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Monday, December 3, 2018


You've probably seen movies, or read stories, or even heard people talk about being "all powerful". Actually, in the relative manifestation we find ourselves in at the moment, a being can only be half powerful. Why is that? Because, as a manifestation within the relative world, since there are polarities, one who professes to be "all powerful" can only be so by uniting the polar opposites in manifestation, and in doing so, no longer exists within the relative manifestation. That is to say, even if one was totally aligned with negativity 100%, that is only half the picture, there is also being aligned with the positive 100%. But that doesn't amount to 200%, but since, in a balanced state in being, 50% is the dividing point between positive and negative. That is why if an evil person says he/she is "all powerful", that can not be totally factual. In fact, there is the opposite force which is equally powerful.

As one ascends into unity consciousness, incorporating both polarities into a balanced expression in being and consciousness, such a being is not likely to inflict harm upon another, because there is no "other." And, because self preservation is such a powerful expression in being, to do harm to someone else, is the same as doing harm to yourself, which goes against the self preservation principle.

Anyone who intentionally harms another is deluded in their thinking and or motivations, they obviously don't comprehend the harm they do to others will be visited upon them.

So, while they may think they are pretty smart, I'd say they aren't because they are ignoring the truth which is all encompassing as ONE.

Blessings to us all!

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