I enjoy writing articles for my blog site as I am inspired to do so, about finding the joy in life and living the life we came here to live.
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Friday, December 31, 2021
Painting a Bright and Wondrously Beautiful New Year
Monday, December 27, 2021
Like Minded, Like Spirited Beings unite
Saturday, December 18, 2021
Med Beds & Using Technology
Thursday, December 2, 2021
The Real Teacher is Life Expressing/Experience
And now I tell you, none of this means anything to you until you actually walk the path and experience it for yourself. Your own experience is the true revealer, what others say and do is less pertinent to you than your own expression in being and how you unfold within IT.
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Comments and Suggestions
Shifting focus away from paying so much attention upon what others are saying and doing, to focusing upon what I am saying and doing. ("I" refers to the one reading this.) We each have less control of others and more control of ourselves, unless we've given that control away, in which case, it behooves us to reclaim our sovereignty, and in so doing acknowledge and embody our full responsibility for what we think, do and say in each moment as it unfolds.
Wanting vibration is not the same as having vibration.
Talk about removing us from our natural cycles in life, consider what "spring forward" "fall back" does to our natural cycles with regard to clock time. Do we actually live our lives by the natural clock of creation, or by the mechanical clock which man has created? Eat when you are hungry, sleep when you are sleepy or tired, play when the opportunity arises. All of these things relate to spontaneity.
Creation happens in the NOW, so presence is essential. Identifying with our Source, aligning with our highest and truest expression as Divine beings. Clarity is also essential so that we use our presence as Divine beings, for the greater good of all.
Monday, November 29, 2021
Emotional Responses
For a person experiencing this, my suggestion is to stop for a moment, take a deep breath, relax and center, then consider what the optimal, possible the other side of the coin manifestation you want to bring forth is, then place your focus and attention there. And, the desired outcome should illicit an uplifted spirit of joy and gratitude for what you desire to come forth in your experience. Feel it as though it is already done, your joyous wish has been granted in that moment. The creative process only occurs in the here now moment by moment unfolding. The propellant for it moving forward into manifestation is the strength of your focus and joy in it being so. By the way, to create negative experiences is the same process, but flipped around so that instead of feeling joy and fulfillment, one feels sorrow and dread. Energy flow where attention goes. Be joyous as much as you can, and your life experiences will follow suit.
Monday, November 22, 2021
Your Part in the Co-Creative Process
When ever you are presented with information which does not conform to the well-being of all involved, information which has a harmful or damaging effect whether it be physical, emotional or mental, doesn't matter, just flip it around and cast your creative energy towards what you truly want, which is for the good of all, maintaining their freedom of choice and will. Each time you say or think, "I do not consent" is an opportunity to level up or put energy towards the opposite of that which you do not consent to. Energy flows where attention goes, so let the negative be the springboard which launches positive life supporting energies. This is how we each play our co-creative part in bringing forth Heaven on Earth.
Blessings to us all!
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Birthing a new Civilization
“First the man and woman come together and out of their love a child is born. In Sacred Relationship, there is always creation, a third energy is always birthed - and birth is painful. But there is a reward; a new life is created, whether it is a child, or an energy, in our case our work gets birthed into the world.”
This made me think of what our world is going through right now. We are giving birth to a new life, a new life for each and every one of us. And with this newness, we have a great opportunity to create something wonderful, something magnificent and enduring, but to get there, we have to go through the birthing experience, which is painful. If you think it is not, ask your Mom how painful it was to give birth to you. If she is honest, she will admit it hurt like hell, but what came after that pain was magical and wonderful, YOU!
Let us work together to create a wonderful world to leave to our children and generations to come. A world wherein they will give thanks for us laying the foundation for them to build their divine life upon. As One person lifts another into the light of love and caring, the one lifted lifts another, and on it goes. We all rejoice in the light of love.Blessings to us all.
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Source, THE VOID and the Quiet Mind.
The ultimate identity we each will finally merge with, is identifying with IT (Source) all while at the same time not being anchored to just one identity within the ever moving, ever changing storm of manifestation, recognizing Source as Identity within each expression in being.
All in ONE, ONE in All. And as we walk our path in life as a manifest human being, we carry this presence, awareness and identity into our life expression. As we each embody this presence and awareness, our life expression is the teaching, is the light of awakening to all parts of our being.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, then all else shall be added unto you." When we identity with Source, "all else IS added unto us" because that's what Source IS.
Blessings to us all!
Friday, October 29, 2021
What is often forgotten or left out
One thing people leave out, is the fact related to reincarnation and karma. I soul comes into manifestation in physical form, and has karma to deal with, or has a life mission to accomplish while in this embodiment. If a child develops some sort of malady, it behooves us to realize these things don't happen in a vacuum, there are many influences surrounding what goes on within us and outside of us which color how the life experience is experienced. So, it may be a soul agrees to come into this manifestation to clear up some karma, maybe related to his/her own baggage, or to effect how someone else proceeds in their life, which is triggered by the child's malady, etc. It isn't a simple thing, there are many threads which make up the cloth of this manifestation, and each one is essential, just like the pieces of a puzzle, to out picture the whole expression of God/Source.
