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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Change what is within your heart...

Even though it may seem like we don't live in a perfect world, the manifestation of what is, is perfectly in accord with the energy vibration of the multitude of different perspectives bringing it forth into this now moment expression.

The part that is open to realization is that each of us creates our own reality and the experiences we have in it. If you think someone else is doing it, then you are a victum of your own illusion, because even the thinking someone else is doing it, is part of your very own creative expression at work, or as some people like to think of it, at play.

Change what is within your heart, and the world will refect that back to you.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


When was the last time you checked the filters on your furnace or air-conditioner? If you are scratching your head and wondering, “What filters?” I’d say, you’d better check into it because what happens when filters don’t get periodically checked, cleaned and/or replaced, is that over time filters get clogged with particulates that blocks the flow of air through your system, making your furnace or air-conditioner work harder and is less effective. This costs you a loss in comfort and higher utility costs.

You might ask, “Why put a filter in there anyway, why not just take out the filter and then the air would flow easily and freely all the time?”

The answer to that question is found in the reason for putting filters in such systems in the first place. The purpose in placing a filter into a furnace or air-conditioner is to filter out airborne particulates (dust, etc.) so that the air being pushed out into your living space is relatively cleaner and possibly more healthy for you to breath, (depending upon the type of airborne particulates you might have in your environment.) No matter how clean you keep your home, it is likely that you will want filters in your furnace or air-conditioner, and you will likely want to check them often to see how much build up they accumulate over time. So, you may have to replace them more often or less often depending on the amount of debris they acquire.

There are other types of filters we use such as water filters which provide us with cleaner water, fuel filters in our vehicles which keep the inside of the engine clear of fuel contaminates build up, etc.. We also use sound insulation in the walls of our homes to filter out the noises of the environment outside our homes. We use other types of insulation to keep our home cool in the summer time and warmer in the winter time. I am sure you can think of other types of filters you use all the time, and I bet the ones that can and should be checked to be cleaned or replaced might not have been being taken care of as best that they could be. So, now that I’ve brought this to your attention, you can attend to them for your own benefit so they provide the results you desire most effectively.


Okay, now that I’ve given you some things to think about with regards to filters and how they are helpful for you to have in your environment, etc., I’d like you now to consider the mental filters you have in place right now. I bet you have NEVER even thought about them. Over time, these filters can get clogged up just like the furnace filters, or fuel filters, or air filters I wrote about above. If you’ve never taken the time to check them out to see what condition they’re in, you‘re certain to find them to be really clogged. That is to say, some of the information you want to flow through the filters and therefore be aware of isn’t making it through the filters the way you would like it to. As a matter of fact, because these filters have been in place for who knows how long, and all that time, they’ve been accumulating debris which restricts the flow of information to your awareness, and all of this accumulation and limitation has been happening so gradually that right now, you don’t even realize how clogged these filters are. It is sort of like being lulled into a stupor over a long period. You are so use to the limited flow of information making its way into your conscious awareness, that it seems right and “normal.”

Some examples which out-picture as a result of clogged filters are; forgetfulness, lack of energy, low self esteem, the “I can’t” attitude, and many other things which are the denial of your own magnificence and completeness.

As a simple example of my clogged filters, I’ll tell you what recently happened to me which made me aware that my filters are blocking out information I really want to be aware of.

During the Christmas and New Year holiday season I was off work for two weeks. I have a laptop computer which my employer has recently provided to me to enable me to work from home and in the office. So, during the holiday break, I brought my work laptop home with me. The thing is, I’m use to having a desktop computer in my office at work, (which was recently replaced by the laptop computer,) so when I left for work on the Monday after my holiday break, I forgot to take it with me, and then only remembered I’d left it at home when I was just a couple of blocks from my work location. So, I had to turn around and drive nearly 8 miles back home through heavy commute traffic to get the laptop computer. The thing is, the night before, I’d put the laptop into the computer bag and placed it right below where I have my other bag hanging. The other bag is one I always take with me. I put the laptop bag right below my other bag so I’d remember to take it in the morning when I was leaving for work.

On that morning, I did the normal stuff I usually do, and as I was leaving, I grabbed my usual bag and didn’t even see the laptop bag setting right there where I’d put it the night before so I’d remember to take it. As I am so use to doing, I just grabbed my usual bag and headed out the door. In other words, my perceptions filtered out the computer bag so I didn’t even see it setting there where I’d put it. Then as I approached within a couple of blocks of my office building location, it dawned on me, (the information finally made its way through the filters,) that I forgot to pick up and take the laptop with me.

