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Thursday, December 5, 2019


Each of us has our own path in life. We mostly know what our life is like, and how we deal with our own life experiencing. As Cody said, pay attention to how you are being, and be the best version of yourself that you can be. Be honest, kind, courteous, considerate and be mindful of doing the best job you can. Doing all that is a lot to take care of, and so you might find you have little time to focus on what someone else is or isn't doing. When you remain centered within your own presence, you remain peaceful and therefore, life is good. It matters less what is going on outside of you, than what is going on inside of you. Find joy in each moment lived, and don't make it dependant upon how anyone else acts or treats you. Each day, each moment of joy you dwell within, is the beautiful necklace of your life, each moment is a pearl of great value in that necklace. When you find yourself getting frustrated, or angry, stop, breath deeply and center yourself. Return to your center where joy resides. Be well.

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