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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Regarding Music and How it Affects Us

When we take things as a whole, the value of balance is paramount above all other considerations, that is to say seeing the value of both the positive and the negative as integral to the manifestation process.  This of course applies to music and all aspects of our lives.

The intention behind any activity, thought or emotion is key in directing the energy made manifest through the music, as well as other things we say, do and think. Heart based vibrations embrace growth, expansion and wholeness, promoting harmony and peace.

You can easily tell, when listening to a variety of music, the effects continued listening to a particular genre of music has on your attitude and mood. What happens when you listen to music which is very loud, with heavy pounding beats, and vocals which scream the lyrics at you? What happens when you listen to the gentle trickling sounds of a babbling brook, when you hear birds singing in the background? What happens when you listen to a lullabye being sung to a child or loved one? These are experiments you can easily do and then be cognizant of what the effects on your mood and physiology are.

If you think something is bad for you, be cognizant of whether it really is or not, then if you determine it is in fact bad for you, it behooves you not to do that any more. Conversely, if you think something is good for you, be cognizant of whether it really is or not as well.

At the end of the day, it is your life, and your choices direct the unfolding of your experiencing and journey in life. It is my hope, you will always make wise choices, and learn from those choices which stray away from wisdom.

Grace and Blessings to us all!

We Are All Children Of The Divine

When interacting with others, whether they are your children, someone else's children or complete strangers, look past the outward appearance and actions, and see the perfection, and beauty of their divinity within. If you are always looking at their divinity, you will transcend the lesser character traits they physically and emotionally express. We are all children of the Divine, therefore, at our heart we are Divine. As we awaken to this fact, we will begin to create heaven on Earth, one thought, one action, and one emotion at a time.

Make sure you sincerely express your appreciation for everyone and everything in your life, because doing so, lifts you up and plants the seeds for more life experiences to appreciate. An easy form of appreciation is to tell those who do things for you, "Thank you!"

Thank you for reading this.  I appreciate your doing so.  If it is helpful, share freely.

Grace and Blessings to us all.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bless This Food to My Use, and Bless me to Thy Use.

When working with any food preparation, the attitude you are holding while working with the food can be imbued into the food. I mention this because you are using your hands a lot to handle the food.  It is a good idea to have loving, kind thoughts while working the food with your hands, as well as feelings of appreciation and gratitude for the food you are preparing.

All of what I just wrote may sound strange, but I'm sure you've heard the saying, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." And, you can prove this to your own satisfaction by consciously imbuing the food you are preparing with thoughts and emotional energy which you can recognize by how those who eat it behave after having eaten it.

I know from personal experience that the attitude and feelings you put into your food, DO have an effect on those who partake of it, and of course that include you too.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Hold On To Your Power and Sovereignty

I got this idea from the ECETI video I just watched. I think it is a key idea to facilitate getting our own power back and establishing our own individual sovereignty as a conscious intelligent being in manifestation.

Regarding elections: When you cast your vote for someone on a ballot, by doing so, you are giving your power away to that person. Once he/she is elected, you no longer have a say in each decision, which effects your well-being and welfare any more.

Those in political offices are our employees, we don't work for them, they are suppose to work for us. If you own a business and your employee(s) isn't/aren't serving your business, you have the power to fire them, and then hire someone who WILL serve your business appropriately. And, you don't have to wait 4 years to fire them, and replace them.

When we take back our power, and stop giving it away so easily and freely, we will begin to see a society which is more in line with cosmic law and in harmony with how Source works.

Grace and Blessings to us all!

Link to the ECETI video I mentioned above.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

You Are Incorruptible...

When one is centered within their Divine Radiance, attuned to Source, there is only one's own wavering which enables "dark forces" to have any influence within your life expressing.

Stay centered, and radiate your Divine Light Beingness which is incorruptible. ("They" are only faint wisps of the shadow your radiance cast. Only when you believe "they" can harm you, will "they" be able to harm you. So you see, you are harming yourself by the beliefs you entertain.)

Grace and Blessings to us all!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

From Opposites to Polarities

Instead of thinking in terms of opposites, think in terms of polarity of the same thing. Good is the polarity of Bad, Right is the polarity of Wrong, etc. This enables you to flip the coin over and realize the other side is still the same coin.

Changing from viewing the "opposites" to the "polarities" shifts you from a dualistic state of reference to a Oneness state of reference.

So, the saying, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." is an opposites point of view because it engenders duality, i.e.; "you" and "others."

In Oneness awareness, "you" and "others" are aspects of the same being expressing individuality on a grand scale.

