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Saturday, January 30, 2021

Without Good, Evil will Consume Itself


Acknowledge your Sovereignty

 By copying this image and pasting it on your social media page, you may let everyone know you acknowledge your own sovereignty, and encourage others to do the same.

Blessings to us all!

Monday, January 25, 2021

More on Establishing our Individual Sovereignty, and Self Governance

Regarding Individual Sovereignty and Self Governance:
1. Acknowledge you are an individual with sovereignty over your own body, mind, spirit and being.

 2. Assume full responsibility for all your actions and interactions with others. (That one may be a hard one to swallow for some people.)

3. As a Sovereign being, you have the God given right to make your own choices, this is your Self Governance ability in expression. In order to flow with divine creation as God intended it to be, we may base our actions and interactions with others using the Golden Rule as the foundation for how we act and treat each other.

This is all within your grasp at this very moment. You don't have to wait for permission, you are the Lord of your domain, therefore step up to the plate and take charge of your own expression in being. Be kind to others, be helpful to others, allow each person to make their own choices, even if you don't agree with them, because, as I stated before, choice is our God given right.

Blessings to us all.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Establishing our Individual Sovereignty

As a Sovereign Being, you don't need to wait for permission to claim your sovereignty, you don't have to wait until others do it first. Establishing your own Sovereignty, your own self governance, your own freedom of choice, are ALL things you can choose to do right now. Choosing to make it so, doesn't mean from here on out, everything will be peachy keen, it just means, that however things unfold, you are at the helm of your own course in life, you are the reaper of the rewards and penalty according to the choices you make.

Being a sovereign being has far more rewards than penalties when we choose wisely, far more rewarding than letting others choose for you what you should or shouldn't do, can or can not have. As a sovereign being, each of us assumes full responsibility for how we express in life, and therefore, there is no one to blame for our failings but our self, there is no one to praise for our successes but our self.

As a movement, spreading these ideas by our own words and actions, will grow organically. The more we fully embody Self Governance and Individual Sovereignty, others will see the benefits not only for themselves, but for everyone as well.

NOW is the time to begin this journey, should you choose to make it so.

Blessings to us all!

Friday, January 8, 2021

Don't blame God for what is going on in the world.

I don't blame any of what is happening in the world on God, rather these things are man's doings. My understanding of what most people refer to as God, is the source and substance of all that is. That is to say, nothing exists except by the grace of God, and IS God in manifestation as all that is perceived and Imperceptible.

God gave each of us Consciousness, Awareness and Being. Consciousness so we are aware in our beingness, consciousness wherein we each have the freedom of choice, and with that freedom comes consequences for our choices. When we act in a way which does not promote well-being, joy and harmony, those actions have natural consequences. If we don't "get it" when something bad happens to us, that we played a part in it occurring to us, the lesson hasn't been learned, so those consequences escalate more and more until we finally wake up to the fact that whatever it is that is happening in our life to us is because we caused it in some way. To go into that subject would take a books worth of exposition to cover how that works.

See ye first the kingdom of God, and then all else shall be added unto you.

That is to say live in harmony with ALL of God's creations, Love everyone as yourself, treat others the way you want to be treated. This is actually how we step through the gates of Heaven while still here as human beings on Planet Earth.

When we harm another, we are harming an expression of God in form, and the cost is to balance the scales and that harm returns to us. In the Eastern traditions, this is called Karma. It is basically a cause and effect principle which has no judgement but rather seeks balance in all things.

Jesus, as far as I know, never said, Worship me as the son of God, but rather he did say we are ALL sons and daughters of God. If we want to enter into the Divine Kingdom of God, we must take responsibility for our own actions, and not depend upon Jesus or anyone else to do it for us. Our job is to do it ourselves, of our own free will, not because of the rewards we can obtain, but because it is the right and true thing to do, without regard for rewards of fame and/or fortune.

It really isn't that hard to do. Everyone can choose to be a good person, to be kind, helpful, loving and caring. I believe this is our mission here on Earth, to bring Heaven into manifestation here on Earth by being true to our Divine nature as God created each of us to be.

Blessings to us all!

Thursday, January 7, 2021

What's the point of pursuing perfection?

If perfection was in fact dull, it wouldn't truly be perfection. The peak of a mountain may seem unobtainable when looking at it from the bottom of a cliff, but with dedication and determination, one can find a way to ascend to the peak. The journey isn't easy, as a matter of fact, very few have made it because they gave up and turned back before getting there. The excuse is usually, "That mountain is impossible to summit."

