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Monday, November 21, 2011

The Foundation

By Jerome Dechant
Nov. 15, 2011

The foundation of any structure is the support which sustains and maintains that which is built upon it.  If the foundation is insufficient to the structure which is to be built upon it, then it does not serve the structure well.  If the foundation is more than sufficient to support the structure to be built upon it, then the structure can be built with confidence and will likely stand well supported by that grand foundation.

Even a grand foundation is not sufficient if it is constructed upon unstable ground, such as sand or mud.  The best foundations are those built upon firm solid ground and where possible, bedrock for added stability and longevity.

Why am I writing about construction tips?  Because we each have a foundation upon which our life is built and supported.  If that foundation is insufficient to the life we wish to live, the foundation will falter and cause the structure of our life to collapse or fail when we attempt anything which exceeds the capacity of the foundation we’ve built our life upon.

If we have a broad firm foundation, we can build a grand life and be well supported by the foundation we’ve built our life upon.

Where we build or place the foundation of our life determines whether the structure of our life will be stable and firm, or unstable and shifting or faltering, therefore the location of our foundation is equally if not more important than the foundation itself.

The bedrock of life is the most firm footing upon which we can place the foundation of our life.  So you might ask, “What or where is the bedrock of life, the best footing to build my life foundation upon?”

The bedrock is the source of creation, the primary principle upon which all other expressions are based and spring forth from.  It is firm and sound in that it was, and will always be the same.

The location where we choose to place the foundation of our life is therefore a point of identity.  That is to say, if we identify with Source primarily, we place our life foundation upon firm ground.  If, on the other hand, we identify primarily with our body, our job, where we live, what we do, who we are with, etc., those locations are not stable, therefore not a good location to place the foundation of our life.  They aren’t adequate because, they are unstable, shifting, always changing.  If you should choose to identify primarily with your body and environment, then build for life based upon that identity, you can be sure that with the passage of time, there will be shifts and instability in your life experiencing, even if your foundation is a good one, broad and firm.

So, location is equal to that which you primarily identify with.  If you don’t know where your source is, or how to align your identity with it, meditation is a good practice to develop that relationship and awareness.  And a good guide which indicates your proximity to identifying with Source is your emotions/feelings.  I’ve written other blogs which expand upon the “Emotional Guidance System,” with information based upon ideas presented by Abraham-Hicks.

So the location is your primary point of identity, the foundation is the intention which you build your life experiencing upon.

For purposes of illustration, I will share the foundational intentions for my life, and why they serve me well.

The broadest most general intention I hold is to enjoy my life.  This is a very broad intention which can be experienced regardless of time, place or conditions which are constantly changing in my life experiencing.

To be more specific in stating my life intention, I state that I intend to enjoy what I’m doing, who I’m doing it with, and where I am doing it.  These identifiers will tend to bring people into my life experience which contribute to my life enjoyment, they will tend to bring me to places I enjoy being, and lead me to do things I enjoy doing.  Another way of this being experienced is because joy wells up from within me, from the source of my being, the experiencing of joy is not dependent upon people, places or things but rather is the truest, most enduring attribute of my being which fills my life experiencing via the people, places and things expressing in my life.  The joy of my life, the enjoyment of my life radiates from the Source at the center/heart of my being and I experience this joy through all the life expressions which surround me.

Establishing a broad, general intention first, then adding more definition to the general intention helps to more clearly identify how those intentions can and will show up in life experiencing.  Joy will be the essence of whatever forms life experiencing expresses so that I don’t need to specifically identify the forms. 

To specifically identify the forms through which joy is allowed to express, limits the possibilities of its expression.  That is to say, for example, if I were to say, I intend to have this specific car, or this specific person in my life in order to experience joy, that is a very narrow intention based upon form and therefore not essence.

To further illustrate this idea, where my intention is to own a new car, I might add definition to it by saying, I want it to be a new 2012 red Ferrari Viper with black leather interior, the best stereo system, manual transmission, power windows, etc..  This sort of intention allows for the car which best aligns with my foundational intention to be manifest in my life. This sort of definition allows the universe to provide to me a car which aligns with my broad foundational intention and more specific intention, specific to the car form.

A similar approach could be used to identify a person who I’d like to have as a life partner.  Rather than saying my life partner has to be specifically this one person, I identify the characteristics or essence this person has I find appealing such as his appearance, his integrity of character, his sense of humor, his affections towards me and his loving, caring acceptance of me, our interests and intentions matching, and so on.  This way, I’ve defined the essence of the person which allows the universe to bring to me the perfect person who aligns with my foundational intention to enjoy my life and to enjoy who I am with.

So, consider your broad life intention when defining the essence of the form it takes in your life so that the intention, essence and form are in alignment.  In this way you can identify your specific preferences and find their expression manifesting most readily in your life experiencing.

And, when you don’t express a specific preference for a person, place, thing or experience, the foundational intention will automatically come into expression as enjoying life.  When you make it more important to enjoy your life, than the who what when and where of its expression, you allow for the greatest possibilities the universe can offer so that life is somewhat of a mystery but always assured of being enjoyable.