Blessing and Grace to us all.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Creative Principles

The proper use of any basic principle of creation, is clearly established and used once one transcends the mind caught up in duality thinking. Wisdom is realized as one embraces oneness as the primal impetus for further manifestations in the realms of polarity expressions.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Diversity is Essential...

Just a reminder:

Diversity is the engine which facilitates growth and expansion, without it, no one or no thing has the option to change.

A dying race is one where diversity isn't allowed to exist, a race where differences aren't appreciated and celebrated.

Let us not fall into the trap of sameness

Blessings to us all.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Unity in the Community

Unity in the Community faces other forces which want to create divisions and break down community all together. United we are invincible, and they know that, so causing separations and divisions between us serves their nefarious agendas. The first step to unity in the community, is to be present in the moment by moment unfolding, and find unity and harmony within your own energy vibration field/body/mind/spirit. This then radiates out to the community and provide the impetus for other's vibrations to be lifted as well. So, all the work we have to do, is within our own sphere of being and control, everything else falls in to place naturally once we have practiced our own unity and harmony within our own being. Blessings to us all. :)

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Prayer: "an earnest request or wish"

How often have you recited the Lord's Prayer without considering the actual meaning of what you are reciting as a prayer?  I'm going to guess, a majority of people just recite it like a parrot, similar to how people recite the "Pledge of Allegiance" without considering what it actually means.  You may not agree with what is written below, and that is fine,.  I encourage you to consider how YOU would define the actual meaning for yourself.


Our Father, (This signifies a patriarchal relationship system. If it wasn’t such a system reference, it might have been stated “Our Parents” which would include both the Mother and Father figures in a human family tree. You may notice, there is seldom a reference in the Bible to the Mother figure, and that may be because of the patriarchal system of control. In human terms, the Father is only half the equation in the creation of a child, the Mother is also necessary, unless some advanced technology was used in the creation process where humanity was the result of a “test tube baby” science experiment.)

who art in heaven, (Heaven is defined as: the expanse of space that seems to be over the earth like a dome, which may indicate the “Father” resides out in space, possibly on another planet or spaceship.)

Hallowed be thy Name, (a synonym for hallowed: holy exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness. Why is just the name to be exalted? Is the name more important than the being who has that name?)

Thy kingdom come, (this refers back to the patriarchal system of control. Definition of Kingdom: a politically organized community or major territorial unit having a monarchical form of government headed by a king or queen.)

Thy will be done, (This implies servitude to the patriarch, giving away free will and choice in favor of being of service to the patriarch.)

On earth as it is in heaven. (This indicates the extent of control being applied to earthlings as it is applied to those who reside on other planets or spaceships in our “heavens” or sky.)

Give us this day our daily bread. (This is part of the servitude attitude where the servants depend on the patriarch to provide their sustenance.)

And forgive us our trespasses, (Again the patriarchal system where the one lords over and therefore has the power to “forgive” trespasses. This may also relate to being a servant who abides by the rule of the patriarch.)

As we forgive those who trespass against us. (this may be referring to the practice of “do to others as you would have them do to you.”

And lead us not into temptation, (if the patriarch was truly “holy,” or “hallowed” He would not lead his children into temptation, except for the lessons of choice that may be contained therein, but since “thy will be done” above doesn’t indicate a freedom of choice, so those under the rule would follow the leader like sheep, even off a cliff.)

But deliver us from evil. (this is representative of duality, i.e., good and its opposite, evil. It implies we can’t extricate ourselves from evil, or living against the rule, by our own actions and choices, another indication of being a servant to the patriarch.)

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. (This reiterates the patriarchal system as being absolute, and expresses ownership and control over that which is owned. In other words, we are owned, not actually deemed to be actual children of the Father, only those who are in service to the Father’s power and glory.)

Amen. (Definition: so be it, or as Pickard of Star Trek would say, “Make it so.”)

A possible restating of this prayer:

Our Creator who lives in space, revered be your name. May your ruler ship be established on Earth as it is in space, with humanity in subservience to your will. Provide us with sustenance, and forgive us our wrong doings as we forgive those who’ve done us wrong. Don’t lead us into temptation and protect us against what is against your will. So be it.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Markings, Images (Tattoos) on the Body

As I understand it, some geometric images are conducive towards flowing energy, some mandalas are very effective at this, so the design and placement of such images may contribute to one's energy field based upon the geometry represented on the body. Regardless of what the image is, it can have either a positive energy effect, or a negative energy effect based upon your own state in being, and the state in being of those who view it. What I mean is, the same image can evoke good energy when viewed by one person and the opposite energy when viewed by someone else. Personally, I choose not to mark up my body temple because at this point in my awareness, I don't know where the river of my life will flow into the future. I have a general idea, but the bends and turns in the river of my life are changeable without restrictions being place upon it due to markings on my body.