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Monday, August 13, 2018


When an employee signs a NDA, (nondisclosure Agreement) the scope of what is to remain confidential, is typically stated in the agreement. Usually, such limitations apply to the confidential information regarding the company, which may include financial, employee and other such information, which is necessary for the company to keep confidential to maintain and grow their company. Therefore, The subject matter of a program like "Cosmic Disclosure" may not fall within the limitations stated within an employee NDA.

That being said, there are things that may be exposed on such a program which may put those people, and their family, friends, etc. in danger due to the unwritten unacknowledged peoples and programs where lethal force is used to maintain their own "nondisclosure" interests. Emery has often said, the "Powers that be" don't care if we talk all day about ETs, but they get very upset when the talk turns to their cash cows, and their black projects which keep their coffers full, and keeps them in power.

In the end, anything outside of one's own life expression is of less value to that person's life and his or her ascension path, than their own sphere of expression and their own expression in being which dictates how they are progressing upon their life path. In other words, paying more attention to what is in the outside world than what is inside one's own expression in being, is not necessarily the best use of one's time, energy , focus and attention.

It doesn't matter so much what anyone else does or says, as it does matter what the individual says and does in his or her life expressing. One primarily has the ability and capability to make choices for his or herself, and this is the proper use of focus, attention and directing of energy. Be here now. Love, be kind, forgiving and compassionate. Do to others as you would have them do to you. As a manifestation in the ONE, there is only ONE, so technically what we do to others we are doing to ourselves.

Blessings to us all.

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