Whatever is upon a person's path in life, is there for a reason, to help us learn more about ourselves and our place in the whole scheme of things. We each have to come to a point where we acknowledge then take control of our journey, take the helm of the ship and steer it to our desired destination, rather than letting the currents of life buffet us and move us where we do not choose to go.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Suffering Feeds the Dark Side
God is the source and substance of all that is, invisible and visible, God dwells within each of us as us, and the suffering we may experience is caused by causing a separation within ourselves from this indwelling presence of joy, peace, compassion, abundance and all expressions of glory and majesty which are inherent within God's most holy expressions in being. Holy = whole I. To identify with our whole I is to express and embody fully, God's presence within us.
Monday, October 25, 2021
Develop your Light Body
Friday, October 15, 2021
The Power and Effectiveness of Awakened, Present Beings
The Power of Words
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Electric Fences
A similar thing is happening with how the general public is taught to wear their face coverings. That is to say, a few people are adversely effected by the virus and they are instructed to remain safe by wearing a face covering. Once the herd has adopted this practice, they don’t need to “infect” anyone any more because the general populous will self regulate and enforce the “mandate” without outside interference. When people stop wearing the face coverings, they introduce a “new variant” and say to remain safe wear the face covering. The second time around they may not even introduce a new variant because the herd has already learned what happens when you touch the fence.
So, you people who insist on wearing face coverings, and demanding that others do the same, are no better than the livestock contained by an electric fence which is not turned on. You have been played. You are no better than livestock to those who orchestrate this whole plandemic. After you get over being fooled, I hope you will take that face diaper off for good, and seek to learn what is really going on.
Monday, September 20, 2021
She said Know Thy Self
Developing Presence, i.e. be here now. Focus on that which you wish to bring forth while being cognizant of what is unfolding in the moment by moment unfolding and in Presence choosing that which is in alignment with your heart's desire.
Know Thy Self is tied to identity, so the scope of the "self" you identify with encompasses the field of your perception in Presence. When one identifies with the transitory expression in being, being transitory means beginning, middle and end. Identifying with the Self which transcends the transitory yet exists within it, empowers you to perceive the grander picture the transitory expression is immersed within. And, with this broader view, it is easier to make choices which unfold into the expression in being that expresses truly the divine being expression that each of us is.
There is only ONE, identify with the ONE and then there is no one else to be fearful of, no one else that can harm you, no one else that can stop you from being the gloriously divine being you truly are.
Blessings to us all.
Friday, September 17, 2021
Commentary from a video I watched
What follows is a commentary I made regarding a video interview I recently watched. You likely have watched videos which are similar in low frequency expressions, so I share this here for you to consider.
Much of the content of this video focuses upon low frequency states in being, i.e. doubt, despair, fear, etc.. If you understand how the manifestation process works, you will know that where you place your attention and the frequency of that which you are focusing upon, are key elements in the creative process. If while watching this video, or any other material for that matter, if you aren't feeling joyful and or uplifted by it, but rather are feeling anxious, anxiety, worry and the like. how you are feeling is an indicator as to what you are radiating to the universe, and it is like telling the universe, "more of this please." In order to bring forth the first "timeline" type reality, feeling into it, accepting it as being so are key to bringing it forth into manifestation. Group consciousness is where people of like mind resonate together and thereby add energy towards whatever their focus is. That general resonance will manifest or bring forth the vibrational frequency predominately expressed by the group's focus and attention upon whatever it is. You must understand this is a "yes" universe. That is to say, whatever you radiate to the universe, it says yes to. So if you are focusing upon things that feel bad to you, the universe receives that vibration and says yes to it, so then you get more of that.
Thursday, September 16, 2021
What if there was no such thing as money?
Friday, September 10, 2021
Look in the Mirror. . .
As far as I'm concerned, keep it simple: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Being fully present in each moment as it unfolds within you and around you empowers you to make thoughtful and wise decisions.
It is helpful to have a guide to provide guidance upon your path in life, but ultimately, they can't walk your path for you.
Plant seeds of love, joy, freedom, community and abundance, nurture them and allow them to mature into the harvest you most desire.
Blessings to us all.
Thursday, September 9, 2021
What do you mostly Identify with?
I identify with my Divine, Eternal Self, my energy body, then my physical body. The lesser is contained within the greater.
Monday, September 6, 2021
Declaration of the People of the USA & the Entire World
Here is the link to the pdf document I suggest we each read and consider.
We The People
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Friday, August 27, 2021
Words of Power Affirmative Statement
I suggest repeating this at least 2 times a day, possibly once in the morning when you get out of bed, and again before you lay down to sleep for the night. You can of course do it as much as you like, but realize, when you speak with power and authority, you only have to say it once, and to repeat it thereafter adds nothing to its effectiveness, but reinforces your desire and intention for it to be so.
This One Source Power Being’s innate ability is to be aware, express in being, and create thus IT enables anything and everything to exist in a potential state in being.