In summary:

The location (what you primarily identify with,) is most important when deciding where to place your life foundation.

The foundation is the general broad intention which encompasses fully the essence of your life.

1.     Consider first your primary intention, (I want to enjoy my life.)

2.     Align the essence of what you desire with your primary intention, (I want to enjoy who I am with.)

3.     Define your preferred form. (I want him\her to have these characteristics…)

If you choose to try out these ideas, give them ample opportunity to develop roots and grow in your life experiencing.  If you nurture these ideas, they will produce the fruits of life experiencing you most desire.  Take some time to recognize where your primary identity is, and consider shifting it towards the identity which is most stable, enduring and true.  Establish one broad general intention as the foundation upon which you build your life experiencing and refer back to it each time you desire something new or specific in your life experience.  Make sure your new desires are built upon the foundation and you will be sure to have a wonderful life.

Best regards,


Monday, November 7, 2011

Words without Emotion

By Jerome Dechant

Nov. 7, 2011

Everything you have ever read, and likely will ever read, is words without emotion.

Words may portray emotions, but in and of themselves, words are purely intellectual. Just as the word “apple” isn’t an apple, the word “love” isn’t love either. Words may be able describe an apple or love, but all words and therefore the intellect, falls short of the actual experiencing of an apple or love. If you truly want to know an apple, you must find one and experience it firsthand. If you want to know love, you must experience it firsthand. No book will ever satisfy the full understanding contained within the firsthand experiencing of a person, place or thing.

You might be able to find apples at a store near you, or you might be able to pick some off a tree. You will find apples are similar in many ways but none of them is exactly the same, even when picked from the same tree. The same might be said of love, that is to say, there are many expressions of love and while they all might have similarities, each expression is unique. Where do you find love? Most people look outside of themselves to people, places and things to find love, but in fact you will only find love welling up from within yourself because at the heart of your being is where love most fully resides. Love is a multi-colored emotion which wells up from within our heart while words are intellectual, black and white and reside within the mind.

When the mind (intellect,) and heart (emotions,) come together, and combine their attributes, something new is created, something which is greater than the parts. Wisdom.

Because love is one range of colors within the full color spectrum of the rainbow of emotions, it is only one part of the emotional color palate of expression the heart may express and therefore you may experience. That being true, we each may have preferences for the “color” of our emotional expression, and based upon that preference, we will tend to color the colorless, black and white intellectual material with that coloration. You might understand this better by the saying, “She sees the world through rose colored lenses.” If you are wearing rose colored glasses, everything you look upon has a rose colored tint to it. In the same way, if your predominate color of expression is within the anger range of the emotional spectrum, everything you read will be colored by that anger. If your predominate color of expression is doubt, everything you read will be colored by doubt.

Knowledge without the temperance of the heart can be cruel and “heartless” when applied to life experiencing, and actually, knowledge without an emotional quality to guide it is more often than not, the cause of hardships in our life experiencing.

When a person is predominately driven by the intellect, the cold, hard facts, the black and white of words, is the realm of his/her expression. Logic is the main tool an intellectually focused person is likely to use as the guiding force within his/her expression. Logic typically is indifferent to and doesn’t include emotions into the equation because emotions add unclear variables which are hard, if not impossible, to make fit into a logical box of expression.
 Words facilitate the Intellectual comprehension of thought and ideas. So reading this purely from an intellectual perspective, one may tend to consider what is written to determine whether what is written is logical or not. You may know, through your own experiencing right now, whether you are therefore predominately focusing from the intellectual perspective, if somewhere within you, a voice just said, “that sounds logical.”

A wise person will likely read this, see the logic of it, and then look to the heart to see how it feels as well. (A wise person is one who combines the attributes of the intellect and the heart to express something greater than the separate parts combined.) If a wise person understands his/her emotional preference in expression, he/she will evaluate what is written from a clearer perspective than one who doesn’t know and understand his/her predominate emotional expression.

A wise and clever writer will steer the reader towards the emotional expression he/she intends the reader to experience during the reading. Because the reader is at the helm of his/her life experiencing, whether that “steering” is heeded or not, is totally up to the reader. Once again, I say, because words do not contain emotion, the reader provides that part of the equation.

I must confess right here, I do not intend to be clever and to steer you towards an emotion I think you should be having right now. Whatever your conscious or unconscious choice of emotional expression at this moment is, I leave within your capable hands to choose. One thing I suggest though is that you intentionally choose a color of emotion to read this blog from, then read it from that “color” and notice how the reading of this blog changes for you. If you try this, from really different colors, you might come to better understand that how you perceive what is written is colored by your choices, whether conscious or unconsciously made.

The deepest wisdom reader will read this with crystal clarity, distorting it not with his/her own color perception. He/she will see it clearly as it is in radiant beauty, compassion and full understanding.

 Thank you for staying with me throughout this blog journey.

