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Tuesday, May 24, 2011


by Jerome Dechant

A formula which represents equilibrium might be something like this: 10 = 10, or 2+3 = 4+1.
In an equation, both sides of the equal sign are of the same value regardless of how they are represented.

Another way of saying this is that the values are balanced.

When an equation is not at equilibrium, one side of the equal sign is different from the other value, for example 4 = 5. In that equation, if the values were weigh related, the 5 side of the equation would be heavier than the 4 side of the equation, therefore the balance point would cause movement towards 5 and away from 4 since there is a tendency for values to balance out, or find an equilibrium state.

I’ve presented this mathematical example to present to you the idea of balance and unbalance, or being in an equilibrium state and being out of an equilibrium state of being/expressing.

To overlay the equilibrium concept onto our life expressing and being, i.e., being balanced or out of balance, might be understood in this way;

When you have a tendency to act in a certain way, this means your actions are weighted towards certain actions/behaviors. What that is to say also is that if you persistently have a tendency to act in a certain way, you are not in an equilibrium state or a balanced state where that action or behavior is concerned. Like in the example above of 4 = 5, your tendency to act in a certain way would be the same as the 5 in the equation. What this also means is in the field of possibilities, the results relative to that action are weighted or favored towards one action over the other.

As an example, a person who always jumps to conclusions and gets angry is an example of a behavior being out of balance, tending towards jumping to conclusions and getting angry. So, if everything else is equal, or in balance, this person will naturally tend towards jumping to conclusions and getting angry regardless of the circumstance and environment.

The things that we think do and say that are habitual are also examples of the equation being weighted towards one side over the other. And because this is true, the possibilities are always skewed towards one side and away from the other.

Now, that’s fine when the way the tendencies are skewed are in the direction you desire, but when they aren’t that’s not good at all. So to say that in another way, if you prefer chocolate ice cream but are always being offered vanilla ice cream you might not enjoy that, or if you are always presented with circumstances where you have to fight with others, but you’d prefer always being presented with circumstances where you are in harmony with others, you wouldn’t enjoy it being skewed towards the one over the other.

If we express our life in a perpetual state of balance or equilibrium, what does this state look like, feel like? As we move through our moment to moment expression in life, each and every possibility is equally available to us from moment to moment, therefore what our life expression is like, is totally subject to our choice. In this state of balance, we consciously choose the expression we desire.

Can you see the value of being in a state of equilibrium? In this state, having a million dollars is just as easy to have as being poor. In this state having the perfect loving relationship with your partner is just as easy to have as a disruptive awful relationship with your partner. Do you get the idea here?

So, now that all sounds really good, but you might be asking, what good does it do me, I’m not in a perfect state of equilibrium?
I’ve expressed this so you are aware of this possibility, which means that it is available to you, just like all other possibilities are available to you. Which means you can choose to be in a state of equilibrium where all possibilities are of equal value to you, and also equally available to you too.

The place where all of this choosing occurs is right here, right now. The state of equilibrium exists only in the present. Each here now moment is where the state of equilibrium is available. Each moment is where we use our ability to choose, where we can consciously use our ability to choose the life we want to experience rather than the imbalanced state where all sorts of imbalanced states result in us experiencing all sorts of states we didn’t choose but were tending towards due to our imbalanced state.

In quantum physics, the state of equilibrium is referred to as the zero point field. When you are in this zero point field, you are at the center of an infinity of possibilities which are all equally available to you, and equally as easy to reach, get, have and experience. So, it is sort of like being at a smorgasbord restaurant where you can choose whatever you want, as much of it or as little of it as you like, cooked to your taste. How delightful is that?

To partake of this bounty, you don’t have to wait until you are someplace else, you don’t have to wait until the moon is in the right phase, you don’t have to wait until your parents give you permission, you don’t have to wait until tomorrow, because this equilibrium is inherent to you and your being, it is your core essence, your core being. It is right here, right now because YOU are right here, right now.

Look out at the vastness of possibilities which reach on out to infinity. What do you choose?
There is no waiting line, (unless you choose for there to be a waiting line,) so help yourself, have fun!

What might stop you from partaking of this magnificent bounty? The lessons which have been presented to you where fear is the controlling factor might show up and make you guarded and fearful to take the next step.

Let me help you ease your fear. Consider when you are centered in this moment where infinite possibilities exist, where you are in equilibrium state of being, you may discover, no, you WILL discover the out there and the in here are the same, equal. The “them” and the “me” are the same. So who is there to be afraid of if “they” are the same as “you?” In fact “they” are an expression of “you.” Are you afraid of yourself? If there really is no “they” to be afraid of, who or what are you afraid of? You might say you are afraid of God. When you are present in the here now equilibrium state of being, everything is equal. That is to say, there is no imbalance between you and God, God and you are balanced and of equal value and therefore equal possibilities. In this state we can truly comprehend the thought, “Made in the image and likeness of God.” Likeness = same = balance = equilibrium.

Therefore the prodigal son returns to the Father’s house and is greeted with a feast and celebration like none have ever experienced before, so great is the love of the Father for his son who has once again entered into the kingdom of Heaven, (on earth.)


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