I, Jerry Dechant, am a creation and an expression of this One Source Being, i.e. the One Source Being has created me, (Jerry Dechant) to experience this realm of expression in being.
As an expression of this One Source Being, I get to choose what I create and express, and via the innate creativity within me, as this One Source Being, I get to experience that which I create.
Therefore, I choose to create and therefore experience Divine Fulfillment, in Joy, Peace, Harmony, Compassion, Love, Freedom, Caring, Sharing, Helping, Enjoying, Playing, Laughing, Having Fun, Living Completely Healthy; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, with free will, for the good of all.
Also every other expression in being of this One Source Being, is free to choose for their own fulfillment and perfect expression in being, with free will and for the good of all.
I, Jerry Dechant, do hereby release all doubt, worry, fear, disbelief, or any other block or barrier to the perfect and complete manifestation of my desire(s) and intentions. I now replace all that which was release with Infinity of Solutions and perfect fulfillment of my desires and intentions, with free will and for the good of all.
So be it, it is done. I give thanks and appreciation that it is so.
And so it is, and so it must be.
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Appreciation vs. Gratitude
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
The Buffet of what you hear and see
You could consider what you see and hear from people around you as items on the buffet for you to choose from. Just because someone says it, doesn't mean you are obliged to partake of it. If it is something you don't like or don't want, you can just pass it by, and only choose those things you DO want. Just because some people don't like certain things offered on the buffet, doesn't mean it should be removed because there may be others who like that and want that.
What this all leads to is recognizing there is an abundance of opinions and topics to choose from as we walk our path in life, and it is our responsibility to make our own decisions about what we want in our lives. Pay attention to the stuff you appreciate and love, and you will get more of that.
Energy flows where attention goes.
Blessings to us all.
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Vibrational States in Being
Concepts like death, pain, suffering, war, hatred, ignorance, and the like are aspects of the dark side. The opposites of those things are of the light. Consider how much of the day you are experiencing either of those possibilities. If you observe yourself, you can catch yourself and self correct so you maintain your higher vibrational state in being. Initially, it takes a lot of effort, but as you continue to practice self awareness, you will eventually find it much easier to catch yourself before you take the step that isn't in alignment with your highest and best good.
Choose wisely and you will be rewarded accordingly.
Blessings to us all.
Monday, August 9, 2021
What to do?
I can't make suggestions without a specific topic, but in general, maintaining a positive loving attitude, being ever present in the Here Now Moment by Moment unfolding, and consciously making decisions/choices which are for your well-being, and the well-being of others. Realize we can suggest stuff for others to consider, but it is there right to make their own choices, we can not make choices for them, (unless they are too young to make educated choices on their own. educated = life experiences which have given guidance on what is good and what is not so good..
Even if your body has been contaminated, your spirit, the REAL you remains pure, so focus upon this purity, connect with God or Source or whatever you want to call it, and be loving and happy as best you can.
Whether you do any of this is totally up to you. If it feels right and true, then give it a try and see what unfolds for you.
Sunday, July 18, 2021
DIY Envisioning Heaven on Earth
What you need.
The first thing you need is to be consciously present in the here now moment by moment unfolding. What this means is to maintain awareness of your presence in this here now moment by moment unfolding, i.e.; become aware of your breathing, become aware of how you are physically and emotionally feeling in the moment by moment unfolding. Meditate on relaxing and centering yourself, following your breathing, in and out, and set your intention for this meditation to maintain your “Presence” throughout the envisioning process, with clarity, peace and love.
So to state it simply, you don’t need anything other than your own conscious presence and awareness to envision.
Where to Envision.
Ideally, the location of your most powerful envisioning sessions will likely be in a quiet, peaceful environment where you can envision without distractions or interruptions, but really, you could do it anywhere while you have idle times to envision. It isn’t a good idea to do this process while operating machinery of any kind, which needs your full attention to avoid harming yourself and/or others, there for please do not do this process while driving or working with equipment that could harm you and/or others.
When to Envision
As stated above, this process can be done anytime when you have idle times available to you. It can of course be done intentionally at designated times during the day/night as is appropriate for your life situation.
How long does it take to do this Envisioning process?
How long it takes depends upon the depth and level of envisioning you are interested in doing. If you have a few moments while the water is running, getting warmer to take a shower, for instance, you could do a quick envisioning wherein you envision joy and fulfillment in your life. Any time you express appreciation for people, places and things in your life can be an envisioning session wherein you are telling the Universe, “Thank you! More of this please.”
Setting the stage for effective Envisioning.
The more aligned one is with God/Source, in Presence, love, peace, harmony, feeling gratitude and appreciation for all that life offers us, the more effective the Envisioning process will be.
How to Envision and have it work for you.
