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Friday, December 31, 2021

Painting a Bright and Wondrously Beautiful New Year

With the new year upon us, let us look at it like it is a blank canvas, and decide what we are going to paint as our times to come. As the artist, we can create the most beautiful and glorious future for all of us because we are holding the brush. Each of us has our own brush to add our paint to the canvas, let us find unity and the good of all in so doing.

Blessings to us all

Monday, December 27, 2021

Like Minded, Like Spirited Beings unite

I think it behooves us to each do our own inner work, to lift our own vibrations above the dark and tumultuous chaos that many find themselves in. There are those who would have us seek salvation outside ourselves, when we are our own saviors, by the inner work and clarity, strength of spirit, and centeredness within the light of Source, we each develop within ourselves. Free will, freedom of choice guided by divine principles and love with the good of all in mind, heart and spirit, makes it so. I can tell you the path is before you, which path you take is your choice, use your free will choice wisely and your journey will be fulfilling and rewarding, for you and all like minded, like spirited beings. Blessings to us all!

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Med Beds & Using Technology

Regarding MedBeds subject: It is true, as far as I know, that each of us is fully empowered to heal our own body, mind and spirit, but if one doesn't know how to do that, and he/she doesn't have someone to demonstrate in a practical and effective way a healing process, technology is useful to facilitate the healing process as well. I've noticed a man was wearing glasses, (I wear contacts,) that is technology, we use computers to communicate with people from all over the world, that's technology, we use car, trucks, boats, roller skates, etc. to move about, all of that is technology. We use municipal water supplies which are pumped into our homes, and water heaters to heat the water. You get the idea, using technology is not a bad thing as far as I am concerned. I suggest going out into the wilderness and living there for a year, see how that goes without any technology. I have done that, and coming back into civilization where there is running water, hot and cold, warm house due to furnaces, etc., for me it was like going through a time warp. You don't appreciate what you've got until you don't have it any more, and that is part of the lesson being offered to humanity right now, via, censorship, lockdowns, etc.

When I am able to walk on water, feed the hungry without going to the store or garden, when I am able to fly/levitate to get around, I won't need technology, but until then until I actually know how to manifest a divinely beautiful, eternally youthful physical body, I will gladly make use of technology to help enhance my life experiencing. :)

(How do you like my soap box? It is an off brand box! LOL)

Thursday, December 2, 2021

The Real Teacher is Life Expressing/Experience

Different densities, the way I comprehend them; they all happen in the Here now, moment by moment unfolding. In reality, there are no real differences that are able to be corralled into definitions like densities or levels. Those things are mental constructs, that when you actually awaken to your broader expression in being, do not exist as such. Awareness. Point of Focus. expansive awareness where the point of focus and perception aren't localized as a single identity, but rather includes all identities simultaneously. Since all manifestation is an out picturing of consciousness, of being in expression, we beings (as Humans) generally gradually expand our field of awareness, get acclimated to that expanded field of awareness, then reach further into the awareness of even more expanded fields of awareness, and on and on it goes. And, what I've just described is just one thread in the infinite tapestry of conscious in being expressing.
  There is that thought that God never gives you more than you can handle, and what that means to me is, if all of a sudden you instantly experienced the greatest expansion in awareness and being, even for a moment, it would be so overwhelming you might get lost in that expansive awareness, and the people who interact with you might consider you've gone crazy, you've lost your grasp of this more manageable (from a human perspective) awareness in being.

And now I tell you, none of this means anything to you until you actually walk the path and experience it for yourself. Your own experience is the true revealer, what others say and do is less pertinent to you than your own expression in being and how you unfold within IT.