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Tuesday, May 25, 2021


It came to me during my sleeping contemplations last night. Popcorn is a good analogy for what we are and what we are going through at this time in being. Lets see if I can unfold the picture in such a way that it makes sense and is easily understood by each person reading this right now.

It is said the cosmos is in a constant state of motion. It is said that its motion is a spinning vortex type of motion. The Earth and our galaxy of planets is part of this grand cosmic motion. Earth is out in the boonies, so to speak, in the milky way galaxy. As our solar system also spins within our local galaxy, we are traveling through the cosmos where within this expanse are varying states of energetic vibrational states; some of which are highly charged while others are tranquilly vibrating and a subtle state of energy.

So, it is said the Earth, our solar system and galaxy are moving into and through a highly charged energetic vibrational field as you are reading this.

This is where I introduce the analogy of popcorn. Each of us are kernels of corn in the cooking pot we are currently experiencing as our life on planet Earth. Since you are reading this right now, it is fairly certain that you too are in your kernel state in being, as I am also, right here, right now. In this kernel state, we are experiencing life confined to primarily our senses and awareness as a human being, and individual living on a planet that we’ve come to know first hand through our daily lives.

Recently, things here in our solar system and galaxy have been heating up, (to bring in the popcorn kettle analogy,) as we move into this highly charged energetic vibrational field. Like the kernels of corn in the popcorn kettle, things seem to be getting very heated, chaotic and turmoil is increasing all around us because of this energetic field we are moving through. From our kernel state of awareness, as individual human beings, things are getting crazy. What use to be subtle craziness is becoming more and more overt and in our face, so much so that the craziness is undeniable for most people.

In the analogy of the popcorn kettle, the kettle is on the burner, and the atmosphere is heating up, which will eventually cause the kernels of corn to pop. If they don’t pop, then they will likely burn. What this means is; moving through this energy field has an effect upon us on all levels of our being, and the result of this energetic exposure causes us to transform into something different, unrecognizable to us in our kernel state of awareness. That is to say, for those who “pop”. For some, their shells are so thick, they can’t and won’t pop, instead, the intense energetic exposure will burn them, which from the kernel state of awareness is their death.

When will I pop? I don’t know, but if I am going to pop, it will happen spontaneously when the conditions are right for this to happen. The same is true for you and all other kernels of corn. The point here is that whatever is going to happen is inevitable, either we are going to pop or we are going to burn. I can say this with absolute certainty. You can bet on it! It WILL happen.

What determines whether we will pop or not? The way we are living our life from moment to moment, day to day, month to month, year to year determines whether we will pop or not. Those who are fixed in their beliefs and selfish pursuits in life are setting themselves up to be burned by this highly charged energetic field we are moving through. Those who are living in accordance with divine law, i.e.; being of service to others, being kind, loving, caring and supportive of each other and life in general, are setting themselves up to pop when the time is right. People who are living according to divine law may be more aware of what is going on, people like you who are reading this now. As the heat rises, and the craziness increases, these are signs, to the ones who are prepared to pop, to know and rejoice in that the time is near. We should celebrate because we know by the signs life is offering us, it HAS to happen soon.

The experience before and after the “pop” for each individual will be unrecognizable to them as their transformation will cause their kernel-ness to no longer express. The expression in being after the pop can only be speculated about while still in the kernel state, but one thing is certain, it will be much different.

Switching analogies now, from a kernel of corn to a caterpillar. Cooking in the popcorn kettle is similar to the cocoon stage of the caterpillar. Once it is ready, it spontaneously breaks free of the cocoon, and in so doing is transformed into something very different than it was before. It is transformed into something more beautiful, able to fly freely about, which is a greater sense of freedom in expression. We too will be transformed into something beautiful, we too will experience a freedom we have never experienced before in our kernel state of being awareness.

What that experience will be is currently beyond our grasp as we are still in this kernel state. While we will certainly be transformed, each of us will still be a sentient alive being, expressing life in the transformed state in being. It will likely be glorious, beyond words to express, and friends, this is what we have to look forward to.

If you pop, I am certain, you will be elated and bathed in divine delight after the transformation.

NOTE: For those who are concerned about their friends and family, who’ve made certain choices about what they do unknowing the ramifications of their choices, they too can pop, if they’ve lived in accordance with divine law. Even though they may not be awake, they too have the opportunity to pop or burn and which ever one it is, will be based upon their own choices they have made during their lives. In other words, if a person has been a kind and loving person, who has lived in service to others, but made a stupid choice (like getting the jab,) doesn’t make them ineligible to pop, but it could contribute to their chance to burn as well. In other words, they could pop, but also get a bit burned in the process.

At this point, each person’s path is their own. I can’t make your choices for you, and I wouldn’t want to. You need to make your own choices because you are the one who reaps the rewards for them, not me. I pray that we each make choices going forward, which increase the likelihood that each of us will pop and be transformed when the time is right.

As they say in the Boy Scouts: Be prepared.

Blessings to us all.

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