Remember each of us has our own free will and freedom of choice, therefore when envisioning, it is important not to use your envisioning efforts to change how someone else is because that may be considered trespassing upon their free will and freedom of choice. Focusing upon envisioning your own self, your own life experiencing as the primary focus of your envisioning will be the most effective use of your focus and attention. Within this personal focus, one could envision him/herself as happy, peaceful, loving, caring and compassionate towards others, as a starting point. When envisioning, focus on the experiences you want rather than saying stuff like, “I don’t want ___.” If you don’t want something, flip it around to say what you DO want instead. For example: instead of saying, “ I don’t want to be alone anymore.” Say, “I want to be surrounded by loving and caring friends and family.”
The feelings you experience and express during the envisioning process are important too, because those feelings are vibrational, and vibration is the language of the universe, therefore it behooves you to always be in a state of love and appreciation while envisioning because that love and appreciation is like telling the universe, “More of this please.”
If you are able to gather together with like minded people who have similar intentions to bring forth Heaven on Earth type envisioning, it behooves you to combine your focus and efforts together because in so doing, the power and effectiveness of all those people’s attention multiplies the energy towards bringing it into manifestation more quickly.
In a group setting here are some suggestions on how you might facilitate the group envisioning process.
You may be familiar with a sort of game or enjoyable creative process that people do, wherein the first person in the circle/group starts a story, then the next person adds to the story and so it goes around until everyone has had a chance to add their say to the story. This same sort of process could be used in the group envisioning process. The first person could state a broad general intention as his/her contribution to the envisioning; example: “I envision world peace.” The next person could add something like; “I envision life as fulfilling and full of joy.” And so on, keeping the attention and attitude for the envisioning in alignment with the highest ideals and motivations.
When everyone in the group has had their own opportunity to add their intention to the overall envisioning, if the group is physically located in the same space, they could hold hands, forming a sort of human chain, to flow the creative energy throughout the entire group and one after another say something like, “Thank you, it is so, it is done.”
Then as a show of love gratitude and appreciation, there could be hugs, laughter and gaiety shared by all. It is confirmation that it IS so with such a display of love appreciation and gratitude.
The most important part of this envisioning is the uniting of our focus, attention, attitude and creative force towards the highest good for all beings here on Earth and throughout the Cosmos. When we act and envision according to divine principles and laws, we have the backing of the entire creation behind us, supporting and empowering us so that we can not fail.
I may have left out some suggestions in the writing of this blog, so if you have suggestions on how this Envisioning process can be expanded and spread across the globe, please share your thoughts and ideas because that too, is part of this Envisioning process.
Envision it as already being so, feel it as already being so, give thanks that it already is so, then go out into the world and act as though it is already so. In the creative process, it is best to envision it as already being so because God/Source is all encompassing and transcends time and space. Also, we don’t actually “make it so” but rather “let it be so.” We each are the creative vehicles through which God/Source expresses, we each are a conduit which channels and flows creative energy into manifestation. Let us use our God given abilities for the betterment of humanity and all beings in God’s creation.
Blessings to us all!
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
No Evil
I know many people will disagree with this meme. Those who understand their part in the creative process will understand the validity of this meme. For those who don't believe this, that is fine. It is your life and your choices to be made. Just realize believing something which isn't true, has no substance or weight to allow it to endure indefinitely, eventually the truth surfaces and is known to those who avail themselves to it.
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
The Hand of God/Source
God/Source is the first creator, creating manifestation out of itself because IT is all that is, IT could not create anything except out of itself. Therefore, all that is, is in fact God/Source in manifest form. This is why, when you look at your hand, you are looking at the Hand of God.
There seems to be an attitude wherein people are expecting something miraculous to happen, to free them from the evil that has manifest within their world/life experiencing. If you are one who is waiting for such a miracle, you may be waiting for a very long time, because you are waiting for an external person, place, or thing to overcome the evil that has beset you.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and then all else will be added unto you.
God dwells within you AS you. So if the hand of God is to do its work, it is YOUR hand that is needed to facilitate that work. God works through It’s creations to perform the works. When each of us attunes to our highest good, our most divine aspirations, we are then the perfect vehicle for the undistorted works of Source/God to come into manifestation here in this 3D realm of reality.
The war against evil influences isn’t a global war as much as it is an individual person’s war against the evil that dwells within them, which has caused the troubles in their life expressing. The ignorance of the facts of their divinity, their oneness with God/Source, their belief in duality; these are things which empower the evil forces within themselves. When one awakens into the light of divine awareness, into the clear light of true perception, he/she sees the creator of that darkness which has plagued him/her, has been of his/her own creation.
If we want to create Heaven on Earth, it behooves us to start right now, in this here now moment by moment unfolding to envision, feel, appreciate and accept this creation of Heaven on Earth IS already created, only awaiting for our resistance to it being so, to diminish so that it may come forth into manifest form.
The creative ability of God/Source resides within each of us, and has always been at work bringing forth our life experiencing through all the ages we have been manifest in form. The mis-creations we’ve unknowingly manifest are done out of our forgetfulness of our divine creative ability as manifestations of God/Source in physical form. In other words, we’ve created the mess, and it is WE who must clean up the mess ourselves, and at the same time, plant the seeds for the manifestation of Heaven on Earth so that it comes to pass, and we each walk upon the firm and glorious Heaven we have envisioned and brought forth.
