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Monday, November 4, 2019

Greta Thunberg's Efforts Regarding Climate Change

Whether the climate change push is a real one or not, depends on the accuracy and true value of the information these climate change thoughts are based upon. There is so much misinformation on all topics of value, weeding through it all, to determine what is actually factual and what isn't is a daunting endeavor. I commend Greta for her taking a stand, and sticking to it. She doesn't suffer from apathy, as much of the Earth's population does. If she is able to snap humanity out of it's apathy, then she has truly done a great service to our existence upon this ball traveling through space. Be kind to each other, help each other, unite with each other to overcome the obstacles life challenges you with. While as an individual, what we can do is very limited, (from a physical point of reference,) but united as a race with the common intent to thrive and grow, physically, spiritually and mentally, we can not fail. Unity is our power and love and compassion are our compass. Be well. Be the change you want to see in the world. Blessings to us all.

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