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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Peace on Earth, Good Will to All

The ultimate way to find Peace on Earth, Good will to all, is to find it first within yourself, then that will be your life experiencing. It isn't the other way around, i.e., the world outside of you expresses Peace and Good will, and then you find it within yourself. It doesn't work that way. The anger, hatred, fear, sorrow, ill health, etc. in the world must be healed within your own being; otherwise it will persist in your external world experiencing. Meditation is a good place to start. Close your eyes, relax, sit up straight, pay attention to your breathing, calm your breathing, and while doing so sense the peace which resides within you, let it become your whole experience. Let love guide you into it more fully, from the center of your heart and being, radiate Peace and Love to every cell of your body and being. Bathe in this healing energy often, and then see how your world perceptions change. Blessings to us all.

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