

As a race of beings, there is an overall impetus for us to ascend into the higher realms of life expressing, into more ephemeral states in being, where eventually, we will no longer have need of or desire to maintain the dense 3 dimensional bodies we currently are identified with and inhabit. As we ascend into higher vibrational states in being, the identity as a separate being fades away and we experience and perceive more of our Oneness in being. We have an innate drive to thrive, to express well-being, and this is experienced through consistent and persistent choices which enable and facilitate our movement upon the evolutionary/ascension path in life.

In conclusion, consider your ability to make conscious choices. Consider your ability to be fully present in each moment as it unfolds and thereby make choices which facilitate your gradual ascension into higher states in being, (higher vibrational states in being.) This happens individually, and as more and more individuals make such conscious choices, it enables easier access to those chose to us to also get on this ascension train. Not everyone is conscious enough to make such decisions, so when the train leaves the station, they will be left behind and in their own life unfolding, will eventually wake up and begin to make conscious choices towards their own ascension and evolution in being. This is why it behooves us to have compassion for those who haven’t awoken yet. Remember, each of us was once upon a time, standing in their shoes, and each of us eventually awoke and began to consciously step upon the ascension path in earnest.

Blessings to us all!

Monday, February 25, 2019

The Only Story...

The only story which truly makes a difference, is the one you tell yourself, whether in that self talk, you are being kind, considerate, thoughtful and loving, or not.

I don't remember the source, but there was someone who said, "What you think of me is none of my business."

That is to say, my self worth is my self worth, and it doesn't depend upon anyone else's appraisal of me.

Be true to yourself, be loving to yourself and the world will reflect that back to you. :

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Do Unto Others...

When one realizes "they" are "you" it becomes easier to be kind to "them", be loving to "them" because that is how "you" prefer to be treated. If I forgive "them" I am in essence forgiving myself. As I bless "them" I am blessing myself. As I express my divinity, I am allowing "them" to express their divinity. When there is only ONE, the equation is very simple and easy to grasp and express. As I allow freedom of choice, it permeates throughout my entire being. As I identify as That I AM, I've identified with the ultimate Truth of my being. Identifying with the Truth of my being facilitates expressing my being truthfully, and creating truthfully that which is in accord with That I AM, which is expressed in Joy, Love, Peace, Harmony and Abundance.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

To Be Self-Sustaining and Independent

The reason the dark forces draw their sustenance from others is because they haven’t realized they can develop their own innate ability to sustain themselves from within. They have always depended upon external sources for their sustenance and that is why they are so needy. That is why they pray upon others. They have never been shown how to be self-sufficient and independent. They may believe they do not have the ability to be self-sustaining, so they don’t even consider this as a potential solution to their needy state in being.

So long as they deny their own innate abilities to be self-sustaining, their only perceived solution is to draw their sustenance from external sources who then suffer at their hands due to their denial and ignorance of the truth.

When you know how to do something, do you then still depend on external sources to do that for you? If you appreciate and enjoy your independence, it is likely that you will depend on others less and less as you become more experienced and confident in your own abilities to truly be self-sustaining and independent.

This is why meditation is a useful tool to facilitate greater Self-discovery and the unfolding of your full potential.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Shield Of Light And Love Is Our Protection.

Each person's salvation is in their own hands. Don't give that power of determination to others. While the world may be at war, each of us can find the place of peace within ourselves and radiate that goodness, kindness, compassion to those around us. This can only be done, when each of us makes the choice to be the example of divinity which Jesus came to demonstrate for us through his life and teachings.

Bring your light into the darkness, let the rats of darkness scurry away into their secret corners and hiding places. The shield of Light and Love is our protection.

Let it be so.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Our Solitary Journeys Together

The journey upon our path in life, is our own, in this way, while we may walk together, we still have our own unique perspective as we travel through life experiencing in this manifestation.

What someone else does, or doesn't do, or says or doesn't say, is less important than how we interact with them. When we act in a way that promotes well-being for all, we are in service to Source in doing so. Since Source is the all that is, as a perspective within that, "all that is", it behooves us to not only be kind, thoughtful and compassionate towards others, but also ourselves.

Life is an inner journey towards self discovery, and the unfolding of who and what we truly are, which is reflected back to us as the world we live in. So, paying more attention to our inner guidance and attunement with Source are far more important than anything anyone else can do or say.

As a matter of perspective, when I identify with Source, as my substance and being, and am attuned with this factual truth, I am Source, and Source is me. Therefore, there is no "other" to rail against or struggle with. Such things are plays of consciousness, and optional.

Therefore my suggestion is this; pay primary attention to attuning with Source, and expressing this attunement as accurately as possible. In this way, each of us illuminates the path of life we find ourselves upon, and in this way, the wretched world some see, must fade away and be replaced by a divinely inspired expression called life on Earth.

Blessings to us ALL.
All in ONE, ONE in ALL

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Which Came first the Egg or the Chicken?

