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Sunday, December 29, 2019

It is a matter of Identity.

When One dwells in Unity Consciousness, Oneness Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, where is the "other"? If there is an "other" it exists because I, as the creator of my own reality, have made it so. I have a choice. 

One realizes, (makes real) that which is identified with, therefore, within choice there is Duality which manifests out of the ONE.

When it was said, Love thy neighbor as thyself, doesn't that guide towards awakening into Unity Consciousness? If I love "you", am I actually loving my Self? If I harm "you", am I actually harming my Self?

The level of unity awareness one expresses/dwells within is manifest according to that awareness. 

Blessings to us all!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Working On Ourselves

When people pay so much attention to what others are doing, or not doing, they aren't able to realize what they themselves are doing.

To change the world, paying attention to how I am being, and how I am acting, empowers me to change how I perceive and act in the world I experience.

Paying most of my attention upon how others are being and acting, does little to make my life experiencing better, rather, it lowers my vibration and disburses my creative power so little to no change can take place.

As an example for what I wrote above, you can't sit and stand at the same time, you got to choose which one you want to do. (pay attention to your own journey in life, or pay attention to another's journey in life.)

Working on our own faults is far more effective than trying to fix the faults we perceive in others. When we've cleaned the lense of our own perception, we can clearly see and be true to our own Divinity.

Blessings to us all.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Blessings To Us All!

One of the things about meditation that I've learned is to let whatever happens be okay. That is to say, I don't intentionally or unintentionally judge what is happening. If I was judging, I was identifying with a certain perspective which determined whether what was happening or not happening was either good or bad. When I let everything be okay, I become the observer, and when I find myself engaging with the inner monologue, I return to "All is ONE, ONE is all" as a sort of centering mantra. When I feel some sort of negative emotion, I say to myself internally, "Blessings to us all." I've found this to be very effective in letting go of errant feelings. So, Blessings to us all!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Ever Present in Each Moment - Joy

In my experience, I've noticed, the cause of despair or the like, is generally because I'm not focusing on the Here Now, moment by moment unfolding, but rather on some imaginary future, or an imaginary lack of future. The Joy of Life is to be found in Each Moment Lived. NOW is the moment. If you are in the desert of despair, it may require looking and seeking the joy that is ever present, but because of the despair, not apparent. Relax, return to the Here Now, breath deeply and relax into this moment by moment unfolding of the joy in your life, right here, right now. Ever present while we are ever in Presence during the unfolding of our life expressing. Blessings to us all!

Thursday, December 5, 2019


Each of us has our own path in life. We mostly know what our life is like, and how we deal with our own life experiencing. As Cody said, pay attention to how you are being, and be the best version of yourself that you can be. Be honest, kind, courteous, considerate and be mindful of doing the best job you can. Doing all that is a lot to take care of, and so you might find you have little time to focus on what someone else is or isn't doing. When you remain centered within your own presence, you remain peaceful and therefore, life is good. It matters less what is going on outside of you, than what is going on inside of you. Find joy in each moment lived, and don't make it dependant upon how anyone else acts or treats you. Each day, each moment of joy you dwell within, is the beautiful necklace of your life, each moment is a pearl of great value in that necklace. When you find yourself getting frustrated, or angry, stop, breath deeply and center yourself. Return to your center where joy resides. Be well.