I then realize my filtering system wasn’t working to my advantage.

As conscious beings immersed in a vast sea of energy, light and information, we are constantly exposed to a huge amount of energy, light and information. In order to effectively function as a human being, we’ve installed filters so that we aren’t overwhelmed by the amount of energy, light and information we’re exposed to. In order to function as human beings, there are something, many things in fact, that we have function automatically, outside of our normal conscious awareness, like for instance most of our bodily functions. Because these functions are on autopilot so to speak, we don’t really need to pay attention to them most of the time, so we filter out all that stuff going on all the time. Consciously, we aren’t really that aware of most of these bodily functions until something goes wrong, then we become acutely aware of them.

Additionally, we have mental filters which eliminate most of the mental activity going on around us. That is to say, without these mental filters, we’d be intimately aware of all the mental activity going on everywhere all at once, all the time. As it is, we experience plenty of mental chatter which we likely identify as our own mental activity. (Actually, some of what you think is your chatter may actually be stuff coming through the filters and not necessarily originating from within your own consciousness sphere.)

Other filters that many of us have in place limit our awareness of such things like auras, spirit beings, and other such non-physical expressions in being. We also have filters which restrict what we believe we are able to do such as flying, remaining underwater for extended periods of time without drowning, walking on water and or through walls and such things. You can probably think of many other things you think you can’t do, and you think you can’t do most of them because of the filters you currently have in place.

When our filtering system is working properly, we filter out that which isn’t useful or necessary for us to pay attention to so that we can pay attention to the things in our lives we want to pay attention to.

The thing about a filter is, once it is in place it works automatically. Since the filter is between the energy, light, information, and us, only the energy, light and information that gets through the filter makes its way onto the screen of our conscious awareness. If the filters get clogged, there is energy, light and information we really do want to have and pay attention to, that doesn’t show up on our screen of awareness. In this way, our energy, awareness and perceptions are limited. Whenever you forget something (like I did the computer bag,) that is the result of a filtering system which is blocking information which should be making its way onto our screen of awareness.

As we come into this human expression in being, some of the learning we acquire or go through installs these filters. Some of that learning installs filters which are very useful, and some of that learning installs filters that just plane limit us in our expression as divine beings manifesting in physical form as human beings.

The good news is, you ARE a divine being fully capable whether you realize it or not. And, you will be fully expressive of your full capabilities in awareness and expression in being to the extent that you evaluate the filters in place which restrict the divine expression of your being, then either remove them when you deem them no longer necessary, or clean them out so they function as you originally intended them to function.

The key thing is you remain fully in control even if you don’t believe you are. You have always been the captain of your ship, so to speak. Is it time to step up to the helm and take back this position that is rightfully yours? You are reading this, and by having read this, much of the debris which was clogging your filters has hereby been vaporized, enabling the flow of energy, light and information to once again flow to you as you intended. The rest of this process is up to you. As the captain of your own ship on the sea of life, you decide what to do next.

Sunday, January 3, 2010



I was somewhat surprised at the number of definitions I found when looking up this word. There are many ways this word is used. For purposes of Matrix Energetics usage, I think a synonym that applies is to frolic, or a concept like experiencing light heartedness while being engaged in an enjoyable fun activity.

So, whatever you do which fits within that broad definition; frolicking, experiencing light hearted fun is what I believe is also equal to dropping down into the heart space, or expressing life from that center within your being which facilitates that state.

Also, play implies a lack of seriousness, which is typified as a relaxed enjoyable state.

When you are doing a two point and you begin to get serious, that is an indication that you are moving out of the playful state towards the analytical state which is experienced as dry, joyless, factual, and logical.

Do miracles occur when you are being serious? Actually, miracles can and do occur anytime, anyplace without limitations as to criteria that enables them to occur or not. Often, they occur as a surprise, or unexpected occurrence. Think about it if you expected a chair to turn into a pony, and it did, would that really fall within the realm of a miracle? Maybe a miracle could be thought of as an unexpected delightful surprise. And, if you begin to think of miracles as being unexpected delightful surprises, maybe, as you move through your life experience, and find little things that are unexpected delightful surprises, you might realize you really do live in a miraculous world, where miracles are constantly occurring all around you and even within your own being.

