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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Feeding the mind and soul

People know the benefits of eating clean, healthy foods. They can easily experience the effects of eating too much, or too little, or tainted foods and drinks, and thereby learn what is best for their body to be well and healthy. The thing not taught or expressed often in the general public, is feeding the mind and soul with life supporting. energy enhancing thoughts and deeds. People mentally and emotionally consume stuff without a thought of how it effects their mind and soul. So, surround yourself with life supporting and healthy minded people. Think before you speak, and act, "Is this going to server my body, mind and spirit?" If it isn't clear to you that it will serve your body, mind and spirit, maybe it is not right for you, and maybe it is time to change focus towards that which is in service to your well-being. Depression is often related to not being centered and focused in the Here, Now, moment by moment unfolding. It thrives on "woe is me" and stuff that isn't actually in the here now as it is unfolding. Meditation, focusing on your breathing, the sensation of your feet on the floor right now, etc. This brings you more into the here now moment by moment unfolding, being present consciously and choosing good feeling thoughts and actions that promote your highest good. Blessings to us all. :)

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