In the search for facts about our DNA and it's origins, the people who present such information, where it applies to specimens where DNA is investigated, they often say, as it applies to non-terrestrial beings, that "they" have our DNA. It would be more accurate to say, "we" have their DNA. The perspective presented by humans is human centric, that is to say, it is as though humans are the center and/or origin, and everything else is compared to us. This presupposes that nothing was before humans, and I think there is sufficient evidence indicating humans are not the first life forms for which all other life forms should be based upon or compared to.

If it is true, non-terrestrials preexisted the human race as found on Earth, and they influenced the life forms on this planet by seeding their DNA into what we now call humans, then they gave us our DNA which means our DNA is substantially their DNA.

There was a time when people on Earth believed that the Earth was the center of the Universe, and that everything rotated about it. We now understand, that belief was not true, Earth isn't the center of the Universe, and in the same way, Humanity isn't the center of the Universe's life forms either.

As we grow into a Galactic Civilization, the perspective of being human centric on everything, will likely fall away as we come to realize the vastness and timeless expressions in being predate our inception into physical manifestation as human life forms on Earth.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Sexual Desires

When a person of authority, such as a parent, expresses his or her belief systems, and one as a child, absorbs everything like a sponge, it is easy to see how the "sins of the father" are passed on for 7 generations, yet as an adult, with the ability to choose and express your being independent of the beliefs of your parents or anyone else, you can make your own choices which are true to your own growth and place upon your own life path.

There are beliefs and attitudes which we inherit which may not align with our divine expression in being, and as we grow in awareness and expression in being, we can realize the reality that not all beliefs and attitudes serve us in our unfolding towards our divine expression in being.

The sexual desires are very strong to insure the furtherance of our human family. Therefore, as organic physical beings, sexual expressions in being will always be a part of this expression in being. It isn't the only expression in being worth paying attention to though, holding true love and compassion, caring and sharing in your heart will temper your life experiencing so as to contribute to your fulfilling life expressing.

It is worthwhile to ask for advice and guidance from others, but it is also worthwhile to ask within your own being, the divinity within you, for guidance. When you seek guidance from within, it is likely to be more worthwhile, tailored for you and you alone, so that such guidance you receive is most worth taking and embodying.

Simply, if it feels divine, right and true to you, then it may serve you to follow the guidance. If it feels divisive and limiting, I'd choose to look further until I found what is divine, right and true.

Blessings to us all.

Loving Embraces

Wisdom is born out of the marriage between intellect/logic and heart/compassion. When these to aspects of our being are brought together, we make choices which contain a balance of logic and compassion which results in a more fulfilling expression in being.

Can you recall a time when you were so in love and caring for someone, holding them in a loving embrace felt so good, you didn’t want the embrace to end? Can you remember how that felt? Can you feel that feeling right now? If you can, that’s great because, now you can use this feeling to embrace everyone with the same loving and caring attitude.

What if you realized feeling such deep love for one person, was the candle which lit the flame of love in your heart for everyone? What if you realized it doesn’t matter what they look like, or what they’ve done to you, or what they do in general, you can still hold this deep love and caring for them because, the feeling dwells within you and need not be diminished due to outside circumstances or experiences? What if embracing this wonderful experiencing of radiating loving compassion is your natural state in being, something given the opportunity, will express always in your moment by moment life unfolding so long as you let it be so, by making a conscious choice and setting the intention to let it be so?

Well, you can! Even if, at this moment, you are not fully aligned with this vibrational state in being, you can at the very least, say, “Yes, let it be so.” And then move through your moment by moment unfolding towards experiencing, recalling, manifesting a more loving and compassionate expression in being. It doesn’t matter if you are currently in the depths of despair, because in this moment, you can choose to make your life experiencing better and better as each moment unfolds. Even in the darkest hour of your life, the light of love and compassion still resides within you; it may only be a little flicker but it can be fanned into a greater and greater flame, which can illuminate the darkness revealing your divine splendor, grace and magnificence which has always been here for you to rediscover and embrace once again.

When you embody your divine state in being, everyone you meet feels like someone you want to hold and hug, whispering into his/her ear, “I love you so much.” And, what a wonderful world it is, to have this attitude and way of being as a “normal” state in being, rather than an attitude and way of being reserved for those rare occasions when we’ve given ourselves permission to express and be true to our divine nature.

As the moments come and go, let them be filled with opportunities to feel and express your true loving nature. This is how the world, and its inhabitants, ascend into the divine celestial realms in being. The external world is the mirror which reflects back to you where you currently are in your life path. If your life and how you are expressing it isn’t yet fully aligned with your divine expression in being, that’s okay, you can always choose to move more and more in this direction. It is your life, you are the one experiencing it the way it currently is, this is where you are at right now upon your life path. Since you are the one who is rewarded or punished by your own choices, I pray your choices tend towards rewarding yourself rather than punishing yourself. As I care deeply for my own Divine being, you and I reside within this Divine Beingness, wherein I hold you close to me, in a warm, loving embrace and whisper into your ear. “I love you so much.”

Yes, it is true. I have, and always will, hold you in this loving embrace.

Blessings to us all!