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Wednesday, September 12, 2018


by Jerome Dechant
Sept. 12, 2018

You may have heard it said that we are co-creating the reality we find ourselves in. Yes this may be true so long as our interests and intentions converge. As one person’s interests and intentions converge with another person’s interest and intentions align, they may co-create the reality they are both experiencing. That is to say, as long as they are in agreement, they both contribute to the life experiencing they both are sharing. But what about those who aren’t in agreement, who don’t share the same interests and intentions for their life experiencing? I suggest they aren’t co-creators in the life experiencing for those two people mentioned previously. Why? Because they aren’t in agreement, their interest and intentions diverge from one another, which means at the point where they are no longer in agreement, the timeline bifurcates into two separate timelines where there may or may not be similarities between the two timelines, but there are definite differences between the two.

As an example:

There are people whose interest and intentions align with the ideas of expressing universal love, peace, harmony, abundance, and joy. Those people who consciously or even unconsciously agree or align with those expressions in being may contribute to the fullness of that life experience where everyone who participates in the creative process maintains that alignment, that agreement to make it so. If this were a story, it would be one where everyone is a winner, there are no losers, and everyone lives happily ever after. Or maybe one would call it heaven on earth.

There are people whose interest and intentions align with the ideas of expressing individual power, control and superiority, as in power over others who they deem to be lesser beings, which are here only for their interest and gratifications. They seek success, (at the expense of others if need be.) Killing people, animals and other life forms is acceptable to them and destroying environments is okay as long as those doing the killing are controlled by the ones in power since they must maintain control and power over the others. To them, the only precious life is their own; everyone else is expendable so long as it doesn’t serve their gratification and manipulative interests. Those “minions” who do the work of the power mongers are deprived and/or taught they do not have any power of their own, so they depend solely upon the guidance, support and gratification of the power mongers.

These are two totally different interest and intentions in expression. They don’t align with each other therefore they may each exist on their own separate timeline. The only co-creative expression in the second example is the hijacked creativity of the “minions” who unknowingly contribute to their own limited, possibly miserable expression in being. In the second example, fear is used to control and manipulate the “minions” while in the first example, love is the guiding force which facilitates a harmonious working together for the overall betterment of the entire expression in being. In the second example the only ones who benefit are those who wield the control and power over the others.


Why then do we find ourselves experiencing atrocities, and inhumane treatment of others, how do we experience suffering, destruction of homes and environments? How do we experience death and loss? The answer is fairly simple, in our ignorance, we’ve agreed to making all that stuff so. We have been the “minions” in service to the power mongers whether we’ve intended to be or not. So long as we agree (through our indifference,) we remain caught up in this second example of a timeline.

When we wake up to the fact that we are divine creative beings, who have freedom of choice, and can create whatever life experiencing we desire, we no longer have to be anyone’s minion, we can diverge from the timeline where we were minions and thereby expressing out choice to create something else.

You may see or hear predictions of terrible things, earthquakes, floods, all sorts of natural disasters, so long as you don’t disagree with those expressions in being, you will have them to experience in your world. I’m going to tell you something, a secret; it doesn’t have to come to pass, you can say, “No, that isn’t what I want. Here is what I intend and want…. Then state what is more desirable to you. So long as you don’t fall back into the trap of giving your power of choice and creativity to someone else, you will establish a divergent timeline from the one where there is no longer an agreement to manifest or participate in the expression in being that is unwanted, that isn’t in alignment with your true being.

It may seem like we are all in the same reality bubble, but that is only an illusion, each of us expresses our own being and as we do so, we can share our life experiences with likeminded beings, and even though we have our own bubble, we are in such agreement and alignment that is seems like others are in our bubble and we are in theirs. (If you want it to be so, so it is.)


How do we take back our control and own our own expression in being? Wake up out of the fog of delusion and deception. Meditate, center within your own being. Find the place of peace and power within yourself, then walk out into your world, your life expression carrying that sense of power and peace wherever you go. This power isn’t a power over others or other things, it is an awareness based in the realization of oneness, and awareness where one realizes, to harm someone else ultimately results in harming yourself. This awareness tempers the use of the creative ability in such a way as to do no harm.

When I see people talking about death and destruction, about harming environments, people and other life forms, I say, “Nope, not in my world. If you want that for yourself, go for it, but this is where our timelines split.”

I suggest taking this approach to creating and expressing your own life. You have to choose to accept or reject what I’ve written. Your life expression, your choices are yours to make and express, so go forth in the light of clarity and wisdom to create your own heaven on earth or hell on earth, or anything in between. It is up to you. You are the author/creator of your life expression in being.

Blessings to us all.

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