When doing a two point, do it from that fun, lighthearted space. Allow room for delightful surprises.

Another thing that is an indicator is if you expect something to happen. That implies control. If you are playing, and something delightful happens and you are surprised when it does, you can thereby realize you didn’t “make” it happen, which means you are not in control of it happening. When you are in control and something happens, it isn’t a surprise, is it? No, it is an expected outcome. So, when you have an expected outcome, you are moving outside the realm where miracles occur.

If you want to be successful at remaining within the realm of miracles, accentuate the surprises in your life experience; accentuate the lightheartedness and fun in your life. To the degree that you are immersed within that frolicking and playful state will be the degree to which you experience the miracles occurring in your life, and therefore also your success in applying the technology of miracles expressed as Matrix Energetics.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Clip Planes and Levels of Detail

Welcome to my first blog post of 2010.

If you’ve ever played a PC on-line game like Everquest II you may be familiar with those terms. What Clip Plane refers to is how far into the distance you can see from your in-game player character’s perspective, and Level of Detail refers to how much detail is present within that field of play/view. So, to translate this a bit for those who might not understand this idea, let’s say you turn your clip plane setting as low as it can go while you are standing out in an open flat lands type field. At this lowest setting, during a day time situation, you might be able to see stuff maybe 200 yards in any direction you look. That is facilitated by the incorporation of a type of “fog” which blocks the grander view. So, at this lowest clip plane setting, you can play the game well, but you may certainly be missing the grander views available to you at higher clip plane settings. Conversely, if you adjust the clip plane to the maximum setting, you will be able to see all the way to the horizon in any direction you look. If your computer doesn’t have the capability to handle the amount of processing that is necessary at that maximum setting level, at worst, the game could lock up, and/or crash.

From a computer point of view, if your computer is not the latest, greatest most powerful computer available, it may be necessary to set your clip plane setting to something below the maximum setting because if you don’t the game doesn’t run well. That is to say, the movements and animations may be progressively halted or stop and go depending on the setting and your computer’s computing power. If any of you have played games which were very graphics intensive with a lot going on at one time, on a computer which wasn’t up to the task, you will understand what I’ve just described. You will also understand the value of being able to set the clip plane to a lower setting too.

Another setting which can be adjusted is Level of Detail.

Like the clip plane setting, it is useful to reduce the level of detail setting so that the game runs more smoothly. The trade off is of course, the game graphics won’t look as great as they could, but you will be able to enjoy the game play with smooth animations and movements through the in-game world.

So, what does all of this have to do with real life? What does this have to do with me right here, right now in my time/space reality experience?

The concepts of clip plane and level of detail come forth from our real life experiencing. Maybe the game designers didn’t really understand that, but it is true. They more likely thought of these methods as a way to facilitate the smooth playing of their games on a wide variety of computers with differing capabilities. The thing is, we each have our own clip plane settings and our own level of detail settings which most of us haven’t messed with ever since we were born in to this world. In other words, we are currently operating using the “default” settings. That is okay if you like the default settings and they are working well for you. Since you have been operating with these settings all of your physical life, you are certainly used to them, and so with that, you may also be comfortable with them remaining the way they are. Some of you, like me, might like to see what’s out there that I/we can’t see or experience because the default settings have limited my/our level of detail and clip plane settings to some set point below maximum.

Reasons to adjust your clip plane and level of detail settings:

Usually, when computer manufacturers and software providers release a product to the market, they have default settings for the hardware and software which will provide the most trouble free, enjoyable experience for their customers. They want you to have a good experience because if you do, you will most likely think of them and buy their products and services again which is beneficial to them and you too. The thing is, most of the time, the default settings are incorporated for every personal computer system regardless of hardware capability. That is to say, the default settings for a top of the line high performance computer may be closer to the settings of the low end computer than you might think because, a generic type default setting gets implemented rather than a special default setting for each grade of computer. Of course, that is not always true, but whether this is true or not depends on the approach the manufacture takes with regard to establishing these default settings for their systems.

At any rate, regardless of how that is handled, the vast majority of computers operate far below their maximum capabilities, and so do we as human beings. Our default settings are far below our maximum capabilities. You can be certain of that. Yes you can!

Consider the difference between your current capabilities and the capabilities of one who has become a “Master.” (This of course is assuming that the majority of us are not at the “Master” setting levels yet.)

