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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Hero or Villain?

Hero = Service to others with high regard for their well-being.

Villain = Service to self with no regard for the well-being of others.

As moment by moment we live our lives, what does the scale of our actions, thought and words reveal us to be? How much of the time are we being heroes, and how much of the time are we being villains? Yes we always have the choice to be one or the other, but as each moment unfolds, we can't be both.

Choose your moments wisely.

Blessings to us all.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Do you believe in Karma?

Wikipedia definition:  Karma means action, work or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual. Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and future suffering.

Karma has a balancing effect, and the purpose of this balancing effect is to show us through real life experiencing, what we do to others is revisited upon ourselves so that we may learn from our experiences what it is like to be the perpetrator and the victim of actions we take and are taken upon us.

An example of Karma might be something like this;

a person gets angry with someone, and says or does something to another person, which causes him/her to feel saddened, resentful or some other emotional and physical experience. This example sets up an imbalance because the first person hasn’t been considerate of the second person’s feelings, etc., so the karmic effect caused by this interaction later opens up an opportunity for the first person to be the “victim” in a similar life experience where what he/she did or said to someone else is visited upon him/her. And, the repeated occurrence of such experiences indicates balance hasn’t been achieved yet.

How then is balance achieved? Balance is once again achieved when the “victim” realizes that the way he/she is treated is the effect of how he/she has treated others. So, once this realization occurs, and he/she begins to treat others differently, the repeated occurrence of this type of experience is no longer necessary and therefore no longer manifests in this person’s life experiencing, so long as he/she doesn’t revert to old habits in the way of being and interacting with others.

Another way of thinking of Karma is to consider this idea; “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This is another way of expressing the same idea because what you do to others comes back to you to reflect back to you what you put out into creation. So, really in the long run, what we are doing to others, we are actually doing to ourselves. The judgments we cast upon others facilitates such judgments to be cast upon us.

And, this is yet another expression in and of ONENESS.

There are terrible things which happen where there are those who instigate the experiences, and those who have these things done to them. Both parties may have karmic entanglements from prior lives where they originated or continued to act in such a way that an imbalance was created and eventually must be balanced.

Look at the affairs of things in this world, what you are seeing and experiencing, from moment to moment in your life unfolding, are the causes and effects of Karma expressing in life. A person may have been murdered in a most gruesome way, considering karma in action, might it be possible that this “victim” once was the perpetrator of such act(s) upon others? Might the perpetrator in this murder been the victim of such an event at the hands of the one who now is the victim in this event? This idea indicates that karma doesn’t end once you leave a body. If there is an imbalance in your soul, that imbalance is carried over into your next incarnation and eventually has to be addressed in such a way that balance is once again restored.

Karma can be a never ending circle of causes and effects, which manifest upon the ever turning wheel of time and space. How does one break the cycle? Karma requires the concepts of cause and effect and an awareness of duality or polarities. When one realizes there is no one else to have a cause or effect upon, that the “someone else” is really you, you can break the cycle by embodying this realization. And, with this realization embodied in the moment by moment of life unfolding, one can consciously express life in such a way that a karmic balance is always maintained, and thereby one experiences the true and eternal bliss of life while still embodied with the world of time and space.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Who are you really hurting?

Something to consider:

When you are angry or upset with someone or something, who is really affected the most by that anger or upset?

You are.

You are the one who is experiencing those emotions. So, maybe you could ask yourself, "do I really want to continue having this experience? Can I be fully present in this moment by moment unfolding, let go of the anger and/or upset, and return to a place of joy and well-being?

You might think by being angry you are hurting someone else, but the truth is, you are hurting yourself much more than anyone else.

Forgive them, forgive yourself and be grateful for the opportunity to do so.

Blessings to us all.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Someone wrote, "Death begets life." This was my reply

Death doesn't beget life, life begets life. Death may make way for new life to appear, but there doesn't have to be death so new life may arise.

Yes, death is a natural part of this manifestation, but wars are not a natural part of this manifestation. That is to say, wars are the results of humans with differing perspectives on the value of life and the way to live it. It is one thing to die from natural causes, and another to die by unnatural means.

As long as people hold the perspective that killing others to get your way, and/or what you want, and is the right way to live life, then that is how long wars will continue to manifest in this realm.

It is a choice, at least for me it is a choice, and I choose peace. I choose life, I choose harmony and abundance for all. No one has to die in a war. There are always peaceful resolutions to problems which arise. We just need to seek them out.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Sharing a comment I posted on a YouTube video comment section.

While I don't condone copyright infringements or other such appropriation of information sharing, it seems to me the bigger issue is shifting focus towards working together, caring and sharing as though we are one big human family. Any sort of divisiveness just breeds more of the same. Energy flows where attention goes. That means, where you place your attention, is where you are spending your energy. So, do we want to spend our energy on bringing humanity into the golden age where peace, love, harmony, abundance, caring and sharing are ubiquitous, or someplace else where only the self is prospered at the expense of everyone else? The path we are on may be crowed, but the journey we are on is a solitary one, one in which each and everyone of us has to take the steps, do the work and live the life which manifests heaven on earth. No one else can do it for us, no amount of technology is the pill to fix everything. Our own state in being is the solution to every problem we've faced as individuals and as a collective race of human beings. It is nice to share information that you come upon, but isn't it better to share freely, and let the rewards come as they will, once we embrace our brotherhood and sisterhood as human beings of Planet Earth.
Court battles always end up hurting everyone involved, even if one side gets a "win" decision. Such things scar the heart, and only forgiveness, love and caring can heal such wounds.
Blessings to us all.