Take back your power, realize that God/Source works through you AS you to bring into being that which is right and true according to divine principles of manifestation.
The war is won when you actually and fully realize and embody the Truth of God/Source as you. There is no evil except that which you create.
Monday, July 5, 2021
Sunday, July 4, 2021
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Let go of the Anchor
How do I ascend, what is keeping me from realizing my divine state in being?
First of all, it is necessary to comprehend we are already expressing our divine state in being even though it isn't apparent to us right now. Abraham/Hicks talks about being a cork in the water. This is a good analogy because, at present, many of us have an anchor tied to the line which pulls the cork down below the surface of the water. The natural tendency for a cork is to float on the surface of the water. The natural tendency of an anchor is to sink to the bottom in the water. The natural tendency of water is to support the cork in its rising to the surface, at the same time to allow the anchor to sink to the bottom of the water. As the medium for both objects to reside within, it is indifferent to whether the cork is floating above the water or not, it is indifferent to whether the anchor is sinking to the bottom or not.
If the cork represents the expression of our divinity when floating upon the surface of the water, it also represents any degree where we are submerged within the water, therefore, to whatever degree we have been submerged, to that degree, we experience separation from expressing our divine state in being.
The line that is connected to the cork and the anchor, might be analogous to our identification as a separate being, so long as we are held down below the surface of the water. The strength of the line which is connected to both the cork and the anchor may be analogous to how determined we are to hold onto the beliefs which anchor us below the surface, out of reach of our divine expression. The weight of the anchor is analogous to how intently we hold to and embody beliefs of duality and separation. Therefore, once we let go of beliefs in duality, we lighten the weight of the anchor, and thereby allow the cork to ascend closer and closer to the surface of the water.
So, you may see two ways to facilitate the ascension process, one way is to weaken the strength of the line which binds the cork to the anchor of our duality beliefs, or lighten the weight of the anchor by holding uplifting thoughts to lighten the weight so the natural tendency of the cork to float to the surface is enabled to do so.
What is the most direct way to embody our divinity right here, right now?
Acknowledge and identify with the truth of our being. Acknowledge and identify with our divine expression in being. Let go of thoughts, ideas and beliefs which weigh us down, which hold us in separation from our true expression in being. The root belief system which holds the most weight is the belief in duality. When we let go completely of this root cause belief, we will automatically ascend to the true and eternal expression of our being, as divine creations of Source/God, as children of the most high.
If you trust these words, if you trust that they are coming from Truth, you will let go, and thereby come to know first hand the Truth presented here, you will say, "Yes, it IS so."
Blessings to us all.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Healing Ourselves and Others: Energy in motion = Vibrations
Everything is energy. Energy in motion vibrates, so that which is in manifestation is the results of energy in motion. There is a scale or range of vibrational frequencies which make up all of manifestation. A banana has a certain frequency spectrum which identifies it as a banana. A rock has a certain frequency spectrum which identifies it not only as a rock, but also what type of rock it is, i.e. sandstone, marble, granite, etc.
Monday, June 14, 2021
I Pray
Make it so.
Blessings to us all.
Saturday, June 12, 2021
Only the Divine
Only the divine can come to me, and only the divine can go from me.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
It is said the cosmos is in a constant state of motion. It is said that its motion is a spinning vortex type of motion. The Earth and our galaxy of planets is part of this grand cosmic motion. Earth is out in the boonies, so to speak, in the milky way galaxy. As our solar system also spins within our local galaxy, we are traveling through the cosmos where within this expanse are varying states of energetic vibrational states; some of which are highly charged while others are tranquilly vibrating and a subtle state of energy.
So, it is said the Earth, our solar system and galaxy are moving into and through a highly charged energetic vibrational field as you are reading this.
This is where I introduce the analogy of popcorn. Each of us are kernels of corn in the cooking pot we are currently experiencing as our life on planet Earth. Since you are reading this right now, it is fairly certain that you too are in your kernel state in being, as I am also, right here, right now. In this kernel state, we are experiencing life confined to primarily our senses and awareness as a human being, and individual living on a planet that we’ve come to know first hand through our daily lives.
Recently, things here in our solar system and galaxy have been heating up, (to bring in the popcorn kettle analogy,) as we move into this highly charged energetic vibrational field. Like the kernels of corn in the popcorn kettle, things seem to be getting very heated, chaotic and turmoil is increasing all around us because of this energetic field we are moving through. From our kernel state of awareness, as individual human beings, things are getting crazy. What use to be subtle craziness is becoming more and more overt and in our face, so much so that the craziness is undeniable for most people.
In the analogy of the popcorn kettle, the kettle is on the burner, and the atmosphere is heating up, which will eventually cause the kernels of corn to pop. If they don’t pop, then they will likely burn. What this means is; moving through this energy field has an effect upon us on all levels of our being, and the result of this energetic exposure causes us to transform into something different, unrecognizable to us in our kernel state of awareness. That is to say, for those who “pop”. For some, their shells are so thick, they can’t and won’t pop, instead, the intense energetic exposure will burn them, which from the kernel state of awareness is their death.
