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Friday, August 9, 2019

The Effects of Social Engineering in Today's Society..

These electronic hypnotizing devices (cellphones,) are a means to take people out of there Here Now moment by moment unfolding. That means, they aren't connecting to their own divinity which can only be consciously linked up with in the moment by moment unfolding, or in Presence. So, if you are a person who pays more attention to the screen on your device than you do to people you are with, and you meditate for 10 - 20 minutes a day, it is pretty much a waste of your time to meditate because once you leave the meditative state, "presence" you fall back in to the unconscious programmed behavior patterns.  Although, consistently meditating every day, even if for only 10 - 20 minutes, can help break you out of the unconscious existence patterns.

When you are with people in a social environment, do yourself and others a favor, turn off your devices and really be present with each other.

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