In order to move towards the “Master” settings, we might find it useful to adopt a means where we can gradually adjust our clip plane and level of detail settings to enable a grander, more detailed view of our life experiencing. And to that end, I’ve thought of a simple way we can do this, using the concepts applied to computer games of the “Options Control Panel” as a means to adjust these settings in our own life experiencing.

How to:

Everything starts off as an idea, so the control panel I’ve mentioned above is just an idea right now, but as an idea, you can adopt it and bring it into your experience and awareness as a means to adjust your own clip plane and level of detail settings for your own life experiencing.

If you accept this idea, then you can imagine (image in) for yourself what this control panel looks like and how it operates for you. Because of your own preferences, you can choose its appearance and how it functions to suit you.

Using the Matrix Energetics idea of dropping down in to your Heart Space, take a deep breath, exhale and relax. Most of us are usually operating from our head area which is the logical analytical place of operation. Let’s take that logic and analytical ability with us as we move in to the heart space where feelings and multi processing capabilities are found. This is also the place where we can visualize or find our own control panel where we can adjust not only the clip plane and level of details settings, but also other settings as well.

I assume, on some level, you’ve found your control panel and know how to use it. So, for my own functionality, there are slider bars where I can move the knob from lowest setting to highest setting for each option that is available. These settings can be “manually” set to a higher or lower set point. If you choose the manual approach, you might find that a higher setting isn’t always appropriate and useful, so you may have to manually adjust the setting to a lower set point on occasion, or a higher set point on other occasions. For each of the options controls there is also another feature which is most useful and that is the “Auto Set” function. What this does, is it determines the optimal settings for each option and based upon that criteria automatically adjusts all of these options for the optimal experiencing in life as is appropriate for the time, place and circumstances one finds one’s self in.

The “Auto Set” function requires trust. If you don’t have that level of trust, you can certainly manually adjust these settings and see how that works for you, and how that effects your life experiencing. Actually, when learning about these options, it might be useful to take it off Auto Set for awhile so that you can learn what it is like to manually adjust these settings, and find out for yourself what sort of settings do what for you in your life experiencing. If you do choose to use the manual approach, there is still a failsafe feature which will take effect if you adjust these settings beyond your capability to effectively function at those higher settings. What happens is, if you manually adjust any of these settings beyond your capability to effectively function, it will automatically lower the setting to a point where you are able to function effectively, which will be a point at the very edge between being able to function and not being able to function. This insures you will always be able to function and yet also allows for that edge to expand, grow or adjust as you become more able to extend your effective functionality.

You don’t have to adjust any of these settings to the failsafe trip point if you don’t want to. That is to say, if you don’t enjoy the uncomfortable experiencing associated with these much higher settings, (due to your unfamiliarity and inexperience with them,) you don’t need to go to the limit all at once, but it may be useful to take a peek beyond the “fog” to get a glimpse at what awaits you. This can be the impetus you may need to keep you reaching, expanding, and growing your abilities and functionalities.

So to summarize, most of us have been operating in our life experiencing at the “default” settings for our life experiencing. These default settings are not the maximum available settings. They can be adjusted by us once we become aware of, and/or create within our mental construct an “Options Control Panel.” By establishing within our consciousness, an options control panel, we can manually adjust the clip plane and levels of details of our experiencing. We might also find other options settings available and useful to manually be adjusted by us. There is a failsafe which automatically goes into effect when we manually adjust any options settings beyond our effective functional capability. The failsafe setting adjusts to a setting where we are able to effectively function which is right at the fringe of being functional and not being functional. Most of the time, we may choose to activate and or enable the “Auto Set” function which automatically adjusts all of the options settings to their optimal setting depending upon the time, place, circumstance and situation of each moment in life experiencing. To establish the “Auto Set” functionality, we must switch it on by selecting “Auto Set” rather than “Default.”

Take a deep breath, relax and enter your heart space. From here, the simplest thing to do is to press the “Auto Set” button which automatically pops out and disables the “Default” function button. Once you’ve done this, begin to notice the increased level of details within your field of life experiencing as well as how much more you are automatically becoming aware of (expanded field of awareness,) as a result of the “Auto Set” functioning. Enabling the “Auto Set” functionality is the simplest, most effortless approach towards the “Master” experiencing experience. It is very easy because you just press the button, then get on with your life from this new “Auto Set” perspective.

Try it right now. It takes a few seconds to enable, and goes in to effect immediately.