When will I pop? I don’t know, but if I am going to pop, it will happen spontaneously when the conditions are right for this to happen. The same is true for you and all other kernels of corn. The point here is that whatever is going to happen is inevitable, either we are going to pop or we are going to burn. I can say this with absolute certainty. You can bet on it! It WILL happen.
What determines whether we will pop or not? The way we are living our life from moment to moment, day to day, month to month, year to year determines whether we will pop or not. Those who are fixed in their beliefs and selfish pursuits in life are setting themselves up to be burned by this highly charged energetic field we are moving through. Those who are living in accordance with divine law, i.e.; being of service to others, being kind, loving, caring and supportive of each other and life in general, are setting themselves up to pop when the time is right. People who are living according to divine law may be more aware of what is going on, people like you who are reading this now. As the heat rises, and the craziness increases, these are signs, to the ones who are prepared to pop, to know and rejoice in that the time is near. We should celebrate because we know by the signs life is offering us, it HAS to happen soon.
The experience before and after the “pop” for each individual will be unrecognizable to them as their transformation will cause their kernel-ness to no longer express. The expression in being after the pop can only be speculated about while still in the kernel state, but one thing is certain, it will be much different.
Switching analogies now, from a kernel of corn to a caterpillar. Cooking in the popcorn kettle is similar to the cocoon stage of the caterpillar. Once it is ready, it spontaneously breaks free of the cocoon, and in so doing is transformed into something very different than it was before. It is transformed into something more beautiful, able to fly freely about, which is a greater sense of freedom in expression. We too will be transformed into something beautiful, we too will experience a freedom we have never experienced before in our kernel state of being awareness.
What that experience will be is currently beyond our grasp as we are still in this kernel state. While we will certainly be transformed, each of us will still be a sentient alive being, expressing life in the transformed state in being. It will likely be glorious, beyond words to express, and friends, this is what we have to look forward to.
If you pop, I am certain, you will be elated and bathed in divine delight after the transformation.
NOTE: For those who are concerned about their friends and family, who’ve made certain choices about what they do unknowing the ramifications of their choices, they too can pop, if they’ve lived in accordance with divine law. Even though they may not be awake, they too have the opportunity to pop or burn and which ever one it is, will be based upon their own choices they have made during their lives. In other words, if a person has been a kind and loving person, who has lived in service to others, but made a stupid choice (like getting the jab,) doesn’t make them ineligible to pop, but it could contribute to their chance to burn as well. In other words, they could pop, but also get a bit burned in the process.
At this point, each person’s path is their own. I can’t make your choices for you, and I wouldn’t want to. You need to make your own choices because you are the one who reaps the rewards for them, not me. I pray that we each make choices going forward, which increase the likelihood that each of us will pop and be transformed when the time is right.
As they say in the Boy Scouts: Be prepared.
Blessings to us all.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Physics, Polarities and Freedom of Choice
Blessings to us all!
Friday, May 14, 2021
How may I be enabled to align with and aid the unfolding of mass consciousness into a greater realization and awareness of our part in the manifestation process to bring forth the divine world we wish to express and live in?
Monday, May 10, 2021
Holy! Holy! Holy!
Let’s delve into this a bit to develop a greater understanding which will facilitate stepping into our own Whole I beingness. I created a meme which states: “Duality is a lie. There is only Oneness, One God/Source of all that is. You’ve been taught there is God and the Devil, this is not true. There is only God/Source, and if there is a devil, it exists within the one God/Source.”
As a being expressing in human form, here on planet Earth, each of us is a creation of God/Source. Unlike some religions purport, we are brought into this manifestation as pure and perfect expressions of the divine. We do not come into this manifestation flawed, (or with sin,) unless there are external influences which impinge upon our divine perfection as children of God/Source. Such flaws may be expressed in the physical form of the body, but the soul which is embodied within the physical form is untouched by the external expression of the physical form. It could be said, as we mature into adulthood, live and express in this manifestation where our true heritage is hidden from us, where we are not taught about or kinship with God/Source as our heavenly Father, where we are manipulated and deceived to believe we are simple, individuals separate and isolated from each other because our human physical body forms appear to be separate and isolated. These things spring up from the lie of duality.
Our quest at this point is to return to, or awaken to our oneness, our divine expression as children of God/Source. One could say we aren’t whole until we awaken to our oneness and our divinity as pure and perfect expressions of God/Source. A holy man, or holy woman is one who embodies God/Source completely while still expressing in this physical form. Such a one is expressing their oneness with God fully and completely. Therefore he/she is a holy being, a Whole I being.
Due to our exposure to the corruptions within this manifestation, our true identity is hidden from us by the tarnish caused by this exposure. Some have more tarnish to clean off than others, while others have much less to remove so their true brilliance and perfection shines through for all to see and experience. Because all of us live in this world/manifestation, we each have a build up of debris. It therefore behooves us to realize the expression of our being which appears to be tarnished and flawed is not our true beingness. In order to regain and express our true beingness we must therefore work on polishing away the tarnish which hides our divinity. This is an internal process, a spiritual journey, a spiritual path each of us must walk in order to regain our rightful place at the side of our Heavenly Father/Mother and all our Divine brothers and sisters, thereby bringing Heaven back into expression here on planet Earth.
