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Friday, November 17, 2017

A Good Teacher?

In a class room full of students, there are some students who readily comprehend the teachings and even excel at it.  On the other end of the scale, there may also be those who have a very difficult time comprehending the lessons being taught.  And of course, there are a range of students with varying capabilities in between these extremes.

A good teacher provides the materials and experiences the students need in order to benefit from the course materials.  A good teacher also evaluates the needs of each student and as appropriate, provides the necessary guidance and attention to those who need it.  The sign of a good teacher are evident by the number of students who pass the course successfully, absorbing the lessons presented to such a degree that each one leaves the course having mastered the subject matter presented.

In the current education system, people are herded through the courses like cattle to the slaughter, with little concern as to whether every student has mastered the material or not.  This system does not insure each student will thrive and grow through the learning processes.

There was a time when there was a master and apprentice approach to learning.  The student was the apprentice to someone who had mastered the knowledge and skill sufficiently to be able to pass that knowledge and skill along to the student.  The student remained a student for however long it took for him or herself to become the master of the teachings.  In this way of teaching, the teacher does not give up on the student, but rather develops an understanding and rapport with the student tailoring the lessons to the need of the student, tailoring the lessons with the intention that the student “gets it.”  It takes skill to be such a teacher; it takes dedication and commitment to the student’s success and eventual graduation to the level of the student joining the ranks with the master.

How could we bring back this sort of attention and interest in growing each student into the masters they are capable of becoming?  I can assure you, it won’t happen with the current educational system.  There are educational systems being used in some parts of the world which embody the essence of the Master Apprentice approach to teaching and learning.  It behooves us to investigate these systems, and thereby learn how we might benefit by adopting their approaches to teaching and learning.

The successful education of our young is essential for humanity to grow and thrive.  Therefore, the care and attention we provide facilitates and enables each person’s success in life, enables each person to be the best they can be, to find and express their own unique skills as masters of their own abilities and life.  Our young are worth every bit of our attention and effort to enable each one to reach their own full potential.

It takes love and understanding to make this happen.  It takes commitment to the intentions to thrive as a race of being, rather than just get by or just survive.  The attention to such a success driven educational system pays out a hundred fold more in the end, than it cost to make it so.  It is a good investment.

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