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Friday, October 15, 2021

The Power of Words

As I understand it, words in and of themselves do not have power inherent within them. If they did, a parrot or other being which could speak words, would have the same creative ability as we humans do. I suggest it has more to do with the consciousness, awareness,  and presence of the speaker, than just the words spoken. Attitude, intention, expectation, and authority all have influence upon whether what a person says will manifest. If a person is in a space of lack, insufficiency, etc., and he/she speaks words of abundance and sufficiency, in order for abundance and sufficiency to manifest, the attitude, intention, expectation and authority all have to line up, which means vibrationally, there is no discord within the being expressing, which would interfere with the manifestation process. A person's state of awareness and presence are therefore very important in bringing forth that which is desired. Also, as was said, speaking in the present tense acknowledging it is already so, is vital as well, because if one speaks as though it is in the future, whatever it is, will always be in the future. NOW is the moment in which manifestation expresses, it can only happen in the NOW because, NOW is all there is. :)

Blessings to us all.

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