When your windows are dirty, it is hard to see clearly what is on the other side of the glass. If the window is exceedingly dirty, one may not even be able to see through it at all, and in either case, the window developed over time debris which accumulated over time by neglect in periodically cleaning the glass, maintaining the clarity of vision to be able to see through it unhampered. So, if you’ve never cleaned your windows, it just means it will take more effort to remove the debris which has accumulated over the years. The thing here is this; the debris CAN be cleaned away and as a natural result of that, our clarity is restored, and with our clarity restored, our divine expression as children of God/Source is at hand. Once the window is cleaned we realize our Whole I-ness.
Speaking of windows, let us consider what we see on the other side of the window has its origin within our own being. That is to say, what we perceive as external to us, as the world we are experiencing, originated from within our own way in being, our own thoughts, words and deeds have molded how we experience the world.
When a holy man or woman looks out through the window at the world, he/she sees only the divine expression of God/Source, and this is brought about and perpetuated by being fully present in each here now moment by moment unfolding, expressing divinely in thought, word and deed as a pure and perfect embodiment of God/Source.
How do we remove the debris which is hiding our true divinity, our true expression in being as divine children of God/Source? Start right here, right now, from wherever you are, to express lovingly and kindly in the world and to yourself. This is the labor which clears away the tarnish, which clears away the debris from our windows. You can see that if you have seldom been loving and kind to others and yourself, this may be quite a challenging thing to undertake. Remember the climb to the peak of the mountain of perfection starts with one small step, followed by another, and another. Each small step brings us closer to our destination. So, start with that first step to reach towards being more loving and kind in thoughts, words and deeds. With perseverance in doing this, progress is made, the peak of perfections draws that much closer and the fulfillment of our quest to embody our Whole I-ness is that much closer to actualization.
Blessings to us all.
Friday, May 7, 2021
Our Mission in the Ascension Process
Monday, May 3, 2021
Love Disempowers Dark Forces
Monday, April 26, 2021
The Foundation of Beliefs
Now carry this concept over to beliefs; if your beliefs are based upon false premises, regardless of how well thought out and constructed they are, they are subject to failure due to the fact they are based upon premises which are not solid and true.
A root premise which is presented as fact is “duality”. These are some examples of duality in expression; good vs evil, happy vs sad, you vs me, etc.. Consider what we know and understand, and realize almost everything we’ve been taught and thought to be factually true is based upon the false premise of duality.
The firm foundation, the bedrock of existence is Oneness. The diversity within this Oneness is wrongly perceived as duality, but in fact the diversity are facets within the Oneness, like the facets of a finely cut diamond or crystal. Each facet is unique unto itself and fits perfectly within the whole to express the beauty of the One whole diamond or crystal. Instead of thinking in terms of duality, consider thinking in terms of oneness. Instead of duality, there is polarity, and within polarities of opposites are all degrees of expression between those two extremes of polarity. Everything within manifestation are expressions within the Oneness in Being and the diversity comes forth from the expanse between, and including, the extremes of polarity in expression.
A teaching which expresses Oneness, which you may have heard of before is; Love thy neighbor as thy self. This is an expression of oneness because in oneness how we treat others returns to us because ultimately, we are one, which means in reality there are no "others". We are facets of the same diamond, we are expressions within the consciousness and being which IS the source and substance of all that is.
I suggest considering observing your thought and actions to become mindful and aware of whether you are expressing truly in Oneness, or expressing based upon the false premise of duality. When we begin to express truly in Oneness, our thoughts, words and deeds are based upon a rock solid firm foundation, and anything we mindfully build upon this foundation can and will endure far beyond those things built upon the false premise of duality.
It’s your choice.
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
A Message to the People of Earth
You have been given a challenge, a quest, your mission is to overcome the hate and corruption which has invaded your world. There are many obstacles before you, it is your job to navigate successfully all of these obstacles, and emerge victorious on the other side.
What is required? Determination, Community cooperation, love, compassion and perseverance.
Don't ever give up, because success could be just around the corner. We have faith in you and your ability to overcome dire circumstances, so show us you can do this.
We are rooting for you, it is your quest to complete. Make it so.
Friday, April 16, 2021
It is a Solo Quest
So, it behooves each of us to do our own work on ourselves to lift our own vibrations, i.e., be more loving, joyous, forgiving, etc. and as we express these higher vibrations, we radiate this into our environment, and thereby help others to move into these higher vibrations without us having to say a word, or teach someone intellectually about what is transpiring.
It is helpful to be aware of how we are expressing in each moment by moment unfolding, holding ourselves in these higher vibrations. As the path before us unfolds, there may be distractions, which are intended to draw our vibrations down into lower vibrations, so, if we aren't mindfully present, we can slip further and further down into lower vibrational thoughts, words and deeds. If we maintain mindfulness, we can quickly catch ourselves when something like this begins to happen, and return to a higher vibrational expression in being. It is common for a beginner to have difficulty maintaining a constant loving attitude and expression, but with determination and a firm intention to quickly return to those higher vibrations, we can eventually advance to a point where we seldom are drawn into lower vibrational states.