The Latest Threat...

It occurred to me this morning as I was meditating the 5G & 6G stuff is another form of "us against them" inspired technology which has replaced the nuclear threat with this newer form of threat. This is meant to engender fear and thereby control.

When is humanity going to give up on the "us against them" perspective and then realize to struggle against anything, is to struggle against your own state of well-being.

Peace and well-being are not the results of war, death and destruction are.

Blessings to us all.

Friday, March 1, 2019

What is Ascension?

What is ascension?

Ascension is the process of moving up the vibrational spectrum from a lower vibrational state to a higher vibrational state. This is typically a gradual process where one incrementally progresses through these vibrational states in being, gradually making sustained progress through the vibrational spectrum.

A couple of words you may hear, or have heard with regard to ascension are; density and dimensions.

The vibrational spectrum may be expressed in terms of density where the lower vibrational states in the spectrum are more “dense” and the higher vibrational states are more etheric or ephemeral. It is worth realizing the full spectrum of vibrational states is ever present and all increments within this spectrum express and exist simultaneously. But as a focused identity within this vibrational spectrum, one typically does not experience the full spectrum of vibrational states simultaneously in the moment by moment unfolding of life experiencing. Rather, as a focused identity within the expansive life being, one typically experiences a single vibrational state upon the scale during the moment by moment unfolding of life experiencing.

As a human being in the 3 dimensional expression in being, we may recognize the various vibrational states or densities, through the spectrum of emotional experiencing.

In order to understand how we may use our life experiencing to evaluate our current state in being, we must have an anchor of sorts as a reference point. The anchor point is unchanging and therefore enables us to establish a reference upon a scale which then can be expanded and depicted, for example as an emotional scale. The higher one’s vibrational state, the more in alignment we are with the Source of our being, the source of all vibrational states in being. The lower one’s vibrational state, the less attuned one is which is experienced as lower emotional experiences such as despair. The lowest experiential expressions are the densest states in vibration, while the highest experiential states are ephemeral vibrational states.

We are currently experiencing a 3 dimensional environment, that is to say, there is length, width and height manifest in this experiencing. We experience our environment and body as solid, or dense, so overall; this realm of expression is considered a third density expression in being.

As a human expression in being, we not only experience the three dimensional world in being, but we also have access to and can and do experience that which is ephemeral as well. This is possible because our human identity is a fragment of our whole being, our true identity as Source itself. Because we are much more than our physical human identity, this enables us to experience life within the emotional scale. Because complete identity with Source is the ultimate state in life expressing in being, is ultimate bliss, our spiritual and evolutionary path is leading us back “home” so to speak. Our emotional experiences along the way reveal to us our alignment or attunement to our ultimate state in being. So, this is why it is good to endeavor to persistently be in alignment with our ultimate state in being, which engenders blissful experiences as our life is unfolding.

As an individual expression in being, our quest therefore is to move up the emotional scale steadily and in so doing, we may experience more ephemeral expression in being, we may avail ourselves to more clarity, delight, harmony, joy, abundance and preferable experiences in this life experiencing.

Where complications come in is when we oscillate from lower vibrational states to higher vibrational states as we progress upon our life paths. We can and do go from elation and joy to sorrow and despair. Just because we’ve experienced bliss, doesn’t ensure we will continue to experience bliss, or just because we experience despair, doesn’t mean we will continue to experience despair. So, what is it that determines what our moment by moment unfolding experiencing is? Choice. If we consciously choose the better feeling experiences, we are consciously moving into alignment with the Source of our being. And the more practiced we become in making favorable choices towards this alignment, the easier it is to maintain a higher vibrational state where the lower vibrational states don’t enter into your moment by moment unfolding experience very often if at all.

As a race of beings, there is an overall impetus for us to ascend into the higher realms of life expressing, into more ephemeral states in being, where eventually, we will no longer have need of or desire to maintain the dense 3 dimensional bodies we currently are identified with and inhabit. As we ascend into higher vibrational states in being, the identity as a separate being fades away and we experience and perceive more of our Oneness in being. We have an innate drive to thrive, to express well-being, and this is experienced through consistent and persistent choices which enable and facilitate our movement upon the evolutionary/ascension path in life.

In conclusion, consider your ability to make conscious choices. Consider your ability to be fully present in each moment as it unfolds and thereby make choices which facilitate your gradual ascension into higher states in being, (higher vibrational states in being.) This happens individually, and as more and more individuals make such conscious choices, it enables easier access to those chose to us to also get on this ascension train. Not everyone is conscious enough to make such decisions, so when the train leaves the station, they will be left behind and in their own life unfolding, will eventually wake up and begin to make conscious choices towards their own ascension and evolution in being. This is why it behooves us to have compassion for those who haven’t awoken yet. Remember, each of us was once upon a time, standing in their shoes, and each of us eventually awoke and began to consciously step upon the ascension path in earnest.

Blessings to us all!