If perfection was easy, if there were no challenges along the way, the journey would be accomplished by everyone, but without a great sense of accomplishment. As an example, getting up to get a drink of water, how great of a sense of accomplishment do you experience each time you do that? If you aren't handicapped in some way, there is little value given to this accomplishment, and this is the way it is with life in general as well.

If you think perfection is impossible to reach, change your approach to one where you stop looking at the the peak of the mountain, and start looking at the ground in front of you. You can take a step, then another, then another, and with perseverance you can make progress and feel a sense of accomplishment as you proceed.

Once you reach the peak of that mountain, your view will be spectacular, and you may see there are many more mountains to climb. In the same way, there are many forms of perfection beyond what you can see from the bottom of the mountain, (mundane life).

If you don't think it is possible, you won't exert the effort to try to accomplish it, but if you believe it IS possible, you will exert the effort even though you may never get there.

It comes down to vision, attitude, and determination.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


We live in a multi-dimensional reality where there are an infinite number of simultaneously existing and expressing realities.  What this can be thought of as is like this: 

In one time line reality, I come to a corner where there are three different directions I could go.  Because there are three directions I could go, there are these 3 realities where, in each one, I go a different direction.  There is also the possibility of not going in any of those directions, staying right there, or turning back and going back the way I came.  The point is, there are many possibilities that exist simultaneously, and the way we realize one of them, is by choosing.  If you understand this concept, then you must also realize, in each moment where we make a choice, consciously or unconsciously, we are shifting to an appropriate time line where that choice is expressing.  It happens so flawlessly, it seems we are still in the same time line we were in prior to making the choice.  The amazing thing to me about all of this is, it is happening all the time, yet we are not aware of it happening.  Why aren’t we aware of this happening?  There are many possible reasons, just like there are many choices for each choice point we encounter.  For me, my awareness is in the present, this is where all choice points converge and express through my individual perspective in being and expressing.  The difference between choice “a” and choice “b” is in where my presence expresses when those choice points present themselves to my awareness.

The Law of Attraction may be understood or seen as a magnetizing of what we desire so that it is drawn to us, but I suggest, that isn’t an accurate understanding of the law of attraction.  Consider this: The infinity of possibilities already exist wherein every conceivable desire or situation already exists, sort of like going into a HUGE warehouse where whatever you could possibly desire already exists.  But like in a warehouse, whatever you want exists, but it doesn’t magically come to you as though being pulled to you like a magnetic drawing action.  In a warehouse you have to go to where that desire exists to get it, and that is our instruction to get what we want in life.  We have to get into vibrational accord, (go down the right isle of the warehouse,) in order to bring that choice reality into our presence experience.  So, you see, your desire doesn’t just come to you, but rather you go to your desire.

If you understand that all the shelves of the infinite warehouse of life expressing are filled with the fulfillment of every desire, every choice point, you understand you aren’t creating it but rather going to it and accepting it into your life expressing by choosing it, and them moving vibrationally towards it so the choice or desire can be experienced in your presence, in your life expressing.

The important thing to consider is, this; Instead of some external force bringing what you want into your life, you are the one going to go get it yourself.  This means the responsibility for fulfilling our desires is solely within our own control, we empower whatever it is, to express in our presence by our moving into alignment with it vibrationally.

How do we move vibrationally towards what we desire?  Abraham via Ester Hicks refers to an Emotional Guidance System wherein a full spectrum of vibrational expressions is exposed and relatable to as how we feel.  An attunement to our Divine expression in being may be experienced as supreme bliss and that would be noted as the upper most expression of this scale.  Conversely, the opposite end of the scale would be the exact opposite emotional experience one could possibly have.  Where ever we are currently in our life expressing in this here, now moment by moment unfolding is somewhere within these two extremes.  The higher on the emotional scale we ascend, the more clarity and awareness is present, therefore we more easily come into alignment with the vibrational expression of our desire, and it expresses in our here now moment by moment unfolding as our life experience in presence.  So, ascending the emotional scale increases our field of vision, so to speak, enhances our presence experiencing, and empowers more fully our conscious creative ability.

Find out for yourself whether what I’ve written works for you.  If you’ve never consider these ideas before, give yourself time to become fully immersed within them, sort of like learning to ride a bike, it takes time and practice to find your balance and be freed to ride wherever you want to go without falling or crashing.  So, if you fall, or crash, that is okay, it is part of the learning experience, just get back up and try again.  People who succeed in life never give up.  Find your determination and dedication and continue until you have mastered whatever it is you desire.

Blessings to us all.