 Best regards,


Saturday, November 5, 2011

When Fear Stops You from Making Choices
by Jerome Dechant, Nov. 4, 2011

A friend recently posted a note on his Facebook page which has inspired this blog.  He said in part, “I'm smitten with the notion of romance, but I'm terrified of making the wrong choice.”  (I am pretty sure he doesn't read my blogs, but if he is reading this, thank you for inspiring this blog.)

So, if you are terrified of making the wrong choice, what is the result?  Typically, you don’t make a choice at all or actually the choice you make is not to make a choice.

Each choice contains within it the possibility to increase clarity and understanding as well as move us closer to the object of our desire.  With this understanding, even a “wrong choice” (one that doesn’t bring us closer to the object of our desire,) is really useful because it helps us more clearly to know what it is we do want.

When Edison was inventing the light bulb, he went through thousands of materials to use as filaments before he found the right one for the bulb.  They weren’t failures because they revealed to him materials which weren’t suitable to use as filaments.

If we approach choices in this way, we can discover the “materials” that aren’t useful for us.  You  have to be willing to try, to choose it, before you know whether it is the right one or not.

Sometimes it seems we only have 2 choices, this or that, when in reality there are actually many more possibilities we have excluded from our list of possible choices.  We’ve filtered out those other possibilities so that only 2 remain.

When both choices seem equally appealing or favorable, we need a way to determine which one will wield the results we most desire. One way to make that determination is to first consider possible choice number one.  How does that feel?  Notice how it feels when you think of yourself having made that as your choice.  If it feels really good, or if it feels not so good, make a mental note of how it feels.  You can even consider the feeling on a scale of 0 to 10, zero being a definite no type feeling and 10 being a definite yes type of feeling.

Then consider choice 2 as though you have taken that as your choice, follow the same procedure as described above.  Once you’ve evaluated both choices, and the feelings they’ve engendered, it may be more clear which one you want to pick.

There is the possibility that both choices will feel really good to you, so if that is the case, it doesn’t matter so much which one you choose, so flip a coin and let that make your decision for you.

The point is, to make a choice.  Each choice we make provides us with valuable information and experience which clarifies for us what we truly desire.  In order to find that clarity, we must make those choices.

The other part of what he said, about being terrified of making the wrong choice reveals he’s made choices before which resulted in what he didn’t wanted so that now when offered choices that feeling of terror associated with those prior choices pops up, sort of like a warning signal telling him to stop.

It is possible that when offered those choices which instilled the initial terror factor, he was very young and didn’t know about paying attention to his inner feelings which, when understood and used, serve as an excellent guide for making choices.

So now, the terror blocks his way for discovery and the accomplishments he desires.  This is the troll at the gate which won’t let him pass.  So in order to proceed, he must get rid of that troll.

How to get rid of the troll at the gate:

The troll shows up when an important choice is presented to us, so we know the condition under which it shows its ugly face.

The next thing to know is that the troll isn’t really here in this moment.  While we may be feeling the “terror” the troll represents, the troll really is only a memory conjured up from within our own self.  We need to understand this point fully and deeply.  In other words, in the moment we are experiencing the terror, we are bringing it into our experience.  Most of the time, this is an automatic response, not one we consciously and intentionally bring forth.  But when it does show up, it presents us with a wonderful opportunity to let it go.  And, that is another choice we have in the moment, is the troll/terror serving us well and therefore worth keeping around, or can we get along better without it?  We must realize as long as we allow it to block our path, we will not get to the “promised land” or the fulfillment of our desire.

You can’t fight with it, you will certainly loose if you do try to fight with your troll, but there is another way.  There is the way of dissolving it which isn’t an intellectual exercise, but rather an experiential exercise.

There is a process you can do called Faster EFT which facilitates releasing the trolls which haunt us and keep us from experiencing our life more fully.  You can view videos and find out more about this procedure by using this link: http://www.youtube.com/user/HealingMagic.  Try it, and see if it works for you, it doesn’t cost anything and may really be able to assist you in being rid of your trolls and demons.

If you are truly on the path of self-discovery, each moment in life expression is an opportunity to take another step forward on that path.  In doing so we uncover more of who and what we actually are.  The more you know about who and what you actually are, the better enabled you are to take the next step which unfolds before us our path.

Each step is a choice, conscious or unconsciously made.  Some steps require conscious consideration while others do not.  As we become more familiar with who and what we actually are, determining which choices require conscious consideration will become easier and easier to recognize.  As we attune to our broader perspective where clarity more fully resides, we can see which choices will serve us best.  Depending on how determined you are, you might choose to deviate from the direct path and enjoy discoveries on the side road.  As the navigator of your life experiencing, it is up to you, , , to choose, and knowing that the trolls on your path are there because you put them there enables you to realize also that if you put them there, you can dismiss them as well. 

In this moment of choice, if a troll shows up, know that it might have been useful to you in the past, and in this moment, you can decide whether it is useful now.  Since you put it here, you are in control of it and can just as easily dismiss it.  “Thanks, you may go now.”  And, with that it is gone. (It is that easy when you fully know and realize the troll is your creation.)  If you should decide you need the troll again, you can summon it just as easily as you dismiss it.

Go forward upon your life path and see what’s out there for you to choose, without fear of doing so.