The more attuned vibrationally we become, the greater radiance our vibrational energy field becomes so that those in our immediate environment can pick up on these vibrations, and be carried along with us into a more and more blissful state in being.
For those who are so much lower in vibrational expression, being caught up in anger, greed, fear, and self centeredness, etc., a person of high vibration being in their proximity may cause them to feel uncomfortable rather than joyous, and that is because they aren't easily able to adapt and attune to a vibration which is much higher than their own. This is something we should be aware of in our own unfolding, that is to say, the process of ascension and/or raising our vibration is generally a gradual one where we move up incrementally rather than make a huge shift instantly. I know there are many who don't want the long path, they would prefer it to happen instantly, but for most people, their own awakening and expression in being more divine takes time.
Starting a journal where we write about our daily attitudes and experiences help us to later look back on what we wrote a week ago, a month ago, a year ago, and see with our own eyes the progress we've accumulated over time, progress which may be imperceptible as we walk our path in life. Be kind to yourself upon your path in life, be quick to forgive and ready to move on as life unfolds for us.
How quickly we are able to advance is under our own control because of the choices we make. Choose wisely, with mindful intention to our desired results, is instrumental in shortening the time it takes to be aware of and express our own divinity, as perfect creation and expression of God, the source of all that is.
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Email alerts going away
There was a notice at the top of my channel page which indicated the email alert system to subscribers will be discontinued July 2021. I don't remember if they stated a specific date, go I'd just go with July 1, 2021.
I hope you appreciate my blogs enough to occasionally check back for new blogs.
If I knew each of the subscriber's email address, I could send an email to the subscriber list with a notice similar to what you might receive via the old system.
I'm not sure how to go about getting your email addresses. I don't want them posted publicly for privacy reasons.
If you have viable suggestions, I'd appreciate your input. :)
Blessings to us all.
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
The Value of Everything
Source or God or whatever name you attribute to IT, is the source and substance of all that is. This Source is all encompassing, without beginning or end. IT is ever present everywhere and everywhen. IT is existence, IT is conscious, and IT is creative. IT creates manifestation in all its forms, out of Itself. That which we, as individual identities/perspectives, perceive as our life experience is Source in expression. Since Source is conscious, IT is aware of all things, it knows everything intimately because IT is everything. Source creates without flaws and/or imperfections, and EVERYTHING created by Source has a purpose in being, therefore, everything is essential to the perfection in being as Source intends it to be. This means, the judgments we place upon people, places and things likely falls short of how valuable and important every little thing in God’s creation is. God doesn’t make mistakes, so what we perceive as mistakes reveals our limited comprehension of all that is, and how what we perceive as mistakes are essential to the full expression of God/Source/IT in manifestation.
For those who believe certain people and or things are non-essential, they are deluded in holding this as a belief system. Even those who believe in this way, are essential in the overall expression of God in being, because whether we agree with their perspective or not, the very fact that they exist, and hold this belief system, should reveal to us they are essential too.
As an individual perspective expressing in limited awareness in the 3D world manifestation, we may not fully grasp the value of everything, because we don’t have the all encompassing view/awareness that God/Source/IT has, and this limited awareness may likely cause misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and erroneous judgments so long as we remain confined to the limited awareness of an individualized expression of God as you and me.
In the manifestation process, Source is ever unfolding, ever expanding while at the same time remaining unchanged because while the manifestations are constantly changing, growing, living then dying, Source is still source.
May I suggest in order to expand awareness, we begin to see everything in manifestation has a purpose and therefore a value in being here. I suggest we relax our hold on what we think is true, and let Source reveal what IS, as Source/God/IT intends it to be.
The highest expression in being is where each of us realizes our oneness with Source, so that we each express Source as the joyous creative being IT is, I AM, without reservation, without hesitation, without false ideas of separation and without all that is spawned by false ideas. Without egoic thoughts of superiority over others, and without all that is spawned by such egoic expressions in being.
When each of us realizes our individual value, and at the same time, realizes how valuable everyone and everything in expression is, we may see God/Source/IT in ourselves and all manifestation. And with this understanding we may truly appreciate the value of treating others as we wish to be treated, because ultimately, how we treat ourselves and others reveals our understanding and appreciation of God/Source/IT. As we love each other, we are loving God, as we help each other we are helping ourselves as well.
In Oneness in being, IT is all valuable because it IS God/Source/IT in expression.
Blessings to us all.
Friday, April 2, 2021
We Are Beings of Light
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Our Own Path in Life
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
HEALING is returning to balance and harmony with God/Source.
The Purity and Perfection of our being IS God/Source.
Also, expanded consciousness, expanded abilities, expanded expression in being are the results of attunement with your highest most divine state in being.
Therefore, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all else shall be added unto you."