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Monday, October 16, 2017

Re-Embodying our Humanity

It is really easy for people to forget, or not even consider they are dealing with another human being who has feelings.  Many of the systems in place in our world, dehumanize us all, so that when someone working within the system is requested to consider the humanity, the feelings of the people involved, they become mechanical and make responses like, "we can't do that"  When in fact, in many cases they could do something, if they wanted to take the time to think outside the system box they are confined within.

Part of the awakening of humanity, is to embody our humanity one person at a time, one moment at a time.  Having compassion for another's situation, putting our feet in their shoes, helps us to work better together to find solutions that can't be found via staying inside the system's little box.

Blessings to us all.

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