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Monday, October 16, 2017

Re-Embodying our Humanity

It is really easy for people to forget, or not even consider they are dealing with another human being who has feelings.  Many of the systems in place in our world, dehumanize us all, so that when someone working within the system is requested to consider the humanity, the feelings of the people involved, they become mechanical and make responses like, "we can't do that"  When in fact, in many cases they could do something, if they wanted to take the time to think outside the system box they are confined within.

Part of the awakening of humanity, is to embody our humanity one person at a time, one moment at a time.  Having compassion for another's situation, putting our feet in their shoes, helps us to work better together to find solutions that can't be found via staying inside the system's little box.

Blessings to us all.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

One in All, All in One
One is All, All is One
One as All, All as One

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Clarity and Deception

Seek Clarity

Over the years I’ve come to realize one of the most important aspects in being is to embody clarity.  Clarity as I am referring to it here is a lack of clouding or distortion to one’s perceptive abilities.  To equate it to a visual analogy, perfect clarity is like being immersed in a clear sky where one can see clearly for miles and miles.  Having this sort of clarity allows one to see things coming from a long distance which enables one to take appropriate action to remain safe, healthy and whole. 


Deception is enabled by lack of clarity.  When you can’t see clearly, it is easier to be led astray.  Most often the deception or lie is hidden within a true statement, like the hook hidden within the bait used to catch a fish.  If you aren’t aware enough, you may see the outward truth and then bite on it and be caught by the lie hidden within it.  Deception is also empowered by unquestioning trust.  When you have clarity, it is much easier to move through life with unquestioning trust because you can see clearly those who are trustworthy and those who are not.  When you are immersed in the clouds of distortion, and limiting perception, proceeding through life without a healthy amount of skepticism can be harmful to your well-being.  Therefore, so long as one is not well established in clarity, it behooves one to proceed with caution and not readily accept everything being expressed as totally factual and accurate.

Who to trust?

There is no simple answer to this question.  Obtaining trust is like the pay or reward for showing one’s self to be honest and established in integrity of character and being, therefore trust is earned. Trust should not be given out to everyone freely, at least while one is immersed in the clouds of limiting perceptions and distortions.  There is one source in being which one can most easily establish trust and that is within one’s own being.  While meditation and focus upon divine attributes in being, one can establish a clear connection with the divine aspects of one’s self where clarity emanates from.  If one cannot trust his or her own Self, then find a way to establish this trust is imperative to one’s growth and well-being.

What is their motivation?

One way to begin to establish trust in another is to establish what it is they want, what are their intentions?  Do they promote harmony, unity and divine attributes in what they present, or do they express discord, divisiveness and the like in their words and actions?  One who is attuned to his/her inner Self, may be guided by an inner feeling of ease or uneasiness dependent upon what sort of truth or lie they are being exposed to.  When you don’t feel a loving presence, when what is being expressed is contrary to your well-being and the well-being of others, skepticism is warranted.

Who and/or what enters your realm in being are up to you.  You are the gatekeeper; you allow or prevent entry to everyone and everything which seeks to enter.  If you allow everyone in without question, you are asking for trouble.  I suggest being a wise gatekeeper, one armed with clarity which also enables wisdom and beneficial choices.

Therefore, go forth and seek clarity first, add wisdom by combining the mental and emotional aspects of your being which provide guidance in making choices.  The fool rushes in where angels fear to tread.  The wise one evaluates and considers before proceeding.  I suggest following the characteristics of a wise one.

Blessings to us all!
One in All, All in One.